Chapter 20.

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Trey's POV :
I knew two things. One, I was now living the life of my dreams. Two, I was insanely, indescribably crazy about Farah.

The way she talked, walked, her accent, body, everything was absolutely perfect. And I didn't just adore her body, I grew to adore her. The actual person she was. Never in my life have I cared about someone so much, even my own family.

She changed something inside of me. I could breathe normal again, think normal again, learn to love. I was so scared I would loose her.

She is so silly to get jealous over me loving another girl or being with another girl. If only she knew how deeply I cared for her soul.

The more I was with her the more I wanted her.

I was interrupted as Jessica entered the room and informed me we were at the hotel. She looked annoyed, and irritated, but honestly I didn't care at all. I shook Farah slightly and woke her up.

"We are at the hotel." She told me.

"Um okay. I'll wake Farah up." I nodded.

"I can wake her up. I need some alone time with her. Besides, the men up front want you."

"Okay." I huffed, stepping out of the bed and heading towards the front of the bus.

Farah's POV :
When my eyes opened, Jessica appeared in front of me. It had been awhile since I've actually been close to her.

"We're here." She slightly smiled.

I yawned and stretched up looking around me. I gave her a tiny smile and hustled out of bed.

"Aaron called for you." She gulped.

"What?" I turned back at her.

"Your phone is in my purse, but he called me asking for you.." She trailed off.

"Oh.." I said calmly. "What did he say?" I asked cooly.

"He misses you. I told him I would tell you to call him."

"Fine, give me your phone." I told her.

She took out her phone and flipped through a couple of screens, then handed over her phone.

"It's ringing." She said as she handed it to me.
After a couple of rings, Aaron answered.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey.. It's um Farah." I said cooly as possible.

"Thank god." He sighed.

"Jessica said to call you.." I trailed off.

"I miss you. I really do Farah. Are you sure you're making the right decision?" He asked abruptly.

"Yes, yes Aaron. I have to go.. Hopefully I will talk to you soon." I said clicking the line off.

I hustled past Jessica after setting the phone down on the bed, not even making eye contact with her. Something was wrong with her.

Suddenly she was acting so bitter and weird, I didn't want her here anymore. I found Trey waiting outside of the bus for me.

"What took so long?" He glared.

"She made a phone call to Aaron." Jessica but in, sending fire through Trey.

"You did what?" His fists clenched.

"Jessica told me to! What the hell is your problem Jessica?" I shouted.

"You're making a mistake is my damn problem! All Trey wants from you is your virginity, and writing! He couldn't give less of an honest fuck about you, just like me.."

"So that's what your attitude is all about! You can't stand the fact that I've licked her, touched her, cared for her like I've never cared for you. I care for her. Not just her looks Jessica, but her. And you can't stand it, that I could care less about you!" He snapped.

"I just don't want you to hurt her, like I know you fucking will." She scowled with tears in her eyes, walking past the both of us.

"Please don't believe her Farah. I care about you. I do." He pleaded.

"I know." I nodded, taking his hand and walking into the hotel.

Farah's POV :
The security guard, bus driver, and Jessica all got their own rooms, and then there was Trey and I in one room. We sat down awkwardly on the bed, both not saying much. He ended up scooting up on the bed. I sat still, feeling incredibly too awkward.

"Come up here." He called behind me.

I rolled my eyes and turned around. I crawled up to Trey and layed beside him.

"What's wrong?" He asked with annoyance.

"Nothing." I argued back.

"I hate you like this. I wish this moment could be perfect right now." He rolled his eyes.

"So it's not perfect?" I gasped, standing up and over the bed.

"Hey." He ran behind me, lifting me up over his shoulder.

I laughed as he smashed me into the bed, pushing his body against mine.

"I want to feel you." He whispered into my ear.
As much as I wanted to have sex with Trey, something in the back of my head said not to.

"Not tonight." I mumbled.

"Why?" He asked with curiosity.

"I just, I don't know you well enough to trust you with my virginity. I can't bear with you taking it if I don't know this is real.." I trailed off.

"What is real to you then?"

Hey guys. So yeah kind of a shorter chapter. It might be a while until I update again because I'll be updating my other book Harry Styles : Lost.. Please read it for me.. Yeah xoxoxo

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