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Several days had passed since my love had returned to his rightful place in my vision.
Taron was now in the film. He told Katelyn he was bored so she gave him the part. I thought that was quite nice of her until I found out Seb had quit.

"Where's he gone?" I asked.
"Don't know don't care."
"Oh well, would you like a tea?"
"No" Then she walked away.

I watched the light reflect off Taron's face. He looked practically god like and it took all my strength not to throw myself at him.
"Should we go here for a tea?" He had such a sexy voice it was nearly unbearable.
"Where?" I wasn't looking.
"Here Mollie, right in front of you." He sounded impatient. I missed his occasional grumpiness. He was like an angry little gnome, adorable.

I looked up. Uhtred's tea shop.
"I think we better swerve to be honest Taron. There's a lot of emotion in this rivalry."
"What rivalry." He tilted his head to the side as he said this. My god this man was asking to be railed.
"Uhtred and Tyrone are archenemies. He would never forgive us for coming here."
"How would he know?"
"Wouldn't you like to know laddie."

We both jumped. I turned to see a bush in the corner shaking. Then Tyrone emerged, his face was painted green. Of course it was him.

"Tyrone!" Taron's face lit up like a smoking hot sun.
"Oh my laddie, is it really ya?" Tyrone's face looked shocked.
They ran towards each other and hugged, like true bros.
"I thought you were a gonna." Tyrone wiped a tear from his eye.
"No, fancy a tea?" Taron smiled.
"Aye I'll get ya a nice cup o' Tyrone's tasty tequila infused with a tangerine tea bag. It's ma new specialty." He puffed out his chest as he said this.
"All my own recipe." He added loudly looking in Uhtred's direction."

We sat by Tyrone's tasty tea trailer. It was quieter these days. Especially today. It was Wednesday, Abs day at Uhtred's cafe. It was basically just him and some fit men walking around topless. I sometimes watched through the window.

"I mean anyone can take his top off, but it takes a real man to rock this hair." Tyrone swished his mane of green around his face.
"What conditioner do you use?" Taron asked politely.
Thus began Tyrone's hour long lecture on his hair-care routine. He was currently negotiating a brand deal with Nivea so hair was his specialist subject.
"I said what about tea scented shampoo? It would be a huge hit with the wee laddoes and lassies." Tyrone was full of strange ideas.

I noticed Taron was asleep, occasionally he would snuffle and drool. It was rather sweet, if I were into that kind of thing I would call it kinky.

"DO I PAY YOU TO SOT AROUND DROOLING??" Katelyn was shrieking through a megaphone in Taron's ear. She had her hat on backwards like most directors do.
Taron's eyes shot open, he flung himself out of his seat to face her.
"No..urm sorry your honour."
"I'm not your honour Taron I'm your boss, but I won't be for much longer if you carry on like this. Do better bestie." Katelyn then walked off to shout at some extras, I didn't want to point out that was my job.
"Someone has a wee bee in there bonnet." Tyrone smirked.
"I'll see you later Mollie." He went in for a hug but then thought better of it and went for a high five.

I walked over to where the extras were, it was a big job keeping them all in check but I was skilled in my craft. I was the Alan Sugar of extras I suppose.
"I'll see you later my dear." Said Matthew as he looked longingly at Rosie. They went in for a kiss so I stared at my feet.
"Oh..didn't see you there Mollie." He said. Then he walked off.
"Are you ready?" I asked Rosie.
"What for?"
"Extra stuff, you know the camera is about to start rolling." Honestly some people were so unprofessional.
Rosie sighed, I wished everyone would stop doing that.
"I'm not in this scene Mollie, why don't we go and get a tea and you can have a look back at the script."
"Oh yeah ok."

Someone must have sabotaged my script.

"Can you all fucking be quiet." Katelyn seemed stressed.
"Are you alright?" Asked Matthew.
"Shut up and get on your horse, horseman."
"Uhtred brings tea." Called Uhtred with a trolley full of tea.
Taron tried to hide behind a fake tree, he looked a bit embarrassed.
"Ah here you are good sir." Uhtred gave Taron a mug brimming full of tea.
"OI, step away from the wee laddie, I'm warning you, you nasty wee man." Tyrone arrived, shaking with rage.
"And what are you going to do about it, leprechaun?" Uhtred smirked.
"I'll give you a wee kiss from Glasgow." Said Tyrone, before he head butted him square in the forehead. It was pretty impressive.
Uhtred staggered backwards before drawing his sword.
"Nobody attacks Uhtred and gets away with it."
"Whoa, I think we'll leave it there shall we?" Taron had run between the quarrelling men. He was so heroic.
"This wee scallywag better sleep with one eye open tonight, you will regret crossing me laddie." Tyrone then stormed off.
"Well I shall leave your tea here for you. And remember, DesTEAny is all." Uhtred then got on a horse and rode away."
"Oi, that's my horse." Matthew ran after him.
"Can we start shooting then? Or do you all want the day off?" I think Katelyn was being sarcastic when she said this.

Just as the camera started filming I heard an ear-splitting scream. More drama, excellent it was getting boring around here. Then Rosie came running around the corner.

"Oh my god, in one of the portable loos, it's awful, blood everywhere." Rosie looked shocked as she said this. Matthew came and wrapped his arms around her, he was rather sweet like that.
"Where?" Said Brandon from the back of the crowd. Where had he come from? I thought he had left ages ago.
"Over there." Said Rosie from Matthews shoulder.

We all ran over to see what was going on. And there he was. Uhtred lay dead on the floor. He seemed to have an axe lodged in his face. It was a gruesome sight, I turned and buried my face in the muscular frame of my heroic lover.

"Oh for gods sake! We were already behind in filming. Can anything else go wrong?" Katelyn seemed angry.
"Um the coffee machine is broken, it's swallowed my fiver and not given me my drink." Rosie said.
"Fucking great, thanks qween." Katelyn made an angry peace sign and walked off.

Brandon smiled. This was a crime scene, his happy place.
"Excellent, the game is afoot."

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now