Chapter 13.

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Farah's POV :
We went directly from the mall to Trey's concert.

The car ride was mostly quiet. I was happy and nervous. I wanted to talk to Trey, but I didn't know how he felt. Everything has been so off since he left, and I honestly feel so lost. I can even think the same anymore, I need him, he needs me, I was sure of it.

"The concert arena is around the corner." Jessica looked over to me.

I nodded my head with a cautioned look on my face.

"Come on, why are you so nervous?" She half laughed.

"I don't know, I guess I am just afraid he won't want me." I said quietly.

"First, Trey is famous now. Second, don't let yourself down. There will be tons of fans in here, you can expect anything from Trey any other girl would." She nodded her head.

"I am not just any girl." I snapped.

"Oh dear, when you see everyone here, trust me, you are just any girl. The security guards won't let you get to him, if that is what you are thinking. They don't care about you." She said harshly.

We came upon a red light, and I spotted the arena right ahead. Crowds of people were pouring into lines, trying to get into the concert.

After we parked, we decided to leave our phones in the car, and just got our ticket money. We were waiting almost thirty minutes, until a security guard handed Jessica and I our tickets. It was now six forty. The concert started soon.

"I have to use the bathroom before it starts." I yelled towards her.

We had to walk through a whole entire building until we got to the actual concert.

"Okay." She motioned for me to follow her to the bathrooms.

I glanced around at the couples, kids and teens walking down escalators to the concert. Half of the girls I saw looked like straight hoes, all here, for Trey. I really shouldn't have come.
I took my time using the bathroom, then washed my hands.

"You look great." She complimented me.

"Ha." I chuckled.

"You do. Trey wouldn't have wanted you showing up looking like all these other hoes." She told me.

"The funny thing is I always forget you slept with him." I huffed.

"You can't judge me, I didn't even know you then." She growled.

"I know, let's go." I headed for the exit. Jessica caught up behind me, leading me to the arena. I continued to see girls in foot long heels, it disgusted me. Not only that, Trey loved to get inside a girl's pants.

After waiting in a line for fifteen minutes, we were inside the concert. Trey was talking on stage, and the crowd was roaring.

"I want to thank, everybody for coming out. This is honestly something I could never be more thankful for. Thank all of you. I hope you got backstage tickets! Anyways.. I received this song from a very special girl. I don't know if she is here tonight, or listening, but she wrote it. I want to keep it real with you guys, I wanted her to be here with me. But she followed her own other dreams, and I respect that of her. She was the only one who cared about who I actually was, not just my look, or my voice, but me. So here it goes.."

His words echoed in my ears, so Trey did remember me, missed me, and wanted me with him.

"We have to get up there!" I yelled at Jessica, tugging her arm.

"No, too many people!" She shouted.

"Come or I go without you." I threatened.

I have had enough of Jessica. I was going to get as close to Trey as I could, and if she didn't agree, she could stay by herself. I saw her give me a nasty look and follow closely behind me. We slithered through people, finally getting close up onto stage. Trey was singing my song Smartphones, and he sang it beautifully. Seeing him so close made me remember how I was laying with him, just a few days ago. It was truly amazing how everything can change so incredibly fast. The crowd was singing along, swaying their hands high. I was sure everyone was doing it, but I wasn't, I was too focused on my feelings, and the realness of Trey to do it.

When the concert ended, a group of people went to the guards to get their name checked off to meet Trey. The rest of the crowd slowly fled, getting board and tired.

"I need to see him Jes." I told Jessica.

"I didn't buy backstage tickets." She told me.

"I need to see him Jes." I repeated.

We were standing alone in the big floor, looking lost. The concert now ended thirty minutes ago. We jumped at the sound of a man walking across the stage, I turned quickly, to see the one and only, Trey.

"Trey?" My mouth dropped.

"Farah?" He screamed, hopping off stage.

"I cannot believe you are here." He quickly pulled me into his chest, holding me tight.

"I have been watching your moves these past couple of days." I said quietly.

"Like TV?" He frowned.

"Hello to you too Trey." Jessica barged in.

"Hi." He simply said to her.

She crossed her arms upset, but at the time I could care less.

"It's all about business Farah, I am sorry. I didn't mean everything I said."

"Oh." I nodded. "Shouldn't you be backstage?"

"Soon. I have so much going on right now. I really wish that I could come home with you, sleep with you. I miss you, God. Farah I miss you so much, you are all I can think about these days." He admitted.

"Then come home with me." I pleaded, tugging his shirt.

"I will text you, okay?" He told me.

"That's so funny, because your damn manager always answers the phone and says to send our messages to fan mail." Jessica jumped into the conversation angry again.

"Shut up Jessica, mad because you are not the center of attention? Get over it." Trey spatted at her.

"I will let her know to always let your contact come directly to me, not fan mail. Sorry about that too.." He trailed off to me.

"It is okay." I told him.

He reached out and gave me one last long hug, and we said our goodbyes. After Jessica and I walked opposite directions he called for me.

"And Farah?" He yelled across the auditorium.


"I will see you soon." He yelled.

"We can only hope." I agreed with him, waving one last goodbye.

Hey guys! So my views on this book continue to go up and up and up and I am soooo thrilled! CHECK OUT MY BOOK HARRY STYLES : LOST ! I need more views! Thanks so much for reading this and I hope to update soon!

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