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Taron's POV:

It was a sunny day in July, or perhaps it was October. It was hard to tell. I was reeling from Mollie's rejection and in mourning for the woman I had once loved. A woman who loved tea like I loved her. Richard had decided he wanted to meet Tyrone's brother, Brother Tetley, and whilst all I wanted was to be with my sparkling jewel, Richard would have to do for now.

"So you don't love her anymore." Richard looked gleeful.
"That's the problem, I love her more than anything in the entire stratosphere. Sigh."
"We'll it's too bad you're not together anymore, fancy a cup of tea?" Richard smirked.
"This is why we weren't a good match Richard, I'm like the North Pole and you are the South. I'm Coco pops, you're Frosties." I was unhappy with his happiness.
"Oh so you're calling me fat are you?" Richard sounded defensive.
"No! Of course not, I'm just upset." I walked a few paces ahead of him, the urge for tea was begging to strike.
"Well it sounds that way to me."
"Please, Richard just stop this." I rolled my eyes.
"Oh so now you think I'm ugly."
"Yes Richard, yes I do!" I have him one of my venomous stares, one that could burn the heart of people. Mollie said it was sexy.

Then Richard was hit by a truck.

"Richard are you ok?" I called into the fog.
Before I could receive a reply a bag was shoved over my head.
"Mollie is that you?" I cried.
"Um..uh yes if you like." The voice sounded strangely high pitched but manly, not really like Mollie but perhaps she had a cold.
"What's this for, is Richard dead?"
I was hauled into the back of a van. It drove away.

Oh , I could see what was going on. Mollie was throwing a surprise party. Richard had not been hit by a truck. He must have just been acting as part of the plan. Gosh, Mollie was such a saucy minx for organising this. I smiled, happy to be hurtling at an alarming spread down the road.
"Hmm perhaps I should l sing to pass the time?" I called.
"Sing and I will slit you're throat." Came my reply in a low gruff voice.
"Haha classic Mollie." I pointed finger guns in the direction of the the voice.

We had been driving for what seemed like an age, I yawned a melancholy yawn, it had been a whirl 37.4 hours since I had seen Mollie and I yearned for her beautiful self. Tea or no tea, I loved her.

"Um are we nearly there?" I needed the loo.
"Quit you're complaining."
"Look I like the whole kidnap game but I really need a pee. Is that you Tyrone? Remember how much you hated it when we accidentally left you tied to a tr-"

The world had suddenly faded away.

I awoke to darkness. Oh hurray we were there.
"What a way to get to a party." I called.
There was no response.
I ya Jed the bag from my head. It then occurred to me that my hands were not tied and I could have done this a lot sooner. Though I am only half myself without Mollie.

The view was strange. I was sat in a boardroom. A long table surrounded by leather chairs. A big one in the middle.
This took me back to fond memories of me and Mollie sat in her house on the sofa we had bought together from a skip. Or was it Harrods? The bump on the head I had received made things seem unclear. Ah yes, it was Asda. Anyway, I had set our steaming hot gorillas on the table whilst she turned on one of our favourite programmes. Pointless.
"Well done Taron, another Pointless answer." She raised he had into a high five.
"Thanks sugar drops." We sipped our tea in unison.
"The apprentice is in now. We should watch it." Mollie was full of good ideas.
We had such a good time that night, we ordered garlic bread and screamed: "You're Fired!" At each other a lot. Such happy times. Sigh.

I was snapped back to the present by the sound of footsteps. A tall man walked into the room. He had a dramatic presence about him. A long billowing coat and brown curls. He oozed sass.
"We haven't got long so don't ask questions." He snapped.
"What do you mean? Where's the party?" I was becoming stressed.
"Stop speaking, your intellect drops every time. I'm here to help you escape, they're trying to kill you." He said.
"What???" I exploded.
"Yes yes, we haven't got time for this. Look go outside a man will meet you downstairs, he may look like a hedgehog but don't be fooled."
"Where will he take me?" I asked.
The man turned. His cheekbones could slice a ham.
"221 b Baker Street."
"Where's that?"
The man sighed, his head in his hands.
"You really don't know who I am?"
He put on a deer stalker.
The realisation came all at once.
"Oh you."
"Yes now for gods sakes GO."
"But what will you do?"
"I've got bricks to throw."

I went to find the man downstairs. I had a feeling this was an adventure.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now