Rocks are the foundation of life.

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"I hope ya won't miss me too much." Tyrone said as he threw a straw hat onto his head.
"No issue there." Brandon stated as he strode past.
"Likewise." Tyrone began to struggle with his suitcase.
"I'm so proud of you Uncle Tyrone." Said Taron, tears streaming from his eyes. Once upon a time I would have hunted for some biscuits to comfort him. The urge to do so was strong. Almost as strong as the urge to throw myself at him and beg for his forgiveness. But then I remember what he did.
"Well I'll be back in a few weeks." Tyrone applied some suncream.
"You aware you won't need that until you get there. Aren't you?" Mycroft said, looking down his nose at Tyrone.
"Shut ya pie hole ya filthy twat." Tyrone spat.
"Tyrone!" Warned Greg.
"You too Gavin." Tyrone strutted off to the kitchen.

This brought back memories to the day we told Tyrone that Greg and Mycroft were a thing. That was also the day that me and Taron decided it was best not to tell him that we had split up just yet.
"Tyrone sit down." Taron had said as we entered the tasty tea shop.
"Can't, rushed off ma feet today." Tyrone was a blur of green and empty mugs.
"Please Uncle Tyrone this is important."
"So is ma business laddie." Tyrone dashed off.
"I'll sort this." I said, not meeting Taron's eye.

I ran up to Tyrone and shoved him against the wall. He slumped into a nearby seat.
"What in the name of teapots?!!" Tyrone said, dazed.
"We need to tell you something!" I cried.
"What???" Tyrone was seething with rage.
"Greg has a boyfriend Uncle Tyrone." Taron said sympathetically.
"Eh." Tyrone looked stunned.
"Him and Mycroft made it official last night." I said in what I believed was a sad voice. I didn't want to admit that I was a hardcore shipper of Mystrade.
"That can't be true! Mycroft doesn't like anyone." Tyrone began to sob.
"Oh Tyr-" Taron began to speak.
"I've ruined everything!!" Tyrone cried.
"Well-." I began, but stopped myself from completing the sentence.
"Well screw true love, I don't even care one wee bit!!" Tyrone stood up, wiped the tears from his eyes and went and locked himself in the loos. He stayed there for 3 hours.

Then he auditioned for Love Island.

That was not the surprising part. The surprising part was he got in.

"WAIT!!" Rosie ran out of 221b, chasing a mysterious figure. They had appeared in the doorway whilst we were drinking tea and discussing the imminent doom that was ahead of Tyrone.

The figure tripped and fell on the pavement.
"Matthew!!" Exclaimed Rosie, rushing over. She yanked the hood away from the persons head and leant over as if to kiss them. She locked eyes on their face and immediately yanked away.
"Oh it's you." She said in annoyance, standing up. "It's YOUR husband Katelyn." She said, walking past a stunned looking Katelyn.
"He came back!" Katelyn's face lit up. She ran over and helped Seb up.
"What's with all the sneaking?" I asked.
"I chickened out of talking to you Katelyn." Seb blushed.
"Why?" Asked Katelyn.
"I was worried that we would split up." He looked away, tears in his eyes.
"What! Bestie, you're the best thing to ever happen to me."
"Even better than gin?" Seb edged closer to her.
"Fuck gin, you are my spirit Seb." Katelyn said wrapping her arms around him.
"Phew, this is a lot less awkward then." Seb relaxed.
"What is?" Asked Katelyn.

Seb produced a remote and pressed a big red button. I braced for a explosion, wondering how I had not noticed Seb was a terrorist, when confetti rained down around us. Chris Evans appeared from what seemed like nowhere with a box. It had a large ribbon around it, purple, Katelyn's favourite colour. He was singing, but I was not sure why. Ah yes, he was also dressed as Captain America.

"Is- is that for me?" Katelyn stuttered.
"Sure is baby doll." Seb said, steering her towards Chris.
"You two are made for each other. I should know, I'm Captain America." Chris said, handing her the box.

Katelyn opened it to find a puppy. It was a border collie, Katelyn's favourite breed of dog.
"What! Seb!" Katelyn screeched, dumping the box and cuddling her new pet.
"His name is Bucky McSpam. I added the Mc because his mum's Scottish."
"Argh." Katelyn said, tears streaming down her face.

Then they passionately kissed. Katelyn and Seb, not the dog.

"Matthew used to do big sweeping gestures like that." Rosie cried into a tissue.
"Biscuit?" I offered her the tin.
"Times like these call for something better than biscuits Mollie." Rosie produced a red velvet cake from her bag.
"Where'd you get that from?" I asked, puzzled.
"I keep it for when I'm especially depressed." Rosie began to devour a slice.

Then we had a big party in the street. We borrowed some tables and chairs from Tyrone's place. I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

Me and Rosie sat at one table, eating cake and competing to see who was the most woeful over their failed marriage. On the middle table, Katelyn and Seb had a romantic meal. Chris Evans was the waiter, though I still was not sure why he was there. He was serving food using that big shield thing he has as a plate. Weird.
"Carbonara! My favourite!" Katelyn exclaimed, Bucky was sat in her lap. The dog not Seb. Though he wasn't far off.
"I want to apologise for everything that's happened." Said Seb, taking her hand.
"No, I should apologise, I haven't been honest with you." Said Katelyn through mouthfuls of pasta.
"It was HYDRA that made me cranky, they kept chasing after me and sending me death threats." Seb said.
"What! Why didn't you tell me?" Said Katelyn.
"I didn't want to worry you, though I didn't seem to prevent that."
"I really need to tell you something Seb." Katelyn put down her fork and let Bucky run over to our table, he  lunged forward and landed next to the cake, where he proceeded to take huge bites from it.
"I-I- Do you know what? Never mind, I hope you enjoy it." Snarled Rosie.

"I kissed Tom in the ladies after our fight."
"I know."
"How?" Katelyn looked shocked.
"He told me how he wanted to be with you but you changed your mind, he said you must really love me to resist his charms." Seb smiled at her.
"Oh right, yeah."

Then they disappeared off to a swanky hotel.

"Wanna go out an drown our sorrows?" Chris offered as he passed our table.
"What have you got to be miserable about?" I snapped.
Chris looked off into the distance, Seb was now carrying Katelyn.
"I always thought we'd end up together." He sighed.
"What, you and Katelyn?" I nearly choked on my lemonade. Chris sighed.
"No, me and Seb." He wiped a tear from his eye.
"Here join the club." Rosie offered him a half empty bottle of something strong looking.
"We're all alone together, nothing can tear us apart from our loneliness." Rosie toasted.

"Rosie can we have that chat now?" Matthew appeared behind us.
"What! Yes of course let's go." Rosie shot up and tugged at his arm.

"Just you and me then." I said to Chris.
"Yeah, do we like hook up or something?" He rubbed his neck.
"No, best not. We could do some knitting, I brought it with me."

Me and Chris Evans made a lovely blanket.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now