Chapter 26.

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Farah's POV :
Los Angeles was absolutely beautiful.

I've never seen a city so lit and full of life. I already loved being here. We arrived at night, but it was okay. Trey's security guard and bus driver stayed on the bus while Trey and I checked into a hotel. Girls from all around became obsessed with Trey, all asking for his autograph and reporting he was in their hotel.

Eventually the security guard came in and hustled us to our room. He notified us that eventually Trey would need to hire more guards. The time was different in L.A, which was something I had to get used to. We had to get up at five tomorrow in order to make it to the audition at 7:30. I was nervous, but confident. This was a whole new life, a new way for me to start over.

The way I see it, if I make this role, and become famous, I'll be able to have more going for me, with or without Trey.

We each were looking over lines on separate beds in the room.

"You know your lines?" He looked over to me.

"Yeah.. I feel good about this role." I nodded back to him.

"You'll make it, I know you will." He smiled.

"I'm going to bed so I'll be able to look decent enough tomorrow. Goodnight." I smiled.

"Goodnight." He said back in a hushed tone.

Something inside of me wished he would've kissed me before he went to sleep.

Trey's POV :
After I cut the room lights out, my mind was full of thoughts. I brought Farah here for a reason. To start over, get into publicity, and reach fame.

I see something amazing buried inside of her. Eventually, we would fall out. I knew it. I love Farah. I mean, I have never loved anyone more.. But we wouldn't be forever, I could feel it. My feelings grow weaker each day, I can't put my finger on why. God maybe it's mixed emotions.

Something inside of me wants Vanessa, and I know I'm so wrong for saying that. I just like a change sometimes, and if she gets this role, after we make this movie, she will be stronger, and able to pull any guy. I will hire new song writers, after my money is right, and we will grow apart.

That is what I want. I don't want to break her heart, and I never want to fully loose her.

I just don't know what I want, and until I find it, I can't just stay around Farah all day everyday... I'm more than thankful to have her be in my life. She was the one who got me to where I am right now. I feel so wrong for thinking about leaving her. I hope when I find myself enough to tell her, we can be good friends, at least..

Farah's POV :
I woke up to the sound of my phone alarm. Trey was already awake, getting dressed in front of me. He looked over to me, as I smiled at him.

"You've never looked so happy to see me." Trey chuckled.

"I'm extra happy today." I grinned, stretching.

"Well, isn't that amazing." A small smile spread across his face.

"I'm ready when you are, the traffic here isn't like atlanta, we need to go soon." He informed me.

"Okay." I slid out of bed, scampering to my suitcase.

I quickly slid on some nice clothes, and applied light makeup. My hair was natural and wavy.

"How do I look?" I turned towards him.

"Good." He nodded.

My self esteem quickly dropped. Good? Since when does Trey think I look "good." He noticed the awkward expression across my face as I looked into the mirror.

For The Love Of Trey SongzOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora