Chapter 48

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Trey's POV |
Flashback :
"We just aren't compatible." I told Alexis.

"We can make something work." She tugged on my arm.

"No. We can't. I'm going to college soon, I think it's best we go our separate ways."

"What the fuck? After all the things I did for you. A part of me basically lives within you." She raised her voice.

"That's how you feel." I put my hands up.

"Trey.. Why can't we be together? I mean gosh... We've been fucking forever, what's going to happen here?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Alexis, I'm leaving you."

"Don't be stupid." She rolled her eyes.

"I don't want you."

"Of course you do." She shook her head. "You do." She moved close to me, trying to kiss my cheeks.

"Please." I stood up hesitating. "Stop."

I moved towards her bedroom door, closing it behind me. I took off down the hallway, as she called after me. She began to chase me.. But I was already in my car when she reached the bottom of her apartment complex.

I never communicated with her again.

End of flashback.

I looked to Farah with her crossed arms, summing up how I knew Alexis, but she was not fully convinced.

"Why didn't it work?" She asked me.

"Because she's fucking crazy. Can we get in the car please?" I begged.

"Yeah." She shrugged, walking to the car.

"I don't like her." I said as I drove off.

"Ok." She said dryly.

"Why don't you believe me dammit?" I spit a harsh look at her.

"You've basically fucked her a thousand times." Farah crossed her arms.

"Nine." I corrected her.

"Even better. Nine fucking times your dick was in her pussy." She raised her voice.

"Someone is jealous?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"The fuck I'm not. If you want to fuck a hoe, go be a hoe." She shrugged, pulling her phone out.
"Besides, it's nothing for August to swim in my pussy."

I snatched the phone out of her hand without thinking. I threw it to the back seat, making her yell at me.

"What the fuck did you just say in my car?" I choked on my words.

"I don't know." Her voice was cold as she saw the anger grow in my eyes.

I faced my head towards the road, driving in silence.

"I didn't mean it." She spoke up.

"Sometimes, it's just good to shut the fuck up and listen to me when I say I care about only you. But I've came to the conclusion that will never be good enough." I shrugged dryly.

"That's not true I just don't like seeing girls you used to sleep with. Would you want to see guys I slept with if I slept with everyone?" She asked.


"My point." She nodded her head.

I sent her a glare, putting my head back towards the road. She always wanted to be fucking right, she could never own up to the dumb shit she said.

"So you know how to get there from here?" She asked when we got on the highway.


Farah's POV |
The car was dead silent on the way to my parents house. Trey was so angry.. At this point I didn't even know why.

He doesn't understand how jealous, I admit... I get when I see his fellow hoes.

It disgusts me how many girls Trey has fucked but i can't change what he's done. I can't imagine what the girls went through, he just left them, like it was easy.

I wouldn't doubt it was easy, the way he carries things on. Sometimes I just wish his heart was bigger.

As we pulled up in the driveway I notified the family really was gone.

"Are you coming?" I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"What do you need help with?" He asked irritated.

"Whatever the fuck I say I need help with." I fought back.

"Get out."

"What?" My jaw dropped, not processing the words coming from his mouth.

"Get out. I've about had it with you today. Call August to pick you up cause this shit right here. You always think you so fucking right and it's annoying as hell. You can't own up to shit. I'll put up with a lot of stuff but you know damn well ain't no girl gone tell me what the fuck to do like I'm a slave. You really take shit for granted, so like I said a couple seconds before... Get out." He shrugged.

I stepped out of his car, tears filling my eyes. I watched as he bent over, slamming his car door and backing out of the driveway.

All I could do was cry. Why couldn't anything ever be right?

I was so angry. Not even with myself but with Trey. No matter what it was he was so quick to give up.

I punched in August's number.

"Hello?" He answered on the fourth ring.

"I know this is like an out of league favor, but can I please spend some nights with you.. I'm kind of stranded right now." I laughed.

"So you and Trey got into an argument and now you expect me to just be there as a second choice?" He asked me.

"N-no.. I just.. Um."

"Where are you?" August sighed into the phone.

I nicely gave him the address.

"I'll be there soon." He hung the phone up.

I huffed, giving myself a hug as I walked up into the house.



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