Pomegranate seeds

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"When are you going to do your speech Gregykins?" Greg's mum pinched his cheek like he was a chinchilla.
"Not yet mum! We're still eating." Greg blushed and rolled his eyes like....well.....a chinchilla.
"I for one can't wait to hear what you have to say." I said nicely because I'm nice.
"Don't encourage him. Not now I'm shackled to him for eternity." Sighed Mycroft.
"You say the sweetest things Mikey." Greg said sarcastically.
In response Mycroft pinched his cheeks like his mother had.

The wedding itself went without a hitch. We managed to safely deliver Mycroft to Scotland Yard. Only six hours after he was originally supposed to be married.

"Shall I walk you up the aisle?" Asked large bear. (Matthew)
"....*Sigh*.....You do not look in the slightest like a nautical inhabitant." Mycroft then adjusted his bow tie and walked in. Alone.

Greg looked up as Mycroft strode in confidently. Instead of going: "Wow you look gorgeous!" Or "Where have you been?" I saw him mouth erratically: "Where the fuck is your umbrella?"
Mycroft simply shook his head. He reached Greg and tenderly put his hands on his shoulders.
"It's quite a parachute tale." I saw him mouth back. Or it could have been something else. I didn't see him that well.

"We are gathered here today to witness the union in holy matrimony of these two lovely boys." Mrs Hudson said sweetly. She didn't seem to get the memo about the dress code. She also didn't seem to get that to marry people she didn't need to dress like an archbishop. But she did. (Had the big hat and everything).

Then there was all the other bits about promises and death and what not. Then we got to the best bit. Not that I actually expected something to happen.
"Now then dearies, does anyone know of any little reasons why these lads can't be married?"
Someone began to object at the back but I couldn't see who it was.
"Actually I obje-"
"No one? Ok good." Said Mrs Hudson forcefully. "So Mycroft Desmond Holmes, do you take Gregory Catherine Lestrade to be your lawfully wedded husband?" I heard Brandon smirk as Greg's name was said.
"I do." Mycroft gripped Greg's hands tightly.
"And Greg, do you take Mycroft to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"Yep definitely." Greg had tears in his eyes.
"Then you may kiss the groom." Mrs Hudson chucked the bible that had her notes in behind her and clapped excitedly.
Greg and Mycroft then smooched for ages.

I noticed Taron had silently been balling his eyes out next to me.
"Jus.....it's.....it's just I love a g-good wedding." He blew his nose on one of his jellyfish tentacle strand things.
"Ah ya wee softie. In good ol' Scotland we don't cry, we drink tea!" He then brandished a flask in-front of Taron, ordering him to drink from it.

At the after party I noticed Katelyn looked pretty annoyed.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I was supposed to do the stupid sermon!" She snapped.
"And....weren't we too busy getting the groom to his wedding?"
"And? I would have been a lot better than Mrs Hudson. No offence to Mrs Hudson but I've been practising for like ages." She had now got changed and was dressed in normal human clothes.
"Did you like the wedding though?" I asked. I was still dressed as a jellyfish.
"Yeah." She mumbled. "Where's the gin?"

"What is wrong with noble Sebastian?" Asked Matthew, back in his long coat. I swear that thing was longer than my list of things to be depressed about.
"What do you mean?" Asked Rosie.
"He looks like a gigantic highlighter."

I looked up to see Seb dressed from head to toe in neon pink. His puffy jacket was so large it looked as though he were a puffer fish that was all plumped up.

"Hey guys." He said as he waddled over to us.
"Hi." I said. I was about to add: "nice outfit" when Matthew interjected.
"My god Sebastian good sir, you look like an obese flamingo!"
Rosie smirked and hid behind her drink. Seb's cheeks went the colour of his outfit.
"Haha, good one man." He laughed dryly.
"I mean where is it from? Peppa Pig world?" Matthew chuckled.
"Nope." Seb popped the p.
"Ah ya must be dressed like wee Percy tha pig!" Tyrone laughed.
"Aha, wrong again." I was afraid Seb was gonna go all hulk smash in a minute.
"Stephanie from lazy town!" Shrieked Taron. This gained another round of laughter.
"If you must know this is VERSACE!!!" Seb shouted, I could practically see steam coming out of his ears.
"That was my next guess." Chuckled Matthew.
"Listen man I don't wanna fall out with you, but I will smack you if I have to."
"Ooo I'm quacking in my boots. Have you heard this my dear? The big slab of ham is going to-" Then Katelyn smacked Matthew in the face.
"Sorry bestie." She said to a shocked looking Rosie. "He was just being a dick."

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