Chapter 44

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Farah's POV |

"I should probably take a shower and get the things from my mom's house. I mean I don't have clothes." I itched through my hair.

"Yeah. You should." He agreed in a dry matter.

"I think I'm ready to start putting my money to some use with an apartment." I looked over at him.

"Don't want to live here huh?" His mouth spread to a smile.

"I think it's good for me to have my own place that's all." My dimples shown.

"I hear ya." Once again he replied dryly.

I thought about August wanting to help me so bad, but at this point seeing him wouldn't be good for Trey. I had to keep in reminder he tempted, well tried committing suicide. He was very distant from it, like he didn't want to speak on it. I wanted to read his mind, to travel inside his world for a while.

"Well, I'm just going to take my shower than." I walked towards the bathroom.

"Ok." He laid back onto the bed.

I rolled my eyes inside my head, entering the bathroom. I needed to stop having sex with Trey. Every time I have sex with him something goes wrong. I feel used.

I slid into Trey's shower after undressing. I let the warm water soak into my skin. I used the soap on the shower bar to wash my body off.

I felt much cleaner after my shower. I stepped out and over to the closet, wrapping a towel around my body. I didn't feel like putting on the same clothes.

I opened the bathroom door, deciding to ask Trey if he had anything to wear.

"Hey Tr-" I walked out of the bathroom.

There was a t shirt and pair of basketball shorts layed out, with a note.

"Went to pick up food. Thought maybe you wouldn't want to put on the same dirty clothes. I really wish you would live with me by the way." The note read.

I smiled to myself, picking the clothes up and making my way back to the bathroom.

"Impressive." I said to myself.

I applied perfume, sliding the boxers and t shirt on. Hopefully Trey didn't mind I didn't put any underwear or a bra on.

I was beyond comfortable in his clothes. It felt like heaven.

I cleaned the bathroom up, leaving everything in a neat pile.

I pranced out of his room, entering the living room. It was so quiet in his house. He needed a radio of some sort.

I jumped when the front door opened and he entered in with Waffle House bags. That sounded amazing right now.

"My clothes fit well?" He questioned me, gazing up and down my body.

"They are very comfortable." I agreed.

"You look even better wearing me." He winked.

For that infinite moment, I could have sworn I had the old Trey back.

"Well thank you. How did you know i would want Waffle House?" I crossed my arms, following him to the kitchen bar.

"I'm hoping you do? Because I spent about two hundred dollars on breakfast." He shrugged.

"Two hundred?" I gasped.

"I got a little bit of everything.. For you of course my dear." He flirted with me.

"Well that was very considerate of you." I clapped. "Thank you." I rushed to place a kiss on his cheek.

"Why my cheek?" He leaned against the counter.

"Can I please eat?" I laughed desperately, making his teeth shimmer.

"Eat." He pointed to all the food.

I hurried up to the bags, taking the smell of waffles, sausage, bacon, eggs, even sandwiches. I wanted everything. I grabbed a little of each, pushing it to the bar so I could sit.

"Here's some silverware." He handed a fork, spoon, and knife to me.

"Thank you." I took it kindly, beginning to dig into my food.

Trey just watched me, strongly.

"What?" I stopped chewing.

"I like watching you eat." He looked amused.

"Well, I don't like you watching me eat." I frowned.

He laughed, walking up to the bags himself.

"I guess I'll eat with you." He stated dryly.

"How could anyone resist Waffle House?" I took a bite of bacon.

"You're right." He agreed, eating in front of me.


"So, what about this getting your stuff from your parents house?" He gulped his food down.

"I need to today. Then find a place to stay." I explained.

"Why can't you stay here? Just until you find the right place." He added.

"It's complicated." I shrugged.

"What is?" A sense of anger spread onto his face.

"Nothing." I responded.

"So now you can't be upfront with me?" He put his food down, surely mad now.

"Can we eat in peace please?" I whined, making him even more angry.

"You ain't shit." He left me alone in the kitchen, rushing to his bedroom door.

He slammed it loud behind him.

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