Bring Arya back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"I can't believe they sacked you Uncle Tyrone!" Taron sighed.
"He was only a wee bit blue in tha face. It's not like I was honestly gonna snap his wee backstabbing little scoundrel neck." Tyrone's hands squeezed around his mug.
"No one cares Tyrone!" Matthew slapped down his mug and stormed out of the room. He was cranky as Rosie was about to go on her mission to save us all from the wrath of Jim Moriarty.


"I'll think about you every second of every day my dear." Matthew wiped a tear from his eye.
"I need to concentrate, but I'll miss you until it hurts." Rosie buried herself in Matthew's arms. He kissed the top of her head and they swayed in an embrace.
"Doesn't young love just make ya sick." Tyrone rolled his eyes and went for a refill of tea. I could tell he missed Orsino.
"Now scamper my treasure before the pain is too much." Matthew sealed his goodbye with a kiss.
"Bye." Me and Katelyn waved as she left.
"Parting is such sweet sorrow." Matthew touched his lips as if it would bring Rosie back to them.
"Get a grip." Brandon snarled.

We sat around an empty table at Tyrone's tasty tea shack to device a plan.
"What do we do now?" I asked as Taron traced circles on my hand. It was annoying so I slapped his own hand away.
"We go back to Texas." Katelyn announced.
"What?!" Matthew half choked on his tea. "We can't just leave Rosie here to die!"
Katelyn rolled her eyes. As did Greg.
"Look Matthew don't flip, but from now on you and Rosie are not together." Greg looked down at his coffee.
"I-" Matthew looked around at us.
"It's all part of the plan, we go back to shoot the film and make it look like Rosie and Matthew shave split up." Seb consulted his notes in his SPAM notebook. (A valentines present from Katelyn.)
"He'll see right through that." Taron interjected.
"He won't, not if we turn Rosie into a consulting criminal." Greg smiled.
"No, no way." Matthew sulked.
"We won't force Rosie to actually kill anyone." Greg looked annoyed.
"Just a bit of stabby stabby shooty shooty for show." Seb mimicked violence.
"Oh and that's ok then is it. Do you know what why don't we all just have a good hoedown and shoot this place up." Matthew stood on the table and pulled out a gun to shoot everyone.
"Oi ma good oak wood tables. Get off ya scallywag." Tyrone shoved Matthew's sexy legs and he fell with a thud on the floor.
"WHY were you gonna kill is all Matt?" Taron cried.
"It's a paintball gun." Matthew was curled up on the floor.
"Now, to Texas besties!!!" Katelyn did a very over the top peace sign and pulled out some plane tickets.

Tyrone had tasked me with scrubbing the Tasty Tea Trailer.
"Can I manage it then?" I asked as I painstakingly wiped the grimy floor.
"Hahaha lol. What do ya think I am? Just count ya self lucky I pay ya." Tyrone sauntered off with a tequila bottle he found in the cupboard.
"Don't worry Mollie, I'll talk to him." Taron said reassuringly.

I don't like Texas.

"And when do you want it done by?" An assistant nervously asked Katelyn.
"YESTERDAY" Katelyn screamed into her brand new megaphone.
"Pip don't you want to dial it back a bit?" Said Seb.
"Who the hell is Pip?" Katelyn swung around to glare at Seb.
"No I asked you." Katelyn slammed her coffee down on the table.
"I have no idea why I said that." Seb looked puzzled.

"Can I call her?" Matthew asked Brandon. He was seriously missing Rosie even though it had only been about 12 hours.
"You could, but that would mean blowing her cover and essentially singing her death warrant." Brandon strode off leaving Matthew to ponder miserably.

"Have you seen this?" Taron ran over to where we were sat having a coffee break. Katelyn strictly forbids anyone from calling them tea breaks.
"What's that bestie?" Katelyn clicked her fingers to summon him over. Sometimes I wonder if she enjoys being director just a bit too much.
"Oh my god!" Katelyn exclaimed. Taron had handed her newspaper.
"Quit with tha melodramatics ya wee tinkers." Tyrone grabbed the paper from her.
"WHAT IN THA NAME OF BALONEY IS THIS??" He cried, green hair tossing around him.
It was my turn to grab the newspaper. I read aloud the headline for the sake of not repeating the same reactions.
"Mystery Murder Revealed." I read. "The mysterious deaths of Uhtred, Meryl Streep and Joseph Mazello have today been labelled as murders. The murderer, pictured below, is yet to be named."

The picture was of Rosie.

"What have I missed fellow appreciators of performing arts!" Matthew arrived looking jolly for the first time in weeks.
"Absolutely nothing at all." Said Taron, chucking the paper under the table.
"How very indiscreet of you Taron, call yourself an actor." Matthew chuckled and retrieved the paper.
"Don't look mate." Seb stood up and tugged at his arm as if that would stop him.
"Oh." Matthew whispered as he read the article. "My brave dear has been tarnished by the institution of justice for a hoodlum thug with a good taste in clothes." He dropped the paper and walked off.

Later I was just putting the finishing touches on the van.
"That looks cracking ma wee chum!" Tyrone patted my back affectionately.
"Thanks." I was glowing from the appreciation.
"And I've decided to let ya run the wee van after all. I mean you are ma niece in law."
"Wow thanks Tyrone, this means so much to me!" I was surprised he was being nice to me.
"Anyway, I've got bigger things." Tyrone rubbed his hands together excitedly.
"What?" I was wary of this.
"Well the public seemed to love me. I mean I was tha full package." Tyrone flipped his hair and gestured at his body. "Anyway, I'm rich now so I've decided to expand the business."
"How?" I asked.
"Look." He pointed I've run the distance.

Oh gosh. He'd bought Uhtred's cafe.

"DesTEAny is all as they say." Tyrone laughed hysterically. I joined in.
"Seriously though I'm a big business man now. I'm a franchise. Got cafes everywhere." Tyrone looked chuffed.

That night we had a party at Tyrone's new Tasty Tea shack.
"Nivea want to make me the face of their brand ya know!" Tyrone winked at me.
"Don't care." I was a bit sick of Tyrone's bragging to be honest.

Then Mycroft appeared at the window, covered in blood.

Taron and Me Book TwoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora