Katelyn's big chapter

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"Where did she go??!!!" Sebastian ran in circles on the spot?
"She's gone through the window." I said rolling my eyes, why was he so upset?

Katelyn walked out, a strange red man with blue underwear had his arm around her. Damn, he was slender. Not like the slender man though. And he had a jaunty way of walking. Wow.

"Katelyn my little pea pod!" Sebastian ran over and enveloped Katelyn in a strong muscular hug. She fell into him sobbing. Gosh it was all so sad. Spidey man stood there awkwardly. Then he began to yank at his mask. He glowed when the mask came away. All halos and angels and that.
"Wow." Finan the agile said from behind me.

Wow indeed.

"Golly gosh he's a wee stunner." Tyrone arrived with a bag of quavers. I stole one so he hit me.
"Wow." Taron came over and slung an arm around my shoulder." Where were they all coming from?
"You must be Taron." Finan stool an arm out in greeting.
"Ah Finan the Agile." Taron smiled and shook his hand. "Don't you remember me?"
"Should I?" Finan looked puzzled.
"You saved me from that psycho that tried to murder me."
"Ah yes." Finan rubbed his back. "Glad you're not dead."
"What." I said.
"It's when I was dead babe." Taron said casually.

Ew babe.

"Yes that makes sense." I was appalled they knew each other.

"Thanks for saving my girl Tom Holland." Spam shook his hand.
"All part of the service." Tom smiled.
"Give me a wee incy second." Tyrone butted in.
"What." Katelyn rolled her eyes. I could see why she was annoyed, Tyrone sprayed quavers as he spoke.
"Does he not PLAY a spider? He's not a real one." Tyrone folded his arms in a sassy manner.
"I kept the suit." Tom said proudly.
"And ya just happened to be wearing it when the wee lassie was gonna splat on the pavement."
"I was filming the latest spider man if you must know. DON'T ask me about it." Time was red in the face.
"Can I take you for a coffee sometime to say thanks." Katelyn gave his shoulder a reassuring pat.
"I'd like that. And I'd love to stay longer but gotta shoot."
"Some webs?" Katelyn smirked.
The pair laughed. Finan chuckled beside. Ergh daddy problems. No.

"Come on babe." Sebastian kissed Katelyn's cheek.

What is about calling people babe?

"Aye lassie, let me open up ma shop and get ya something proper. So we went on down to Tyrone's tasty tea shack. Oh how I had missed this place. It held such fond memories. Like when Richard held us hostage here. Or when Taron proposed and I said no and then he supposedly got hit by a truck. Ah, good times.

"I'm fine really." Katelyn reassured an anxious Seb who insisted testing her tea for something deadly.
"I don't put arsenic in people's tea!" Chuckled Tyrone. "I slip it in there food." He added as Katelyn bit into some carrot cake.

I didn't want to mention it was actually MY carrot cake because of the whole free falling thing but it was my cake.

"Could you just go and see if there's anymore tea in that pot bestie?" Katelyn murmured to Seb.
"Ok boo." Seb wandered off to find some tea.
Katelyn's shoulders slumped. "Thank god!" She exclaimed.
"What." Said Rosie, who had been deep in conversation with Matthew about the best way to legally kill intruders. I can't remember how that conversation came about.
"He's been a bit clingy." Katelyn glanced over at Seb.
"Do you think it's maybe the death thing that nearly happened today." Rosie pointed out whilst interlocking her fingers with Matthew's slender yet meaty ones.
"It's been going on for a while. I think we've hit the rocks." Katelyn sighed.
"Oh no." I stated, handing her the biscuit tin.
"Thanks kween. I just, well he's been under a lot of stress."
"Why?" Asked Rosie.
"The business isn't going too well, turns out no one really likes spam."
"Really." I detected sarcasm in Brandon or Sherlock's voice. John kicked him under the table.
"No need to be like that." Katelyn did an angry peace sign that turned into her flicking salt at him. It was quite sleek tbh.
"And he's quit the film." She added.
"Oh no I liked his part." I said. "So do you need someone to replace him?"
"Yeah, he's just so stressy, it's like he's a fire ball of rage and lust. And I only really like the last bit." Katelyn finished off the Jaffa cakes. "AND he calls these biscuits." She held one up.
"Dreadful." Matthew shook his head.
"You need to have it out with him." Rosie slapped the table with such force that the saucers shook.
"Mind ma crockery ya wee sniper! But she's right lassie, go and have a showdown with ya man." Tyrone winked at her.
"Or maybe try a constructive, amicable chat." Suggested Matthew who held his pinky out as he sipped his tea.

Katelyn got up and whispered something in Seb's ear. They walked outside and started talking. Damn, we could hear nothing. Taron made the wise describe to open the window wide. We all leaned towards it.
"We need to have a showdown." Katelyn said.
"What?" Said Seb.
"Um...no a constructive chat." Katelyn corrected herself.
"Flaming Nora." Muttered Tyrone, hands on his hips.
"Katelyn what are you talking about?"
"We need to talk." Katelyn put he hands on Seb's shoulders.
"What do you mean why?"
"We're great aren't we?" Seb smiled at her but it was a strained sort of smile. Strained like a tea bag.
"No!" Katelyn exclaimed. "You have been a bit of a prick recently in the nicest way possible."
"What. Me been a prick? I've been keeping a roof over our heads." Seb growled.
"What! I earn more in a week than you do in a month!" Katelyn shouted.
"The business has just had a few teething problems."
"That's one way of putting it."
"Coffee?" Tyrone passed a tray through the window. That man would do anything for business.
"What is that supposed to mean." Shrieked Seb.
"It means I miss the way we were, when you were the hunky actor and I was the director. I miss our film!"
"So do I!"
Then they passionately snogged.
"Ma arm is becoming tired." The tray in Tyrone's hands began to shake.
"Let me take them good sir." Matthew took the tray from Tyrone.
"Thanks laddie."

Then a van pulled up and yanked Seb from Katelyn's grasp. They shoved a bag over his head and threw him in the van. Katelyn screamed and pulled out a gun. She managed to finish off a few of the men, but alas, the driver was still in the van. He rode away with Seb in the back.
Katelyn ran after it shooting until it was out of sight. Then she returned seething with anxiety and rave. I think.

"Tyrone, where's that coffee?" Katelyn walked back into Tyrone's tasty tea shack covered in dead mens blood.

Taron and Me Book TwoTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon