Chapter 25.

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Farah's POV :
"Please talk to me Farah." Trey begged.

"There is nothing to talk about. We are done." I whispered.

"Done?" He raised his eyebrows.

"Right." I agreed, closing my eyes.

There was a long pause of silence before I heard Trey's voice.

"So you're probably wondering about the girl I kissed on tv. Well it was a celebrity crush event I had to go to for my tour, and I had an interview and they asked if I could pick a celebrity crush who would it be. And so I said it, Vanessa Hudgens. And she happened to be there so I, I kissed her. We kissed each other. But I don't like her, we are just friends. I know you're mad too but we are not done. We're never ending this, and i'm not leaving you, ever." He pulled on my body.

I opened my eyes, looking directly into his. Vanessa Hudgens, wow. I know nothing about celebrities but this somehow tells me they will come across each other again. But what would I do without Trey? God.. I needed him too.

"I'm never leaving you again." He rubbed my hair, moving in closer to me.

"Mmm." I mumbled to myself.

"Baby, I don't mean to rush you, but we have to be back on the road tonight. We're going to LA next. I have to film this music video, remember? And I'm auditioning for a movie. There's a girl and boy part in the film, it's an action love movie, audition." He urged me.

"What?" I laughed. "I would never make it."

"Yes you would. Because both of us are going to practice on the bus tonight. Think of how amazing it would be we started as friends, you were my song writer, lovers, now lovers in a film.. This would be so big Farah and change both of our lives." He shook me.

"Fine." I agreed. I was kind of fascinated at the idea of being famous.

"Well, another thing. It's like five, we have to leave at five-ten. Can I carry you to the bus?" He asked me.

"I can walk." I turned over, stepping out of bed.

"We will probably see Jessica on our way down, she knows what time we leave." He told me.

"Okay." I grabbed my phone and shoes, walking to the door.

Trey jogged up behind, after checking to see if any of us were leaving anything, and closed the door.

Jessica was walking back our direction, a bad look slowly crossing her face.

"You're going with him?" She asked shocked.

"Of course.. We are good." I nodded.

"Excuse me Trey I need Farah for a second." She pulled me around the corner.

"Hasn't he hurt you enough?" She yanked my arm.

"I can't leave him." I told her.

"He's going to kill you inside. He got that Vanessa Hudgen's bitch's number. He will do nothing but hurt you Farah believe me! Just stay." Jessica begged.

"Jessica, I love you, so much. But I will not stay. I will see you soon, and keep in touch with you. Stay safe baby."

I pulled her in for a hug.

Trey crossed the corner then, confusion in his eyes.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yeah.." I looked to him then to Jessica.

"Let's go." He reached out for my hand.

"Take care, Jessica." Trey said calmly.

We walked in the rain towards the bus, already ready to go.

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