Chapter 7.

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Farah's POV :
"So when do you start classes?" Trey asked me, wiping food from his mouth with a napkin.

"I actually did some rearranging with my classes. I start next week." I stated.

"Stalling?" He chuckled.

"No, I just have a lot to do. You know like unpacking. My moms supposed to bring my car down today. I sure hope she does. I haven't even called her since I said bye to her."

"You're an independent woman now, that's how college will be. What do you want to be?"

"A doctor maybe. Or a nurse."

"And that's what you want to be?" He flinched his eyebrow.

"I guess, I sort of like writing." I said embarrassed.

"You could write for me." He said, standing up to throw his food away.

I had barely touched mine, I wasn't really hungry today.

"Funny." I huffed, taking a small bite out of my toast.

"I'm serious." He said walking back to where he was sitting at his table.

"I haven't told you yet. I have a singing audition tomorrow afternoon." He said uneasy.

"And if you make it?" I asked him.

"I won't be at this college, I'll be making records, and traveling." He said quietly.

My heart shattered into millions of pieces. I knew Trey would make it. He had the voice of an angel. He would find some other girl, and forget about me. I would be alone, unsure of myself.

"Leave?" I choked on my word.

He nodded his head slowly.

"That's why I said you could write for me. I like being with you a lot Farah, there is much to come for us. All those words I read on your book, you were born to be a writer. Not a damn doctor." He chuckled.

"Okay that writing is fantasy. I need an actual goal, like a doctor." I snapped.

"Because your parents want that right?" He teased me.

"Do not bring my parents into this. It's good I just leave now. The pain won't be as hurtful. I don't know why you got involved with me."

"I told you-"

"I know, and I was so stupid to ever trust you, any words that came from your mouth." I huffed, tears welling up into my eyes.

"I just met you Farah." He stated.

"I wish you the best." I laughed with a scowl in my voice. I stood up and threw my food into his trash can. Then I hustled towards the door.

"Don't, leave." He pleaded.

"Give me a reason not to." I rolled my eyes, slamming it behind me.

I trotted down the hallway, and Trey didn't follow after me. This was it, whatever I had or could have had with Trey, was over, so fast.

When I returned inside my apartment, I finished unpacking. I set the boxes in a corner until tomorrow. I couldn't help thinking about Trey leaving.

I know it was so stupid of how I felt, but he helps me find myself. Without him, I'll probably end up being this stuck up prep my parents always wanted me to be. He was right, I didn't actually want to be a doctor.

My parents wanted me to. And It was good for me, but my love is in writing, it always has been. My parents continued to tell me I would fail in writing, so I stopped. I walked over to the chair, where my phone was now fully charged. I unhooked it and decided I would give my mom a call.

"Bueno?" She answered after a couple rings.

"Hi Mami." I greeted her.

"Hola señora. ¿Que pasa?"

"Nothing much. Just finished unpacking. Are you bringing my car down anytime soon?" I asked with hope.

"Yes, your father will bring it down sometime this evening."

"Sounds good, how is everything?" I asked her.

"Oh señora. Clara was at her friends house, she left something in the car so I went to her friends door. She opened it with Clara and they were smoking weed! The girls parents weren't even home!"

"Clara hasn't changed a bit." I said with disgrace, angry I even forgave her in the first place.

"I'm washing dishes right now, I will tell everyone you said hello, and tell your father to bring your car down soon enough."

"Sounds good." I huffed.

"Adiós." She stated, hanging the phone up.

I clicked out of the phone app and checked my messages. I had to figure out something with Eric, we had too much history to just throw it away. I clicked the dial on his phone.

"Farah?" He answered in shock.

"Eric.. What are you doing today?" I asked uneasily.

"You're forgiving me?"

"Not officially." I laughed slightly.

"Nothing, could i come over later?" He asked politely.

"Sure, seven?" I asked him.

"Sounds great, bye." He said warmly, clicking the line off. I set my phone down on the chair, and scampered to the bathroom. Sometime during this day I would need to get dressed.

I've decided to make my chapters shorter. I don't want Yall readers to be like OMG when does this end. So yeah... I have a lot coming up in the next chapter, please keep reading!

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