Chapter 47

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Farah's POV :
"I'm not leaving." I kissed his cheek.

"Good." He said encouragingly. "I don't want you to."

"I really need to get to my parents house to get my things to bring here..." I trailed off.

"You'll stay?" His eyes widened. "Please Farah oh my god."

"I'm thinking about it." I giggled.

He reached for the remote, pausing the movie.

"Uh Trey!" I scolded him for stopping it.

"Fuck the movie." He pulled me close to him. "Live with me Farah."

"Don't force me to, or I won't want to." I whispered.

He took in a sigh, looking down. He lifted his face back up to me, he just handled his anger.

"Ok." He kissed my forehead.

"Do you mind taking me now? They want my stuff gone and I want it gone too."

"Yeah." He moved his body from mine. "Let's go." He stood up.

I headed towards the door.

"Wait I need my phone." I told him.

"Here." He grabbed it off the kitchen counter, along with the car keys.

"Thank you."

He opened the apartment door for me, a huge breeze whipping me in the face.

"I should've brought you out a jacket. Wait here." He ran back inside.

I sighed, checking for missed messages. August hasn't talked to me since I left for Trey at the hospital. I really don't know what's up with him, I figured he'd of texted me.

I punched in his contact name to send him a text.

Me : August I haven't heard from you.. Trey's ok and sorry for walking out on you.
August : finally text me, it's okay.
Me : I wasn't aware you wanted me to..
August : You are now
Me : True...
August : I'm working on a new album rn so I'm going to text you later.
Me : Okay

I tucked the phone back in my pocket when Trey walked out of the building.

"Here." He took a jacket from off his shoulder.

"Thank you."

He led me down the apartment elevator, to the bottom. It began pouring once again. When we got into his car I dialed my mother's number in.

"Are you coming?" She answered the phone.
"Yeah now." I answered sternly.
"Well we will just leave the door open and you can send me a text when you leave because we don't want to see you." She mumbled.
"That works."
"Bye." She hung the line up.

"Good news?" Trey put a hand on my leg as we drove out of the complex.

"No, no good news."

"What did she say?" He asked curiously.

"Told me to text her when I was finished getting my things because they don't want to see me." I shrugged.

"If you're letting that bother you-"

"I'm not letting it bother me." I interrupted him.

He shot me a glance, not continuing with the conversation. He switched the subject.

"So why did you want to see the Fault In Our Stars so much?"

"I like the idea of fighting for love." I shrugged.

"It wasn't that bad of a movie." He nodded.

"You slept half of the time." I rolled my eyes.

"Guilty." A smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah." I sighed, turning to look out of the window.

"I think you need some sleep, would you agree?" He hummed to himself.

"Just really not in the mood."

"I didn't ask if you were." He made a turn at the light.

I looked towards him, giving him a blank look.

"Tell me which way to get there I forgot."

"Down the road turn right then hit the highway."

"Okay, I'm going to stop to get gas." We came upon a gas station.

"I'm coming in. Have to use the bathroom." I mumbled.

We parked in the very front, both of us getting out at the same time.

Inside I walked to the bathroom, while I watched Trey walk to the cashier to pay for the gas.

"Eww." I said to myself, looking at the dirty bathroom.

When I walked back in the lobby I noticed Trey laughing with a Colombian looking female at the register.

I came up behind them, putting my hand tightly around Trey's. The Colombian girl gave me a surprised stare, as Trey looked quickly over to me.

"This is an old high school friend. Her name is Alexis." He smiled from me to her.

"Oh." I let off a blank look.

"Nice to meet you... Farah. I loved your movie." She chuckled.


I let go of Trey's hand, swishing my hips out of the store. There was definitely something more than a friendship between Trey and the Alexis girl.

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