How my life ended (up being swaggy)

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Side note: one of the characters in this story belongs to Rosie who writes Back to him and other Jim books. Go and read them. For the purpose of this book she may come across differently.

Quickly Jim, we haven't got all day." A mysterious woman ran past us. She had dark hair and looked a bit like Rosie.
"She looks like you." Said Matthew.
"Stop drooling." Rosie hit the staring Matthew.
"Do ya know her?" Asked Tyrone.
"Do you know all your doppelgänger's." I scoffed.
"I do know her actually." Said Rosie. "We were in archery club together as children."
"I didn't know you did archery." Said Seb.
"Do you know much about me?" Asked Rosie.
"Your a girl." Seb observed. Katelyn rolled her eyes.

Suddenly a gunshot rang out through the room. Tyrone did a high pitched scream.
"Don't worry, they didn't get me." Called a voice.
"Who's there?" I shouted.
"I know that wee voice anywhere." Said Tyrone.
"Oh god it's not Richard is it?" Taron said with dread.
"Come here sexy!!" Tyrone stood in the middle of the aisle. A man ran up to him and picked him up, kissing him passionately.

It was Orsino from Love Island.

"Wow." I said.
"Wow indeed." Added Matthew.
"Mamma Mia! You are here with me Tyrone." Shouted Lorenzo.
"I'm sorry Lorenzo." Said Tyrone in between snogs.
"My name is not fucking LORENZO!!"
"I love you Tyrone Tetley, I have done ever since our first secret bunk up in that toilet in Lidl." Orsino winked at Tyrone.
"Aye when we first left Love Island." Tyrone looked up as if reminiscing to the ceiling.
"I'm finally ready to tell the world how I feel about you." Orsino took his hand.
"I'm jolly happy for you both." Said Matthew.
"That's great Uncle Tyrone. Welcome to the family pal." Taron extended a hand to Orsino.
"Think we can do a bit better than that T man." Orsino enveloped T man in a hug.

Then the room set on fire.

"Thought I'd turn the heat up a bit." Said a smoky Irish voice. I inwardly sighed. I was really sick of this dude now.
"Who's that?" Said Orsino.
"Jim Moriarty. Hii." Jim introduced himself.
"I thought I did this wee tinker in with that bloody frying pan." Tyrone muttered.
"It wasn't a non stick one." Jim smirked.
"You think you are such a comedian, don't you James." Said Matthew snarkyishly.
"Are you still a little bit jealous of me Matty." Jim pouted.
"Absolutely not. You don't meet the requirements."
"Which are?"
"A certain height for one thing. And your whole evil guy act gets a little boring after a while."
Seb gave Matthew a discreet fist bump. Which I was horrified to see ended by fluttering their fingers. 
"I beg to differ." A female voice came from behind us.

Why did everyone have to sneak about. It was proper annoying.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"One of the worlds leading consulting criminals." She replied.
"Isn't there only about two." Taron gestured to her and Jim.
"Anyway, I'm your worst nightmare." She said quickly.
"Aye, and I'm a wee pigeon." Tyrone laughed.
"Your MY pigeon" Orsino tickled him from behind and Tyrone cackled with laughter.
"How are you Rosie, it's been a while." Said the woman.
"I'm fine Arya. I would ask you but I can see you've turned to the dark side. You always were a psychopath with a bow and arrow."
"Your mean that was an insult."
"What do you want with us. This is my girls big night." Seb swung an arm over Katelyn's shoulder and she glared at Jim.
"Destruction." Giggled Jim.
"Unoriginal." Said Matthew, yawning.
"We've planted a bomb." Announced Arya going over to Jim. They kissed passionately.

Rosie looked aghast. So did Matthew in all fairness. It seemed like they were eating the face off one another for quite some time.
"Care to come up for air?" It was Mycroft.
"Oh it's you." Jim rolled his eyes.
"I don't think we've had the pleasure." Mycroft extended a hand to Arya. She spat on her hand and shook his. He recoiled and got out a handkerchief.
"It's time to go Jim." Mycroft raised his eyebrows.
"Awwww, but I've just got here." Jim stuck his bottom lip out.
"And I've got plans waiting for me so if you'd care to come this way."
"I won't tell you where I planted my bomb." Jim smiled.
"I suppose the building will just have to blow up then."
"Your bluffing"
"Am I?."

I really couldn't tell if he was being serious. I knew tonight was him and Greg's anniversary.

Then there was a loud explosion.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now