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Day two.

We sprung out of bed at 3 am. By sprung, I mean I was dragged out of bed by my ankles whilst still pleading with the dragon in my dream to eat Taron instead of me. Sorry Taron.
"Do it to Taron!" I said in a haze.
"Come on bestie, we're on helicopter flying duties." Katelyn was drinking coffee with force.
"Is there anymore of that?" I asked groggily.
"Nope, already had six litres and it's only 3:07!!" Katelyn was sprinting around our dorm (that was freezing by the way, we were in a medieval castle).
"Don't ya want me baby, don't ya won't me oooohhhhhhhhhhhh!!" Tyrone was singing. I tried to submerge myself in the pillow but it was no use. There was only one thing for it. I produced a mallet from under my bed (I brought it for business purposes) and flung it at the wall that separated our rooms.

"'ve made a whole in the wall." Said Katelyn.
"Ya wee tinkers! Ya didn't want ta get a lid of this fit bod that much did ya." Tyrone had stuck his head through the whole. Not a euphemism.
"Oh hi Mollie." Said Taron. "You brought your mallet as well?" He picked up the one I had hauled through the wall. "Nice."

"Top o' tha mornin to ya, ma name is Hegarty the Helicopter driver." Hegarty held out his hand and we shook it.
"I don't think you drive a helicopter." I said.
"I do." Said Hegarty.
We left it that.

"So ya want to be clicking these buttons and pulling this lever so you do." Explained Hegarty, going at lightening speed. We lurched into the sky and began to climb upwards.
"Easy once ya know so it is. Just takes a little practise. You take over." He suddenly let go of the controls. We dropped rapidly, hurtling towards the ground before Katelyn yanked at the steering thingy and pulled upwards.
"Easy." She laughed nervously.
"Now tha question is who will jump out with tha clients?" Hegarty looked at us.
"Mollie can do that." Smiled Katelyn.

The contents of my stomach ended up all over Hegarty's lap.

Door Knob's POV:

It was exciting being an inanimate object today as I watched two people I now know to be called Rosie and Tyrone learn how to massage people. It was fun but someone held onto me to open the door and the door then remained open so I missed most of the action. It's hard being a knob. I did hear a bit of dialogue though.
"So ya get right into them muscles then, give em a wee crunch." Said Scottish accent.
"No! Don't do that or you will be sued." Snapped Mandy (the massager teaching them).
"Is this right?" Female asked.
"That's great Rosie! Bit more oil for morse stretch of the skin and it'll be perfect."
"Isn't this meant to be by a wee Viking?" Asked Scottish accent.
"You will be the Vikings." Said Mandy. "Costumes are in the cupboard.

Then a meaty, masculine hand touched me. It was as juicy as information. Only when they walked in the room did I catch a glimpse of who it was. Matthew Macfayden. Be still my well knob I suppose, but not in a dirty way. You could say as a door knob I am the beating heart of a door.

"Matthew this is cheating go away!" Snapped female.
"Oh sorry my dear, I'm lost. Just looking for the chips."
"Aye likely story. Bugger off." Snapped Scottish.
"The varnish in this door is lovely." Observed Matthew. "And that brass door knob is pretty nice."
Ergh, literally dead, unscrew me and take me with you fam.


"Hi, you ready for some skydiving?" I asked the guests enthusiastically.
"WE SAID, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME SKYDIVING??" Kathryn screamed through her megaphone.
"Yea-......" was the response.

My insides felt mushy. I didn't have the balls to jump out of a helicopter. Why couldn't Katelyn do it? I was unhappy that she was driving the helicopter. I didn't want to die!!!

Once we were in the sky I felt strangely liberated.
"Don't forget to tighten those harnesses!!" I kept saying. "It'll be sooo much paperwork if you die."
Then came the time to jump. I let everyone else go first and hoped their parachutes were ok.
"Come on bestie, they're waiting for you." Called Katelyn from the driver seat.
"Can we swap?" I asked, feeling my breakfast may make a surprise comeback.
"GET OUT OF THE FUCKING PLANE!!!!!!" Katelyn screamed through her megaphone.
"I can't, it's too high I'll-" Then I fell out of the helicopter.

I managed to make it to the ground still alive.

Karen's POV

"Let's see your beard then Tyrone." Asked Rosie, dressed like a Viking.
"It's not green. I'll look silly." He wailed. I smirked.
"Ah hello guests, ready for luxury?" Rosie addressed the people who had just walked in.
"Be more Viking." Hissed Tyrone.
"Um.......sit and relax. Argh." Rosie waved her axe around. The people sat obediently.

Then Tyrone burst out of the cupboard, wielding a ginormous sword.
The guests looked like they were about to have a heart attack.
"Lie down then, I'll get the essential oils." Rosie smiled.

Orsino's POV:

We were all sat feeling sorry for ourselves in the big hall.
"Your a turd Matthew." Hissed Seb.
"A steaming one." Added Taron.
"What about Orsino? He is as much the guilty party as I." Shouted Matthew, hand flexing away.
"You BRIBED them with Fanta lemon, surely you knew they would just ask for a refund at the end of the day." Argued Taron.
"You have basically given out free drinks."
"Oh shut up chav." Spat Matthew at Seb.
"Chav? Bro you know this chain is a symbol of love." Seb looked wounded.
"Oh really? And I suppose the can of monster you are drinking is a symbol of hydration!"
"Well...I am hydrating!"


Day two done :)

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now