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My birthday had been awful. Both Tyrone and I followed Brandon over to Tyrone's tea trailer. Richard was stood there drinking a cup of coffee, without any milk.

The disrespect!

"Oh hello darling I was just about to come and look for you." Richard smiled innocently.
"Evidently." Said Brandon gesturing at the cup and raising his eyebrows. I admired his sassyness.
"I'm not sure I understand the aggressive nature in which you are speaking." Richard fluttered his eyelashes.
"We know what you've been doing Richard." Brandon was stone cold in his stance. Like a cold chicken but not a chicken because Brandon isn't a chicken. Sigh.
"Look Richie I've tried to piece it together but I canny understand why ya hate me green hair so much."
"I don't know why you are accusing me of being so cruel Tyrone." Richard was welling up. Again, sigh.
"Oh for goodness sake Richard it's obvious that you have been trying to turn him into Taron." Brandon looked more bored than agitated.
"You don't know what you're talking about buddy." Richard had tears streaming down his face, they seemed to be streamed with shame.
"Whatever Richard, talk to the hand." Everyone seemed to have forgot it's was my birthday so I felt the need to add to the conversation.
"Is it true Richard sweet cakes?" Tyrone was crying now aswell.

Brandon rolled his eyes. I could not work this man out.

"I'm sorry Tyrone, I do love you but you're not Taron, no one got me like he did." Richard looked over to me and I scowled. He's my man.

Was my man.

"I'm going."

Then I left.

I was walking through the streets of Dallas alone. Filming was due to resume later and I needed some time to rage before I organised my extras. It was then that I saw a bus. I got on it because it looked pretty cool, and it is my birthday.

The bus was unpleasantly hot inside so I took off my jacket. My t shirt showed off my cleaverage in classy way but I was not in the mood to be seductive. Instead I found a coin on the floor and began to polish it. Perhaps it would buy me a tea at my destination.

Alas, I had to use it to buy my bus ticket.

I got off the bus several hours later. I had several missed calls from Dallas but I ignored them. Perhaps if they thought I was dead they would know how I felt about my one and only lover for the rest of my days being dead. Probably not.

Across the street I saw the sea. Where was I? What did it matter, life is but a walking shadow.

"You're not very observant are you." The voice behind me was familiar. It always was.
"Why are you here Brandon."
"I needed to tell you something." He seemed unfazed.
"Couldn't you have just texted."
"I can't remember where I put my phone." As he said this it buzzed in his pocket.
"What's that then."
"What's that."
"This." I reached into his pocket frustratedly.

I pulled out a phone but dropped it in a hurry, alarmed.

"Is that Taron's phone." I felt in a state of shock and urgency for violence.
"Yes why." He seemed calm.
"What do you mean why! He's dead."
"And I came to give you his phone. Richard had it."
"Oh do you didn't kill him."
"Not that I can recall."
"Ok thanks Brandon I'll see you later."

I walked off with my precious puppy's phone in my hand. It was locked but I easily guessed the password.

Colin Firth's Birthday. Duh.

I strolled along the beach, perhaps it was time to move on from Taron, I was sure he was dead anyway.

It was then that I heard a splashing and turned to see a figure in the water.
"Who?" I called back at the strange voice.
"Oh, what do you want?"
"It is I." I recognised this voice.

The body of an absolute God appeared before my very eyes. He was wet and glistening in the sun, like a tadpole. His hair was familiar and he had a beard. Perhaps the last bit was not a good look but it could be removed I supposed.

It was then that I was hit by a wave of realisation.

"Joe Mazello!" Why did he look like a fish?
"Hey there." His voice was husky like a husky.
"Where cardboard Ben?"
"Over there my the sand."

I looked over to see the cut out wearing glasses .

Oh, and then I saw Taron.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now