Chapter 23.

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Farah's POV :
I gave Trey a tight squeeze before saying goodbye.

This was good for me to spend some quality time with Jessica. She looked happy now actually, and as much as I regretted it, a part of me wanted to see Aaron, and even Eric.

God what am I doing with my life? I walked with Jessica to her dorm, where she only unpacked a couple of things.

"Do you miss him?" She asked casually.

"Oh no." I shrugged while sitting on her bed.

"I'm good." I assured her.

"Aaron wants to see you. I told him he could come over.." She looked uneasy.

"Ok cool." I shrugged again.

I wasn't going to overact, besides it wouldn't hurt to say hello to Aaron, he was a very good friend to me.

We sat there for a couple of moments before there was a knock on the door.

"Coming." Jessica called.

I stood up awkwardly as Jessica opened the door to Aaron. He barely made eye contact with her, his eyes immediately darted towards me. Jessica noticed, but didn't seem to mind much. I shot Aaron a slight smile and waved my hand.

"Hey." He sighed smiling, walking my direction.

He approached me, pulling me in hard for a long hug.

"Mm." I coughed.

"Sorry.." He pulled back. "I just missed you man." He frowned.

"I missed you too. How have you been?" I asked casually.

"Sad, nobody to talk to in class." He laughed.

"But you're doing what you want so." He added.

"Yeah, I am." I agreed, looking to Jessica as if signaling for her to say something.

"So." She clapped. "Let's play something?" She suggested smiling.

"Ughhh." I groaned.

"Oh hush. On the floor. We're playing truth or dare." She smirked.

Why was Jessica suggesting this? I just wanted to spend some time with her and she invites over Aaron?

"I'll start." She sat down.

Aaron and I made eye contact with each other before walking over to the floor. I sat down in front of Jessica, and Aaron sat between us.

"Aaron, truth or dare?" Jessica raised an eyebrow at him.

"Um, truth? I guess." He shrugged.

"What's the first thing you thought of when you walked through that door. The honest truth." Jessica reminded him.

"M, Farah. My turn." He said quickly. "Truth or dare Jessica?" He looked to her.

"Truth." She answered.

"Why are we playing this?" He asked her.

"Cause it's a classic, Duh! My turn." She directed her attention to me.

"Truth or dare Farah?" She smiled.

"Dare, I guess." I didn't want to answer questions.

"I dare you to kiss Aaron." She said quickly.

"K, done playing this." I stood up.

"It's just a game Farah." He chuckled under his breath.

"What the fuck is wrong with both of you? You're disgusting." I rolled my eyes, walking to one of the beds in the room.

"It's funny how much he's changed you already." He said shocked.

"Excuse me?" I raised my voice.

"Do you not remember how sweet you were before you left Farah? We actually, like we're talking. Now you're acting like I'm your worst enemy. You used to be so nice and innocent. How can you not see the new you that you've become?" He shook his head.

It suddenly hit me that I had changed. I used to love to spend time with the both of them, and now I was acting like they were peasants. I honestly didn't know why I was acting the way I was. I didn't see how different I was acting.

"I'm sorry.. I, I didn't know." I admitted.

"Okay." Aaron nodded.

"So can we keep playing? Everything that happens stays between us." Jessica told me.

"That's not the point Jessica." I sat back down.

"Exactly, there is no point. It's just a game, have some fun.. Lord." She rolled her eyes.

"No Jessica." I persisted.

"Whatever then." She stood up annoyed. "What do you wanna do then watch a movie?" She suggested.

"Yeah." Aaron and I agreed.

"Okay, well I'm going to go down the hall and get one from the box, do you two want to wait here?" She asked us.

"Yeah." We agreed again.

Jessica grabbed the room key and left the room. I looked over at the wall and occasionally smiled at Aaron when he glanced at me.

"You can't honestly say any of this is right. Us being like this." He came and sat beside me on the bed.

"I know Aaron, it's just, I like Trey, and I don't want to ruin anything over anything not worth it, you know?" I looked at him.

"Mmm." He shrugged.

"Yeah." I looked down.

"Just one kiss, please." He begged. "Please, for the game."

"Aaron-" everything was interrupted as his plump lips smashed against mine. Oh my god.
This was like cheating. He fought through my lips with his tongue, and I wasn't stopping him. For some reason I wanted him to do this. Eventually he let go.

"I needed that." He breathed.

The sound of the door moved and I quickly ran to the other bed and laid down on my back. Jessica walked in to me laying there, and I was glad she didn't see anything else.

"Everything good?" She asked us.

"Um, yeah." Aaron scratched his head.

"Cool, no let's get to this movie." She smiled.

I couldn't believe what I've done. Something in my mind told me Trey would find out, and if he did, he would be so mad. I'm so disgusted by what just happened.

This chapter is so short lol. 200 VIEWS!!! Yay!! Can we get to 300? Tell your friends or anyone to check this book out for me!! Thanks so much for reading, might update again tonight lol! Xoxo

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