Undercover 2

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5 years later
"Military move move move." I yelled as I kicked down the door to the mansion.
"Same rule applies any survivors you evacuate them out safely!" I yelled as we began to separate. The place was dark with all the windows borded up. A couple naked girls started screaming as they held their hands up, it looked like they were counting money, I quickly scanned the room. There were thousands of bags of cocaine. Everywhere. This shit was stacked floor to ceiling everywhere you turned. So I was right, Marcus was trafficking both females and drugs. A couple girls were passed out in the hallwayas I got my peers to check on their pulses. Some shots were being fired in the distance that my boys were handling but my coast was clear. I kept going up the stairs until I reached the fourth and final floor. It was dark as i aimed my gun bracing myself for anything. I found a light switch and it lit up the whole place. I licked down door 1. It was empty. I kicked down the second door seeing the same. These appeared to be bedrooms, as I saw single beds. Just single beds, no decor no belongings. I kicked down the third door and saw a naked body passed out in the bed. Her hair covered her face as I slowly approached her.
"Ma'am are you responsive?" I asked stepping towards her as she whimpered quietly. It was almost as if she couldn't hear me. I let my gun go letting it hang as I approached her.
"Ma'am I'm captain powers. I'm part of the US military force. I can assure you you are safe with me."
Her face turned to look at me. Her eye was busted and swole as she squinted. She tried to speak but her mouth was dry. I took of my fleece covering her with it for decency.
"Ma'am can you tell me your name?"
"Romani." She said barely above a whisper. I could tell she was struggling to get her bearings.
"Okay Romani we're gonna get you out of here alright."
She nodded slowly as I attempted to pick her up but she quickly winced in pain.
"Wait captain." She said as she tugged on her arm with the little strength she had left. She was indeed handcuffed to the bed. I sighed closing one eye before pointing my gun at the metal cuff. I shot it and it opened falling to the ground. I picked her up bridal style as she looked at me.
I damn near froze in my tracks.
Her eye was busted and her nose had dry blood. She had lost so much weight, she didn't look like herself.
"Thank you captain." She smiled weakly as I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head.
"Medic I need a medic." I managed to safely get her outside as the medical uni put her on a stretcher. The doc asked me for her name.
"Romani. Romani Trent. She's 27 years old."
"Okay romani can you hear me?" The doc asked frantically as she got out her stethoscope.
"There's no pulse." More first aid people started flooding the scene as I stayed stuck in my position. It was like I couldn't move.
"Captain!" Lieutenant marcel called snapping me out of my daze, I turned around facing him.
"It's clear, anybody who was found injured on the scene is being dealt with." He reported to me.
"Well done lieutenant."
He smirked a little bit as he tried to hide it. Marcel was like a little brother to me, I found him in Iraq almost 4 years ago living in a hut. He didn't have much but he used to work out like a machine. He was only 17 at the time, his family had died months back during the civil war. I took him back to the US with us when the war was over, I got him a passport. All his documents, a job, English language lessons.
But he said he wanted to be in the army alongside me, he's been waiting for ages to get promoted to Lieutenant, he didn't know I had already promoted him until it slipped out of my mouth just now.
"Ya did good kid." I pulled him in for a bro hug as I nugged his chin.
"Thanks bro, I been waiting for this." He patted my back before pulling away.
"Also, that Romani girl. Social services has been looking for her, turns out out of all the woman found here, she's the only one with a kid. She got a 5 year old daughter that was left behind when she was kidnapped a week ago. They saying she has no emergency contacts aint nobody to take care of the kid. They gon have to put her in temporary custody."
My head snapped.
She had a girl
Does this mean I have a girl?
I looked at Ro's lifeless body as they put her in the ambulance.
One thing I know about mani is she wouldn't want any random with her child. I might not be able to bring her brother back, but I can look after her daughter whilst she's gone. Atleast she knows she's safe. I know it happened 5 years ago, but I've just been feeling guilty, I couldn't continue being an officer after that whole fiasco, so I quit and joined the army. I lost all contact with Mani as soon as she left.
But if this daughter is the child from that pregnancy 5 years ago.
I have to find out.
"Put em on the phone, I gotta talk to them." I said to Marvell as he nodded walking away.

Bright Sparks Foster Home
I walked up the stairs to the town house in the middle of queens.
I pressed the buzzer and a petite fat lady opened it.
"Oh you must captain powers, Martha told me you'd be stopping by today." She grinned stepping in letting me inside. I took my beret off to show gratitude before sliding it back on.
"Oh gosh look at all those medals, you must be a great man." She beamed looking at the medallions on my uniform.
"I just try to do good." I kept it short and simple.
"We'll do come in." Set continued talking but I honestly stopped listening. I stood in the hallway and looked through the thick glass  that showed the living room. I saw a bunch of kids huddled around the tv.
But one stood out from the rest. She had 2 puffs in her hair and wore Gucci overalls. She looked outside the window patiently as she swang her legs off the chair.
"That's her." The lady said.
"Her mom was the one that got kidnapped, god it's all over the news, it's horrible."
"Yeah it's terrible, I can't speak on the situation too much but the least I can do is make sure her daughters safe."
The woman nodded.
"Yes everything is set up and ready all you need to do is sight done documents and y'all can get on up out of here."
She opened the living room door.
"Kady someone's here for you."
The little girls head snapped in that direction, she held the old lady's hand as they walked out of the room and towards me. When they got closer, she stopped and stared. Her puffs were loose in their scrunchies, She had tear stained cheeks, and her overalls were stained with god knows what.
I crouched down to her height as she sucked her thumb shyly.
"Go on, speak." The old lady pressed at the child.
"There's really no need for that, let me sign the documents and I'll be out of here."
I done what needed to be did. I looked at her for a split second.
This was most definitely my child.
"Hi Kady. My name is captain powers. Your mommy, is a little unwell right now, so you're going to be staying with me for a few days. How does that sound?" I asked as I took out my hand fur her to shake. She looked down at my hand dumbfounded as she continued sucking her thumb.
"I want my mommy." She mumbled as I saw her starting ti get flustered. Her eyes puffed as a new set of tears came down her face.
"Captain please get her out, she cries everyday I can't take it." The old woman practically pushed us out of the home as Kady cried louder.
"Ok ok don't cry look." I said as I pulled out my phone showing her a picture of me and Romani, it years ago from when we first met. Back when Romani had a bounty on her head for 2mill I was her bodyguard and had to stay the night. She kept telling me she was hungry, she made me bake cupcakes for her. In this photo she had flour on her nose as she beamed brightly. She kissed my cheek as I stood there unamused in her apron she made me wear. That read
Hot & Spicy.
Just like me
"I'm gonna take you to your mommy okay?" I crouched next to her as she stood up looking more stressed out than ever, she was now in hysterics.
"I want my mommy now! Please, I miss mommy... a lot!" She cried as she looked down at her feet sniffling.
"I'm going to take you to mommy okay? I promise." I held out my pinky as I wiped her eyes.
"I pinky promise Kady."
She linked our pinky's as she huffed moving some of her hair out her face.
" promise...?" Her eyebrows twisted to the side as she friend to remember my name.
"Captain Powers."
"Do you promise captin flowers?" She tried to repeat my name that was probably too long for her to say.
"You can just call me Keith."
"Otay keef."
"Or keef, that works too. But yes I promise I will take you to your mommy." I chuckled as she nodded

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