Love is lost.

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Glass surrounded me.
"Damn" I thought as I placed my gorilla down on the table. I had found memories of the mugs origins. Taron had taken me to a zoo for our 12th date. I had told him the mug reminded me of him in that film with the animals in it. He then proceeded to tell me that it reminded him of me in general.

Taron had such a way with words.

I was snapped back to the present with a jolt. As I stared at my expensive double glazing that lay in several different locations on my living room floor, I wondered who was that at the door.

I stepped outside in my Rocketman pyjamas to see a man in a long dark coat staring at me from across the path. He had long short dark curly hair and by the way he stood I could tell immediately that he was a Albert. Or perhaps he was a Mark.

No he was definitely a Paul.

"The names Brandon." He said with an outstretched hand.
"Really?" I said in an inquisitive manner.
"Wouldn't you like to know."
I was confused at the direction the conversation was going in so I decided to get the important part.
"So, what are you doing here?"
"I have a very important message for you from Wales" His tone was cold like an unpleasant cup of tea.

What was left of my heart fell from my chest.
"W-W-Wales!." I stammered thinking of Taron's sweet Welsh cheekbones.
"Yes it was attached to that brick I gave you."
I raced inside to where the brick sat on my neon green rug.

Come 2 Wales. Bring Tea.
T xxx

And that was that. I fainted amongst the window pieces of glass on the floor.


I awoke on the beach. The sea air was crisp like a packet of walkers and I felt as though I had been hit by a bus. At least it wasn't a Truck.
It was then that I wondered where I was. The last thing I remembered was Brandon and a brick. I felt almost sorry for him. If he'd a phone he could have just texted.

"Ah lassie it's you. I thought I might find you lurking around here." The Scottish accent was thick and sounded distinctly of tea.
I turned to be blinded by a flash of green. Green hair, green boots, an attractive looking green kilt and a green, green waistcoat.

It was Tyrone, owner of Tyrone's tasty teashop.

"Oh hello Tyrone." I said with an air of disappointment.
"You don't sound excited to see your wee old Uncle?"
"Your not my Uncle!" I snapped, agitated by his presence.
"No but I believed that we were like a wee happy family you know." He sounded offended.
"I'm sorry Tyrone, but I have no family without Taron. My life is nothing without him."
"We'll that's why I sent for you, ya wee tinker. Come on let's go for a nice cup of tantalisingly tangy tea."

So we went for some tea.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now