Love Island and Tea.

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"Budge up." I gestured at the full sofa over at 221b.
"What do you expect us to do, shrink?" Katelyn's gin sloshed in her glass.
"Don't worry babe, we'll become one." Seb pulled Katelyn onto his knee whilst I pondered over what he had just said.
"Squish in with me carrot." Taron patted the space next to him.
I wedged myself between Taron and Brandon.
"This is cosy." I smiled, wiggling.
"I'm going." Brandon went to get up but John yanked at his shirt, forcing him to remain on the sofa.
"I can't watch." Greg put his face in his hands.
"Don't worry, he won't last a full episode, he'll never couple up with anyone." Scoffed Mycroft.
"How would you know how it works? You don't watch it do you Mycroft?" Seb smirked.

"Sorry I'm late, I had to pick up the takeaway for our viewing this evening." Matthew rushed in, supplied with McDonalds.
"Yes, bring me them nuggets." Rosie was flicking through the channels.
"Are there." Taron pointed as the credits rolled. "YOU CAN DO IT UNCLE TYRONE!" He shouted at the screen.
"For the love of god." I heard Brandon mutter under his breath. I elbowed him sharp in the ribs.

Tyrone came on the screen, we all cheered. Apart from Brandon and Mycroft.
"If I had to describe ma self in three words they would be: Sexy, appealing and Fuckalicious.

The room was silent. I had extreme second hand embarrassment for him.

Later on, all the other orange and blonde bodies had been coupled up. Only one man remained looking for a partner.
"Now." Said the presenter. "Tyrone whoever walks through that door now must be coupled up with you, how are you feeling about that?"
"Ah well a wee bit excited if I'm totally honest." His green hair was in fancy braids down his back and he wore neon pink trunks with yellow tea cups on them.
"Well then, mystery man reveal yourself!"

A god like man walked in, practically glowing with beauty. I half chocked on my tea. We were all drinking tea in Tyrone's honour. We all had T shirts with his face in as well but certain people in the room had decided not to wear them.

Anyway, this man looked exactly like heaven. He glistened in sex appeal.
"Oh hello." Tyrone looked delighted.
"Hi yourself, I'm Orsino." He smiled and extended a hand towards Tyrone.
"Come on laddie, we can do a wee bit better than that can't we?" Tyrone planted a kiss firmly on his lips.

Damn, I like his tactics.

It then skipped to the evening. Love island was so far living up to my expectations. Garbage.
"I've got a wee message!" Tyrone announced. He proceeded to read it out: "Islanders, we've got a surprise waiting for you at the fire pit. #drama #summeroflust"

Everyone screamed excitedly.

"Simply gripping, isn't it my dear?" Matthew turned to Rosie.
"Shhh!!" Was the reply.

Positioned around the fire, the islanders awaited their surprise. Tyrone and Orsino sat very close together. They clearly had feelings for one another. Greg shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Hi there everyone." A familiar voice called. Richard Madden walked up to the fire pit.
"You!" Tyrone looked shocked.
"Aye, it's me babe." Richard winked.

"Sabotage!" Cried Matthew.
"Be quiet." Rosie hit him with a cushion.
"What a slimy dog!" Exclaimed Mycroft, slopping coffee on his shirt.

"I've got a text." Said one of the girls. "Islanders Richard will now choose someone to couple up with, whoever he chooses, he will leave someone without a partner and therefore in danger."
"Well from what I've seen, this person is a real team player. Good-looking, proper fit and a proper laugh. Oh and great hair." Richard smirked.
"Don't embarrass yourse-" Tyrone tried to say.
"So the person I would like to couple up with is Orsino."

Orsino looked embarrassed. He turned to Tyrone and murmured something in his ear before getting up and going over to Richard.
"YA WEE SCALLYWAG, SCOTTISH BASTARD. DIE IN HELL ILL KILL YA FILTHY SEAHORSE!!!" Tyrone lunged at Richard and began to throttle him. The other islanders gasped. On the sofa, Brandon was in hysterics.

The screen went blank before going to the adverts.

Love sweet love.

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