Roads are just big paths for cars.

10 2 14

"We must act immediately." Matthew was pacing the floor.
"It's not that simple." Mycroft scowled at him.
"Just threaten the scoundrel with a bullet!" Matthew slammed his hand in the table."
"I think you'll find that he would welcome that gladly." Mycroft did one of them smiled that was not remotely happy.
"Rosie my dear, what do you suggest?" Matthew turned to Rosie and took her hands.
"I've got a plan." Rosie looked at him reassuringly.
"I knew you would my dear." Matthew pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead.

Whatever she said next was muffled by his jumper.
"Sorry what?" Greg said loudly.
"I said I don't think you'll like it." Rosie distanced her hair from Matthew.
"Why not?" Katelyn said absent mindedly as she threw Bucky in the air and caught him.
"I'm going to swap places with Mrs Darcy." Rosie announced.
At the same time, Matthew and Katelyn responded:
"Absolutely not!" Declared Matthew.
"Woo go bestie!" Katelyn cheered Rosie on.

Matthew pulled Rosie aside and murmured in her ear, though being Matthew this was still rather loud because of the gruff voice.
"I would rather have you than a horse Rosie." He said.
"Matthew don't you see?" Rosie rolled her eyes in a very Brandon approved way.
"No I don't see."
"Moriarty won't ever leave us alone if someone doesn't get one up on him. And judging by the fact he nearly bested you and everyone is too busy being melodramatic it falls on me!"
"I see, you don't have feelings for him do you?" Matthew's bottom lip quivered.
"No emotional ones. But he defo has the hots for me so I best go."
"Fine, but I'll kill you if you get killed." Matthew looked reluctant.

"Fab, let's go see the bastard then." Greg chucked the remainder of the croissant he was eating in the bin and scuttled down the stairs.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now