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"We're evens stevens now my dear." Matthew wheezed. Rosie held him in her arms sobbing.
"Matthew, don't you dare leave me."
"I-I- wasn't planning to." Matthew looked in pain.
"All this blood, I'm running out of shirt to save you with." Rosie tried to smile but failed.
"Oh no, that's not blood." Matthew gazed at the red stain on his shirt.
"Wait, what?!" Rosie looked at him.
"Yes I went to maccies on my way to 221b as I was terribly upset, and I must have slipped some ketchup in my jacket pocket." Matthew pulled out a squashed ketchup sachet.
Rosie dropped Matthew with remarkable speed.
"You could have said sooner!" Rosie began to laugh.
"Where is he?" Mycroft rushed in.
"Who?" Asked Matthew.
"Jesus. Who do you think I mean?"
"Oh well he sort of just left in a flash." Matthew stared down at his leg. "I was rather distracted because I fell on a rake." Blood oozed from Matthew's leg.


I think Matthew must have been taken away by the paramedics because he and Rosie were no longer there. I hung around, hoping to spot Jim.
"Blast!" Mycroft shouted.
"What is it?" I walked back into the barn.
"Look!" Mycroft pointed at a hole in the wall behind some bails. Jim must have been planning his escape all along.
"Thank his you're ok." Taron came rushing in behind me. I launched myself into his arms and he spun me around. Then we remembered we were supposed to be enemies and patted quickly.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"I heard the scuffle from outside, it was me that called Mycroft." Taron smiled shyly.
"You saved me!" I edged closer to Taron.
"Of course I did, you're the love of my life!"
"And you're the love of mine." I added.
"Just wait a minute." Finan the Agile butted in.
"Bugger off, no one cares!" Taron said aggressively.


"No, you cheated on her!" Finan shouted.
"What!" Taron stared at me in disbelief.
"I saw you with your co-star, but it doesn't matter now." I said.
"Oh, no she had a stray eyelash so I flicked it off her face for her. I would never cheat on you Mollie." Taron laughed.
"No!" I wailed. I was a horrible person. I was a dirty cheater!!
"I kissed Finan the Agile." I cried.
"I know." Taron said sympathetically.
"Oh, well it meant nothing to me." I said quickly.
"Really." Finan looked wounded.
"Yes." I said firmly.
"I forgive you, let's just go back to how things were." Taron smiled.
"But, I left you for dead and then betrayed you!"
"I was never actually unconscious. I was just too scared to go in." Taron looked sheepish.
"Oh, well that's alright then let's go."
"Come on carrot."

We left Finan the Agile alone at the country estate.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now