Red Carpet 🪦

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It had been 2 years. We had finally finished Katelyn's film in Texas, and it even had a name:
Railed by the Cowboy.
Katelyn liked to wink after she said it.

I was Taron's date but I would have been pretty annoyed if I didn't get invited, considering I made all that tea and got all them extras. We'd decided that we were gonna dress as our nicknames but Taron was told that under no circumstances was he to dress like a vegetable. Hence why he has a purple suit and a green hat and I have an orange jumpsuit (not like what inmates where) and a green headband.

"You look simply ravishing my dear." Matthew said with passion. He wasn't talking to Rosie. He murmured this in Mrs Darcy's ear, who he had brought to the premiere. Rosie stood behind, checking the time frequently.

Katelyn and Seb arrived late on a tandem bike. I heard them before I saw them.
"GO HARDER BESTIE." Katelyn screamed in Seb's ear.
"That's what you were saying last night." Seb turned to waggled his eyebrows at her.

I was appalled by there dirtiness. I don't want to know what they do in their spare time. Anyway, Seb accidentally steered into a lamppost when he wasn't looking. He helped Katelyn to her feet. She was swamped by the mountain of a dress she was wearing. It was blue, and every so often Seb would pick her up and cry: "My little Cinderella." It was pretty annoying to be honest. They couldn't keep their hands off each other.

"Good heavens, why are you so late my friends?" Matthew brushed some gravel off Seb's shoulder.
"We had some important business to attend to." Katelyn smirked and smacked Seb's bum. I shuddered.
"That reminds me Mollie." Said Taron. "I would like to schedule an important meeting later."
"No thanks. I'm busy." I said.

We all crammed into a limo around the corner to give the illusion we had arrived together.
"Let me do a quick body count." Announced Rosie.
"Good lord my dear, really?" Matthew blushed.
"I need to make sure everyone's here." Rosie looked confused.
"A head count."
"That's what I said. Isn't it?"
I nodded.

The crowds were in love with me. This didn't come as a surprise. Many people held signs with carrots and radishes on. I counted more carrots though. Someone had a sign that read: Taron, let me be your carrot. I glared in there direction.
"You are a divine goddess this evening my dear." This time he wasn't talking to the horse. Matthew wrapped an arm around Rosie. He then picked her up and placed her on Mrs Darcy before scrambling on aswell.
We filed in after them. Taron stopped every so often for photos, but I dragged him along.

We had got to the entrance of the building, when a green Fiat 500 pulled up, music was blaring from it. Two people got out.
"Park this for me would ya laddie. Oh and here's a wee tip." Tyrone handed his keys to someone in the crowd and gave them £500.
Since we were in Texas he had opened 309 more tea shops globally and signed a contract with Nivea. Gucci was begging for him to model for him aswell. It is safe to say that he was loaded. He also had a man. I didn't know his name but he was hot and Italian. Not really a match made in heaven though as sexy Italian man didn't speak much. Or seem to have many brain cells.

"Uncle Tyrone!" Taron went up to him and hugged him.
"Alright, ma wee buddy. Loving that sexy hat."
"Come on Lorenzo, let's get some pics for tha gram." Tyrone was now also an influencer.
"My name isn't Lorenzo!" Lorenzo followed Tyrone anyway.
"Come on carrot, let's make them all jealous." Taron gave me a piggy back into the building.

We were on the red carpet strutting our stuff when someone with a microphone came up to me.
"You must be Mollie, Taron's wife?" A middle aged woman asked me.
"I'm much more than that, I'm also head of tea innovation for Tyrone Tetley. And I manage my own beauty bar. And my autobiography is out next year."
"How exciting, so you excited to see the film?"
"Yeah, suppose so. Katelyn's proper good at directing and Taron is fire as a grumpy cowboy." I smiled. I had the feeling I sounded like a bit of a pleb. I also could not mention my career in the secret service so I didn't sound as impressive.
"Do you think you and Taron will start a family anytime soon?" She winked at me.
I laughed for a while before replying. "No. Lol."
She walked off after that.

"And I dedicate my performance to my sensational wife, Rosie. She is the light in my darkness and I will forever feel blessed to have her in my life." Matthew had been asked a question about his onscreen relationship with Taron. He didn't say anything about Taron.
"And I hear she cheated on you once."
"You hear wrong sir! She had a smooch with....with.....James Moriarty. But so did I and she did try to kill him in the end. He's in a high security prison somewhere in Ireland now so it's fine."
The interviewer was silent for a while.
"Ok, bye." He said finally.

"How would you describe this film as the director Katelyn?"
"Sexy, hot and violent. My three favourite things." Katelyn smiled.
"Do you hope to make more films in the future?"
"Yes as long as I make a lot of money and my muse keeps going."
"Is your muse Seb?"
"No, my muse is a Welsh rugby player. Seb is my husband."

I felt like we had been stood there for ages. I was bored and suggested to Taron that we skip this and go to the cinema.
"Don't worry Mollie, we can sneak out before the end." He replied.
We chatted for a bit until I had the shock of my life and nearly died in Taron's arms.

I had forgotten my chocolate covered raisins.

Then Finan the Agile walked in. Wasn't his head chopped off? I asked him as much when he approached us.
"No it's still on. You must have just got a copy."
"No one invited you fella." Taron got up in his face.
Hot. Hot. Hot.
Disappointingly, Matthew and Seb ushered Taron away.
"He's not worth it man." Said Seb, gently.

We sat down to watch the film. Just as it was about to start and Seb was walking up a dusty track, the screen flickered and changed. A picture of Jim Moriarty popped up.
"Miss me?" He said. Everyone screamed and ran around. Matthew rolled his eyes.
"No we have not flea! Can someone get the film back on please?"

We watched the rest of the film in peace. Though most people were shaking. I occasionally heard Seb say: "Don't worry doll I'd punch his big fat face in if he came near you again."
To which Katelyn replied: "Thanks but I carry a machete round with me babe, I'd make him into a curry."

I had to admit the film was quite good. Especially the bits with Taron in being sweaty and sexy and doing sporty things and shooting.

Then when the film finished, someone had hijacked the venue and we were locked in :)

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