Do you want millk with that?

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"You are what we would call in the secret service, a nitwit." Mycroft was as pompous as a pom pom.
"I just want my girl back where she belongs." Seb wailed.
"And you thought hacking into MI5's database would help?" Mycroft scoffed.
"Yes I thought it was pretty clever to be honest."
"Lestrade, you will go with this man to London and personally escort him to a cell. Not the computer kind." Mycroft glared at Seb.
"But then how will we ever get Katelyn back??" Seb struggled under the grasp of Mycroft's henchmen.
"Then you can join the lonely man's club. Sure my wife's at the bottom of the Thames by now." Matthew was throwing a tennis ball against a wall. He sighed and lost concentration. The ball came back and hit him square in the face. "Fiddlesticks!!" He cried.

"Mollie I have something to tell you." Taron looked serious. It was hot.
"What is it Radish?" I pretended to look distracted.
"I think we should see other people."
"What?!" I snapped my head up faster than a dolphin with rabies.
"You know about our finances. Just in case one of us goes bankrupt." Taron smiled sweetly.

That man was giving me grey hairs.

I was doing a shift in the tea trailer when Seb and Matthew appeared.
"What can I get for you?" I asked nicely.
"All the weapons Mycroft Holmes supplied you with please." Seb said casually.
"Ok, do you want milk with that?"
"I cannot tell if you are joking." Matthew looked puzzled.
"Of course I am Matthew." I rolled my eyes. "Brute force won't take down Jim Moriarty's network. We need to go in and be clever."
"Aye the lassie is right." I jumped. Where did he come form?
"I'm sorry but I was under the impression that putting a bullet in someone's head got rid of them." Seb was being sarcastic. I chucked a spoon at him.
"Shut ya pie hole wee Seb, or we'll just leave Katelyn to rot." Tyrone snapped.
"Maybe we won't do that though." I added.
"My telephone is ringing. OH MY LORD IT IS MY DEAR, ROSIE." Matthew fumbled with the buttons.
"Put it on speaker phone ya tinker!!"
"Where is Seb?" Shouted Greg.
"Not now ya twit." Tyrone smacked Greg around the face and he fell to the floor.

"Rosie my dear, or whatever I'm supposed to call you? Where are you?" Matthew shouted into the phone.
"Matthew, are you there? I can't hear you?" Rosie replied though the line was a bit squiffy.
"I'm here my dear." Matthew's voice sounded urgent.
" need to ca-.......hope that was helpful." Most of what Rosie said cut out.
"Can you get somewhere with better signal?" Called Taron from over my shoulder.
"I'm gonna have to go but remember if you ever come to London, have a good cup of tea." Rosie hung up.

"Ah tha wee tinker!" Tyrone exclaimed. "She means ma wee tea shop in London."
"Good heavens Tyrone my good sir, finally you have said something useful!!"
"To London!" Said Seb.
"Yes to London." Greg was now behind Seb with a pair of handcuffs and a bloody nose.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now