Zombie apocalypse special ;)

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"I can feel it in ma knees, something is wrong." Said Tyrone, squatting.
"Ridiculous! It's my birthday." Huffed Matthew.
"Is it?" Rosie looked alarmed.
"No, I'm trying to make him shut up." He whispered in her ear.
"Well, DesTEAny is all." Said Mrs Hudson, bringing a tray of tea through.
"What did you're housekeeper just say?" Asked Greg looking puzzled.
"Not they're housekeeper, love." Mrs Hudson spanked him with the tray nicely.
"That sounds familiar." I pondered.
"Too bloody familiar." Muttered Tyrone.
"Where did you here that Mrs Hudspeth?" Asked Mycroft.
"Hudson!" Snapped Brandon and John.
"Some odd looking man said it to me in the street, then he tired to lick me." She chuckled.
"Uhtred of Battenburg!" Shrieked Taron.
"Pooh! He's quite dead." Scoffed Matthew.
"Dead as a door nail." Added Katelyn.

Later me and Taron were at home.
"It's a bit weird isn't it?" Said Taron with a worried look on his face.
"What's that Raddish?" I said as I masterfully channel hopped.
"The dead tea shop rival." He said. "What time is it?"
"Eight thirty."
"Do you think we can fit in an episode of  Keeping up with the Kardashians?" He asked hopefully. This show was a secret obsession of ours. Tell anyone and I'll stick an axe in you're head :)
"Go on then. I'll get the vodka." I smiled.

Four episodes in the phone went. We both simultaneously rolled our eyes. Kim was about to throw concealer at Kylie, whoever it was could wait.

But then the phone went again.
"I'll get it." I sighed. "But you better pause that."
"Of course." He winked at me and I nearly melted into my slippers but I didn't have time to.
"What!" I snapped into the receiver.
"Oh hi bestie it's me." Said Katelyn.
"What do you want at this time of night?" I asked.
"I'm just wondering if you've seen the news?" She sounded worried.
"No." I said.
"Ah, you watching the Kardashian's?" She smirked.
"How did you-.....um.....no. What's on the news?"
"Watch it qween. Not alone though. Then come to 221b. Oh and bring all the food in you're cupboard."
"Okie." I said.
"And Mollie." Katelyn sounded sincere as if she was about to say something mushy.
"Yes?" I said.
"Don't forget the alcohol."

Zombies are taking over. Me and Taron watched the news, quivering in each other's arms. Occasionally we would swig some more vodka.
"Don't leave you're homes! Stay indoors with all exits tightly sealed." Warned the news reader.
"Sh-sh...should I get the b-biscuit tin?" I sobbed.
Taron nodded.

"Ok." He said eventually, shaking nervously. Though it could have been from the sugar in them seven Jammie dodgers he had.
"Mhm." I mumbled.
"We better dress for invasion."

I put on some black skinny jeans, because everyone knows that the sexy, badass female protagonists with the cool one liners always wear black skinny jeans. Perhaps there good for backflips. I paired them with a t shirt with a bee on it. It said Bee Happy on it. I hoped it would deter the zombies.

Taron wore black overalls. I had no idea where he'd got them from but I had to admit, they were hot. Like a bit of beef on a barbecue, or the heat that radiates from Rosie's hair when it's sunny. That kinda boiling temperature. He was also wearing war paint and a tie with carrots on it.
"Well there's one good thing to come from out imminent doom." I said.
"What?" He looked puzzled.
"You're not wearing that god awful suede jacket." I smiled.

Taron's Jacket's POV:

What did I tell you? Bitch.


"Thank god you're here!" Exclaimed Matthew, pulling Taron into a tight hug.
"We were so worried bro." Seb joined the bro hug.
"Thanks for the concern." I said, though they ignored me.
"I'm glad you're here bestie." Said Katelyn, handing me a tea.
"Yeah." Nodded Rosie. "Got any biscuits?"

"I've made a wee plan of action." Announced Tyrone.
"What's with the hat?" Smirked Seb.
"It not a hat!" Snapped Tyrone, swishing his green mane behind his shoulders. In the process, Orsino got a face full of hair. "They're defensive devices that will save us from being brainwashed by the zombies."
"I wasn't aware that kitchen foil possessed such qualities." Mycroft said sarcastically.
"Makes you look more like a salad than usual." Laughed Greg. Mrs Hudson snorted, Tyrone glared at her.
"Sorry love." She giggled.
"I could just leave ya all to get eaten!" He yelled.
"Bold of you to assume I couldn't single handed lay save you all." Matthew raised an eyebrow.
"With the help of the bro squad." Added Seb.
"What? Oh of course good chums." Matthew got Seb in a headlock and ruffled his hair. He then winked at Taron.
"Don't ever do that again." Taron shuddered.
"Gosh is that another 'ick' my dear?" Matthew turned to Rosie.
"Yeah." Rosie was engrossed in episode.
"How can ya play games at a time like this?" Tyrone exploded.
"Huh?" Rosie looked up.
"We need to work together besties." Katelyn sighed, ransacking the cupboards. "Brandon where do you keep your coffee?"
"Don't have any." He was aiming a gun at the wall.
"What!" She turned to him, staring in disbelief.
"Don't need it, got enough coke to keep me going for weeks."
"Oh......got any spare?"

"Ok so are we agreed, we're going to go to me and Matthew's country estate." Rosie announced.
"If we have to." Tyrone sighed.
"We do." Matthew snapped.
"Ok, doll have we got enough snacks?" Seb looked at Katelyn.
"Yup, the tastiest one is stood right in front of me." She admired Seb.

There was silence for what felt like several hours.

"That sounded better in my head." Katelyn went red.
"Don't worry doll, I'm really attracted to you to." Seb patted her shoulder.
"If it makes you feel any better, Greg sends that much smut to Mycroft that he permanently looks sunburnt." I said.
"Not true." Mycroft sneered, though he immediately put his phone away. "At least my ringtone is not an organismic noise."

"Are you both sure that you're gonna be useful at protecting us with them guns?" Katelyn looked worried.
"Probably not." Said Taron as he pretended to shoot Matthew in the head.
"Of course baby." Seb pretended to be James Bond. I think. He was more Austin Powers to be honest.

"Ok come and get us zombies." I announced as we walked outside.
"Or don't." Added Rosie.

Then one of us got bitten.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now