Chapter 1.

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Farah's POV :
It was hard to believe I only had a week left until I began college life.

My older brother Mark, who is now happily married with two children, says you get a lot of freedom.

Of course, you have to be organized, and focused, but you can also party, and do what you like.

My goal through high school was to do well enough to get accepted into a great college, which I did. In a week, I would be a member of Georgia Tech. I was more than delighted to get into the college. My parents have constantly pushed me through my whole life, to do great, and the work is finally paying off.

I set down a white shirt on a box in my room. I decided I would take a break from packing. I plopped down onto my soft bed, I would definitely miss laying here. I looked towards the ceiling, remembering when I was young, and first moved into this house.

I recalled scampering up the stairs, naming this "Farah's Castle." I could truly call this my home.

"Señora?" My mom startled me. I lifted myself up and glanced toward the door.

"Yeah?" I asked uneasy.

"You aren't packing.." She trailed off frowning, putting her hands on her hips.

She was so sassy, but I liked that about her. She was an average hispanic mom, she just wanted her kid to be successful.

Her hair was short, and straight, and she was a bit chubby, but not fat. She had a kind, welcoming face, and greeted everyone friendly.

"I am taking a break. I am tired." I confessed, huffing.

She stepped into my room, looking around. Clothes were layed out everywhere, and my closet was no where near empty.

"You have only a matter of days until you go off to college. You need to get this together." She scolded, stepping carefully over items on the floor.

"I will, just trust me okay?" I rolled my eyes.

"I'll trust you once I see you doing the work. If your not doing this, you need to spend time with Clara." She looked me in the eyes, then walked out of the room.

Clara was my younger sister. She was thirteen, and we didn't get along, at all.

I've only had a connection with my older brother, I haven't ever been fond of Clara, which my parents thought was a bad thing, so I was forced to take time out of my day to spend time with her.

I reached onto my dresser, grabbing my iPhone. Three calls from Eric. Butterflies flooded my stomach. I had been talking to Eric for now three months, and I find it awkward and embarrassing that he hasn't asked me out yet, but I don't mind. I know he cares for me and I care for him.

Our parents have met, and they like each other. I guess that's all the matters at the moment. I dialed in Eric's number, no answer. I decided to send him a quick text.

*Babbby.. Call me. I miss you.* I sent him. I slid my phone back on the dresser and tapped my thighs, hoping at any minute he would reply, and explain why he missed my call.

"Ugh.." I slammed my head against my mattress, realizing how good a nap would be right now.

A buzz came from my phone and i jolted up, reaching quickly for it. A smile was spread across my face, while I checked who called me. Tamie. Tamie was I guess my friend. I talked to her a lot, but never out of school really.

She was just wishing me good luck in college, her voicemail informed me.

I typed in the first digits of her number, then decided against it. I tried calling Eric again. This time he answered.

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