Party Tingz

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We arrived in London early the next morning. I can't believe Mycroft forced us to go back to that pokey hotel.
"Welcome to the Ritz Mr and Mrs Egerton." Said the hotel attendant.
"Thanks." I sighed.

"Don't worry Mollie, I have a surprise for you." Taron sounded giddy as we walked up to our room.

I opened that door and walked inside. The bed was covered in weapons. How thoughtful of him.
"Most of them were the ones Mycroft gave you but I've added to them a bit." Taron blushed.
"Legally?" I asked.
"Maybe, but I have some contacts from back in the day."
I was wondering when the day was when there was a knock on the door.
"Come in." Called Taron in his sweet sweet tones of sexiness.
"Hello there laddie." Tyrone rushed over and picked up Taron and twirled him around.
"Let's go to ma tea shop then." Tyrone skipped out again.


We arrived at the tea shop to find Matthew sat at a table. He was staring off into space. Damn, I felt bad for him. Not that much though because she wasn't dead.

"Rosie." Matthew stood up when the door went. "Oh it's you." He sighed and sat back down.
"Lovely to see you too." Taron snarled. He was big on manners. That's why he's just so rail-able.
"I'm sorry Taron my dear......sorry I don't even know. I miss my love so much."
"It's ok Matthew." Taron awkwardly patted Matthew's shoulder.
"Ya could cut that wee piece of awkwardness with a knife." Tyrone smirked.
"Is she here yet?" Mycroft strode in. Greg followed. There was a lot of coat swooshing.
"Does it look like she's hear?" Matthew did his hand tensing.
"Oi, don't talk to him like that!" Greg squared up to Matthew.
"Woah, calm it down there." Matthew towered over Greg.
"Watch your tongue you arrogant twat!" Greg spat.
"Gregory." Warned Mycroft.
"Just as I taught ya Matty, head butt square on." Tyrone was egging them on.

Matthew drew back as if his head were a conker and Greg's was the other. But then Matthew looked passed Greg and instead lunged towards the door.
"MY DEAR!!!!" He cried.

Rosie and Matthew ran into each others arms. Matthew picked her up and spun around. Taron wiped a tear from his eye. I passed him a tissue. And a custard cream. They were hard to shift.

"I have missed you body and soul my dear." Matthew then kissed her.
"I've missed you too. Fitzwilliam." Rosie smirked.
"Maybe he'll finally calm down." Greg placed his hands on his hips.

"Out with it then." Mycroft sipped his tea as we sat at the table.
"Out with what?" Rosie asked.
Mycroft raised his eyebrows. Rosie sighed.
"Fine. I've been searching the canal for days and I can't find him."
"Where have you been staying?" Asked Matthew.
"What do you mean?" Rosie looked puzzled.
"Well you can't have been staying in the canal the whole time."
"I had a snorkel." Said Rosie, defensively.
"Wow, like a mermaid." Taron looked impressed.
"Where's Katelyn?" Rosie enquired.
"Wee Katelyn is in the possession of the evil Irish man." Tyrone brought more biscuits. Matthew took a party ring.
"What? Jim Moriarty???" Rosie sat up.
"Aye, I could ring his wee scrawny neck." Tyrone strangled a tea towel as he said this.
"Here, here." Spat Matthew, staring at the custard creams on the table.
"This is all my fault!!" Wailed Rosie. Matthew tried to pull her into a hug but she resisted.
"I don't deserve your niceness Matthew." Rosie continued to sob. "If only I'd put a bullet in his head when I had the chance."
"You mean you could have shot him?" Mycroft shouted.
"Yes but I thought it would be nicer to just sell him to a drug lord."
"Well I suppose we could have used him then." Mycroft pondered on this.
"Never fear my dear, we shall get her back."
"I will." Rosie stood up. "Come on Mollie."
"Why me?" I asked.
"Can't risk ruining Matthew's good looks." She patted his face.
"What about my good looks."
"Let's go." Rosie gave me a sharp stare.

I got up to follow her but Taron pulled me back.
"I know it would be no good asking you to stay. You have balls. Well not actual balls but metaphorical balls of steel. So go and do what you need to do." Taron then planted a passionate kiss on my lips that I eagerly reciprocated. "I reckon it's a good time to go and get your presents." He whispered in my ear.

In all honesty I was hoping he was going to beg me to stay. I would gladly of remained sat with him eating biscuits. I had no issues with custard creams.
"Bye then." I waved at everyone and shuffled off behind Rosie.
"Parting is such sweet sorrow my dear." Matthew sobbed.
"Don't worry I have a job for you." Rosie said.
"What?" Taron looked excited. My puppy was adorable when he was excited. Like the dog from the loo roll adverts.
"You need to bust Katelyn's man out of prison."
"Absolutely not." Mycroft piped up.
Rosie retrieved a knife from her hair. It must have been holding it up.
"That doesn't persuade me." Mycroft smiled.
"No but this will." Rosie snatched his umbrella and carved a hole in it.

"I can't believe that worked." I said as we ran along the pavement. We had brought Tyrone with us for extra security.
"Tha was impressive lassie but what in tha name of teabags is tha plan?" Tyrone struggled to keep up with us.
"Violence." Rosie shouted.

We stopped off at the Ritz to select the best devices of destruction for our mission. Then after a quick trip to Greggs for some sausage rolls we were on our way to the only place we could think Jim Moriarty would be.

Vivianne Westwood's house.

"Is it this one?" I asked.
"Duh, are you a wee thick? It says so on tha gate." Tyrone scoffed. He was so mean sometimes.
"I can smell something." Said Rosie.
"What?" I asked.
"Expensive clothing, we must be close." She then jumped on top of the railings and did a backflip over them.
"Wee show off." Tyrone muttered.

Mycroft's POV

"Firstly I would like to clarify I am not breaking national security for an umbrella." I whispered to Greg.
"Sure." Greg did not look convinced.
"It's for public safety Gregory, I wouldn't expect you to understand."
"You don't expect me to understand anything." Greg sighed.
"Grow up Gregory." I spat.
"It's Greg!" He shouted.
"Rapscallions! Be quiet!" Matthew hissed. Sometimes I worried he made me sound common.

I was now beginning to feel something I had not felt before. Could it be...., no I refuse to believe it may be shame. I could call my brother any name under the sun but he was not Greg. Hurting Greg, hurt me in some indescribable way. I hated it.

"You got that TNT." Taron whispered to Matthew.
"Here you are good sir." Matthew handed him an alarming amount of explosives. Nitwits.
"Hand those explosives to DI Lestrade." I ordered.
"Oh but Mycroft, I'm good at this sort of stuff." Taron whined.
"Egerton, you play pretend for more money than is necessary and call it a day job. Anyway, no one is blowing anything up because as the head of national security I have a key." I revealed a master keycard as Greg suppressed a smirk.
"Don't worry Taron, I admire your bravery." Matthew slung an arm around Taron's shoulder encouragingly.
"Thanks man." Taron looked upset.

Being in a generous sort of mood, I resisted the urge to roll my eyes.

"Come on Sebastian." I called as I opened the door.
"I won't be leaving you a glowing review on trip advisor." Seb snarled as he walked out of the spell.
"Well it's jolly lucky that Her Majesty's prison is not on trip advisor isn't it? I'm sure it would really deter the prisoners from staying with us."
"Yeah ok man. I just need to find Katelyn."
"Excellent news Sebastian." Said Matthew. "Rosie has gone to save her, she thinks she knows where that.....cockroach.......may be."
"Oh my god bro! You got yourself a keeper there." Seb looked elated.
"Mollie's gone aswell." Taron added.
"Cool, anyway what do we do now?" Seb turned to me.
"This was not my idea." I snapped.
"I thought you said that you didn't just release Seb because of the umbrella." Greg raised his eyebrows.

He was beginning to grate on me.

Taron and Me Book TwoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang