Raisins are the only fruit, even if they are dead.

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Today was another thrilling day.

For something to do, I phoned up Finan the Agile and we went down to Rosie's country estate. We were hoping to see some action like there was the night Moriarty escaped.

"Do you find me attractive?" I asked Finan.
"Why?" He said, his hands gripping the steering wheel of the car.
"I dunno." I fiddled with the radio.
"I've always thought you were the most beautiful thing I had ever set eyes on." He looked at me.


"Do we have to have this conversation here?" Rosie said. Her voice was kind of muffled through the stable door. Me and Finan had heard them taking in there and thought it best not to disturb them.
"Rosie my de-." Matthew stopped. I could just make out the sigh that escapes his lips. "Here is as good a place as any." He snapped.
"You're angry and I don't blame you, but do you think it's all over between us." Rosie asked pleadingly.

Finan gasped behind me.

"I just think that after everything that's hap-." They must have moved because I did not hear the rest of what Rosie said.
"Balls." I muttered, edging my way to the other side of the barn. Conveniently, the door had been blown open by the wind, we stood either side of it, our backs facing the stained wood.
"I love you Rosie, that's the worst part." Matthew looked tearful, through the gaps in the wood planks.
"I love you! I don't think I can spend one more night alone Matthew." Rosie walked over to him.
"Go call Jim then." Matthew said sneeringly.
"Jim means nothing to me!" Rosie screamed.
"You can't tell me that you don't see the Irish charm and the sharp suits as alluring." Matthew looked sad, like an abandoned puppy.
"Have you seen yourself? Who needs Gucci suits when I've got a hunk with floppy hair."
The corners of Matthew's mouth flickered upwards briefly. He blushed ever so slightly. No, he went bright red.
"Do you- do you really find it attractive." He patted his hair.
"Obviously." Rosie took Matthew's hand.
"Doesn't change anything." He turned away.

Then all of a sudden a gust of wind sent the door flying open. Matthew walked over to it and went to close it when he looked outside. We made eye contact for a brief second before I looked away.
"What the devil are you doing here?!" Matthew shouted.
"Um well we just came for a bit of tea, I suppose." I stuttered, addressing the floor.
"For God's sake!" Rosie was by Matthew's side, glaring at us.

We all sat awkwardly in the stables for a while. Every so often, Matthew would get upset he go over to Mrs Darcy, then he would return and sit facing away from us all.
I went to speak but was rudely interrupted by the trap door bursting open.
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, WILL YOU STOP JUST SITTING HERE LOOKING GLUM!!" Jim had burst up from where we last saw him several weeks ago.
"Good Lord!" Matthew exclaimed, standing up.
"Wow have you been there the whole time?" Finan looked impressed.
"Is this guy for real?" Moriarty pointed at Finan and smirked.
"Just leave Jim!" Rosie stared at him menacingly.
"Now? But the party hasn't even started yet." He pretended to look offended.
"The only party you'll be seeing is the prison riots when they lock you up fella." Matthew whipped out his phone and chuckled.
"Is that right?" Jim laughed and winked at Rosie. He then very casually retrieved a revolver from a pocket on the inside of his jacket.
"Oh and by the way." He said, gesturing at the suit. "This jacket, it is NOT Gucci. Pfff, they wish. It's Vivianne Westwood." He then turned and shot Matthew in his thick bicep.

He dropped the phone in an instant.
"Ouch." He whispered, clutching his arm and dropping to his knees.
"Matthew!" Rosie exclaimed, kneeling by his side. "Are you alright? Does it hurt much. Ah fuck!" She removed her jacket and tore off one of the sleeves.
"Hold still." She said as she tied her substitute bandage tightly around the wound. "That should stem the bleeding." She smiled.
"Thank you my dear." Matthew murmured, sweat appearing in beads on his brow.
"It's ok." Rosie said, kissing him intensely.


"What is it that you actually came here for?" I asked, I felt as if I had missed an important chapter in a book.
Jim rolled his eyes, before focusing them in on something behind Matthew.
"Do you think I should shoot the horse next?" He put a finger to his lips and looked upwards, as if giving it serious thought.
"Do so at your own peril sir." Matthew bellowed.
"I'm sorry did you say something?" Jim looked at him devilishly.

This was more beef than I had anticipated.

"I'm gonna assume it's me you want." Rosie got up from where she nursed Matthew and walked over to Jim.
"I think you'll find it's the other way around. I know you were into that kiss Ro-" Jim crumpled up in pain before he could finish his sentence. Rosie had kicked him in the balls.
"That's my girl!" Matthew beamed, but then he seemed to think twice about it as he frowned and looked away.
"Ah....gosh you really are fiery aren't you." Jim straightened up again. "I can't say I'm not kind of in to it." He gave Rosie a wide grin.
"Fuck off Jim." Rosie turned to walk away but Jim grabbed her arm aggressively. In a flash, Matthew was beside them tugging Rosie away and giving Jim a thunderous look.


"Release her you-"
"Evil flea?" Jim smirked and went to check the barrel of his gun. "Come on, what you gonna do? Hit me?"
Matthew leaned forward and planted a kiss on Jim's lips. This seemed to take even Jim by surprise.
"Well Rosie my dear I've got to hand it to you, he is a good kisser." Matthew wiped his lips as if to be rid of Jim.
"Likewise." Jim had composed himself.
"Um, so what is it that you were here for?" I asked again, the Jim and Matthew show was all very nice but I was bursting for the loo at this point.
"It wouldn't be a very good game if I told you." Jim put his hands on his hips. "So who do I shoot next?" He waggled his eyebrows.

"Preferably no one James." A voice came from outside the barn. A rather familiar voice.
"Ah thank mercy!" Matthew smiled.
"Hold your horses there Matt." Jim smiled. "I'm not finished yet."
"What does that mean?" Asked Rosie.
"Don't worry, you can go." He looked at us.
"Ah ok." That was enough drama for me. I made my way out, Finan the Agile close behind.

We had made our way out into the sunshine. My deduction was right, Mycroft stood outside with an army of armed police.
"All out?" He asked.
"Ye- wait, where's Matthew?" Rosie looked around panicking.
"He's still in there with Jim." Finan pointed to the stable.
"Yes, thank you Captain Obvious!" Rosie screeched rushing over to the site of the hostage.

Through the cracks in the barn I saw a scuffle, Matthew and Jim fighting for the gun. Then it must have gone off as they stood very still.

It was Matthew that fell to the floor.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now