True love is true in Whoville

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I was in utter turmoil, how could this have happened? Being shredded like cardboard is no way to go, even if you are made of cardboard. I feel a bit bad for Joe too. Taron is missing Tyrone like I missed him when he got hit by a truck but didn't get hit by a truck and something to do with aliens. I found all that rather confusing. I was grieving but I was also on a mission.

The plane landed in Heathrow. I had missed England and I went straight to Tesco when I got off the flying death trap. But then I was headed for a special street.

Once I had been to Oxford street from the Coldplay song I went to Baker Street. I wrapped on the door of 221B, it looked a bit shabby to be honest. Could have done with some paint.
"Who are you?" A grumpy looking man opened the door, he was hunky, I knew that for certain. He held an umbrella under his arm.
"Oh...hello my name is Mollie and I know your brother Brandon."
"No you don't." He looked agitated.
"Um what, this is 221B Baker Street."
"Yes but I do not have a brother called Brandon."
"Who are you?" I was getting agitated now.
"And why would I tell you that?" He smiled.
"Because I'm involved in a murder enquiry and was sent here to clear an innocent man's name!" I felt squirrelish now, Taron had that affect on me.
"How nice for you, now if you'll excuse me I have places to be." The man stepped past me and out onto the street.
"Thanks for your help.....Not."

"Oh, hello who are you." An old women with a kind face smiled at me.
"Oh hi, I'm Mollie, don't suppose you know a Brandon do you?"
"Brandon? Oh, you mean Sherlock, he's such a trickster like that, are you here for John?"
"Yes that's him, top of the stairs."
I smiled and walked up to find the door was open. Inside was tidy but chaotic, the wall was covered in bullet holes, a bit like Joe Mazzello's face.
"Hello John I'm Mollie."
"I know who you are, why are you in my house?" His nose twitched, much like a hedgehog.
"I was sent by Tyrone Tetley, he's on the run for murder and Brandon or Shirley, sorry I can't remember what your housekeeper called him-"
"Not their housekeeper love." The women from the door swept past.
"Oh sorry, yes he says he won't work without you on this so I've been sent to come and get you by Tyrone, he's a little sick of hiding in the cupboard."
"Ah...right yes well I'm a little busy over here sorry." John shrugged and downed the rest of his coffee.
I sighed, Tyrone had sent me with strict instructions, he must have seen this coming.
"Fancy a cup of tea John?"
"Um no I'm ok thanks."
"But I've come all this way for nothing, at least have a cup of tea with me."
"Ok...if that's what you want." John went to the kitchen. When he came back he set the cups on the table. I thanked him.
"Any cake?" I smiled.
He sighed and went back to the kitchen. Like a seductive ninja I slipped the little sachet Tyrone had given me into John's cup.
"Here is this ok."
I took a sip of my tea and the room went dark.

When I came round I realised I was in deep trouble. John leant over me frowning.
"You're not very good at this are you?"
"No." I admitted.
"Well my answer is still no, sorry. You can still finish your ca-" John was hit over the head with a shovel before he could finish.
"Just needs a bit of force sometimes." Mrs Hudson, whose name I now remembered, stood over him holding said shovel.
"Thanks, do you have a body bag or something." I offered her the cake.
"I'll just go and have a look, you eat that yourself dear."
As I munched on the cake, Mrs Hudson loaded John into the boot of a car and came back to hand me the key.
"Good luck with your murder." She smiled sweetly.
"Thank you, and thank you for your help with John. Did you make this cake?"
"No, it's from Sainsburys."
"That's good it tastes awful."

John woke up on the plane. I was amazed I managed to get the body bag through customs. A flight attendant came up to me and told me my luggage was moving overhead. I told her I had a lively umbrella and she seemed to accept this. I got to the taxi before he started screaming thankfully. I unzipped the bag and he sat up.
"Morning John." I smiled triumphantly.
"What the he-" John stopped when he saw who was driving the taxi.
"Sherlock, what is this?"
"Shh, John I'm not Sherlock over here, I'm Brandon it's my American disguise."
"I won't even ask."
"It's best you don't."

Once we were back at the set I went straight to the tea trailer. I was worried I had shit the cupboard door. Once I got there I was relieved to find it was empty. And then I wasn't. Where was Tyrone.
"Pssst, up here lassie."
It was then that I saw Tyrone and Taron sat in an open cupboard overhead.
"Taron, how did you find him." I said as they helped me up into the cupboard.
"I came for a tea and nearly had a heart attack when I opened the cupboard."
"Ah yes."
"Is the job done then my wee James Bond?"
"Yes John is here with Brandon."
"John." Taron said through a mouthful of biscuits.
"Yes Brandon won't work without him on this so Tyrone sent me to fetch him."
"Thank you Mollie I can't tell you how pleased I am."
"Tequila?" Taron offered me the bottle.
"No, haven't you both finished it off."
"Um, yes sorry that's empty."


Matthew felt anxious. He was on the set in the middle of some intense filming. He was riding Mrs Darcy. No, not that kind of riding, you filthy animal.
Katelyn was becoming stressed again. She was now on her sixth personal assistant.
"I wouldn't call this a latte even if you PAID me to drink it. Do you know what it is, it's not a latte it's a shitte because it tastes like SHIT. You're fired, get out bestie. And Matthew, you call that riding? You look like you're constipated not angry."
"Maybe we should take a break?" Matthew was feeling faint.
"Of course, YOU go and take a break, but don't expect to come back." Katelyn death stared him.
"You can't do this Katelyn." Rosie shouted in her face.
"Watch me bestie." Katelyn through a sarcastic peace sign and took a long sip of her latte, sorry shitte.
"I'll go and pack my things, I'll call you later Rosie my dear." Matthew's deep voice nearly cracked.
"Fanks a lot qween." Katelyn stormed off to her trailer.
"Get back here you bitch." Rosie screamed and ran after her. Katelyn whipped her head around a lightening speed.
"Sorry bestie are you talking to me?" Katelyn stared.
"Yeah I am, what the fuck did you sack my man for?"
"Unprofessionalism, I don't deal with immature people." Katelyn sighed.
"No, you just couldn't stand the fact that MY boyfriend is still here."
"Say that again, I dare you." Katelyn dropped her coffee.
"I will knock you into last year." Rosie cried.
"I swear the saying is next year." Katelyn pondered.
"Yeah, well I'll knock you out either way."
"Come on then if yo-" Katelyn was cut off by Rosie.
"Before I beat the living daylights out of you, I just need to quickly go to the loo." Rosie ran off.
"Really?" Katelyn looked around for her shit coffee.

I had been watching the whole thing from afar and found it quite amusing, I didn't even notice Taron walk up behind me.
"Wanna get married?" He handed me a ring.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now