Corn Dogz

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Texas was different than I had envisioned. The bright lights of the Oscars with my darling Taron was far behind me now as I was hunting for new extras for this film.

The streets of Dallas smelt different. They lacked the English whiff of tea and desperation. Although they did smell of disappointment so that's fine. I was looking for star quality for this film. Though I wasn't 100% sure what it was about.

It was then that I stumbled upon a hobo. Yes a blanket and a hat. They were also holding a large cup. Being a rather charitable being I slipped four 10p coins in it and trotted away.

"Oi" Snapped the homeless person from behind me.

I broke into a effortless run. My long mane of hair billowed behind me in a seductive manner. No wonder they started to chase me.

"I sent you to find extras not ruin my coffee." I felt I recognised this voice.

It was Katelyn.

"Why are you dressed like a hobo Katelyn?" I was confused.
"What do you mean?"
"What do you think I mean."
"It's really cold today you know bestie. Now go and find me some extras."

I wandered the streets once more. I was in a state of melancholy. Then I stood on sea snake and was momentarily distracted. Is there a lot of sea snakes in Texas? I then returned to my wallowing. What if I had said yes? Perhaps Taron would still be here, grinning at me with his exquisite dimples and fit as cheekbones. Now we will never know.

I tripped and landed with a poof on the floor. What was that?
It was then that I turned and saw someone sat on the floor. They didn't really look homeless but they had a cup in their hand so it was hard to tell.

"Hello there, state your business." I said in a confident whisper.
"Mollie it's me."
"Oh yeah, what are you doing here?"
"Me and Joe spilt up, he just wasn't it for me anymore."
"Ah yes cardboard Ben."
"Not just him, I just didn't like him anymore."
"Oh right, do you wanna be in a film?"
"Ok, what's it about?"
"Cowboys, I think."

And so, I had hired my first extra. We left to go and find Katelyn but along the way I bumped into a van, it was of course Tyrone's.

"Ahoy their lassies!" Tyrone leaned his lepricorn like body out of the van.
"Oh well it's good to see ya again Rosie, I was beginning to think you were dead. Does anyone want a corn dog."
"What's one of those?" I asked.
"Disgustan American delicacy's I'm branching out."
"Fine but I will need some tea to wash it down."

Out of the corner of my eye I could see someone strutting down the street. They moved further and further away from me. The slight jiggle of their hips reminded me of many a crisp summer Amorning when I would watch Taron depart his bed in the same manner.

I launched myself in his direction.
"Sweetness it is me!" I cried before slipping on the corn dog I dropped. Quickly, I picked myself up and set off again.
The figure had began to run and I found it difficult to keep up.
I managed to yank a beanie from his head before he picked up a skateboard and grabbed hold of a car.

Damn I thought as I watched him fade away.

Inside of the hat there was a note. I must have been supposed to find this as that is what they say isn't it. Destiny is all.

Taron is watching you ;).

What a strange note.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now