Chapter 45

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Farah's POV :
Trey just wasn't the same anymore, and I had to learn to accept that.

Nothing was the same.

He wasn't the same.

I wasn't the same.

We weren't the same.

I stopped chewing, sitting in the silence of the room. I had no desire to argue with him, for I have done that with him enough.

His anger came from no where. I just wanted a peaceful day, but with Trey it could never be that way.

I sighed, slowly beginning to eat my food again. In moments, he appeared from behind me, calm looking.

He walked back into the kitchen in front of me, giving me a hard stare.

Keep your guard up Farah, I told myself.

"I apologize for how I just acted." He frowned, hesitating.

"Why do you act that way?" I asked astonished.

"I just." He took in a deep sigh. "Farah." He huffed again.

"What is it?" I badgered him.

"Every time I let you go, is an opportunity for someone better to have you. When you love something so much you don't want to let it leave you. If you find an apartment you're going to find friends, a boyfriend, all of that. Because I let you go." He looked pained.

"You expect me to stay with the way you treat me." I stated.


"I will not be talked to like I'm under you. You don't respect me the way you once did!" I muttered. "That first night in college, you told me I was beautiful, you were so kind at your concert. Everyone is right, things change after you fuck a person."

"That's not why I changed. Every relationship goes through things. Farah if you want a happy love story I've got news for you, it doesn't exist. I never did love, for this reason here. I did it, I'm doing it for you. I've come to realize space away from you does not help." He frowned.

"I just don't see the point anymore." I admitted.

"I can't make you see anything. If you don't want this you need to go." He lifted his head towards the door.

So I'm in this same place, debating on leaving Trey. I know he thinks I will come back, but once I leave I don't want to. I need to let go.

"That's what you want?" My voice was airy.

"I just don't want the leftover pain." He said dryly.

A tear streamed down my eye. The last time I separated from Trey he disappeared. He was very good at that.

"I honestly don't know what I want. This broken love, it's so awful." I sobbed.

He quickly came in front of me, lifting up my body. He carried me like a baby to the couch, sitting down with me in his arms.

He began to sing to me. I can't even remember the last time I heard his beautiful voice... It was in college the last time he sang to me.

I closed my eyes, falling to sleep in the lovely twist of Trey's words. Everything he sang he couldn't say.

Loving Trey is such a painful and beautiful thing at the same time.

For The Love Of Trey SongzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora