Holding out for a hero, but will settle for a cup of tea.

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I was convinced I was dead. Those damn roller skates had just rolled me to impending doom. I was now acquainted with the pavement, since my face was smushed up against it I considered that saying hello was probably the reasonable response.

"Are you alright there?" A voice loomed over me.
Oh god, this wasn't heaven was it? I didn't intend on adding a pun but I shall leave it there.
"Sorry dead." I replied, hoping whatever other worldly figure it was would leave me alone.
"Is that so?" I recognised that voice. It was Finan the Agile.
"Oh hello." I extended a hand in greeting but was instead hoisted up by it with impressive strength.
"Still not got the hang of them roller skates I see." He chuckled. I loved a man who chuckled.
"Are you stalking me or something?" I folded my arms and narrowed my eyes at him.
"I came to give you this, you left it in my pocket." He held up my spare set of keys for the hotel. How had I not missed those?
"Ah thanks." I held my hand out to grab them but at the last second he snatched them away. He had a mischievous grin on his face. I was both mildly irritated and attracted at the same time.
"Don't suppose you're up for a drink?" He smiled at me shyly.
"I'm guessing you won't give me the keys back if I say no."
He chuckled the keys in my direction and I missed, whilst bending to pick them up I slipped, but steadied myself on a solid thing infront of me. Only when I looked up did I see it was his kneecap.
"Lovely knees." I said.
"Thank you but I can't take the credit for there creation."

I had a very nice drink with Finan the Agile.

I decided to pop into 221b to see how they were all doing there. When I walked in, Greg was on top of Tyrone on the sofa.

My exit was swift. Bit like my sanity's departure was. I rolled on down to find Taron, I felt I had neglected him a little recently.

Just then, in a split second everything changed. The sky was purple, like a cabbage and I could hear a purring noise like electricity flowing. It reminded me of the sexual tension I had left in 221b.

A scream cut through my thoughts. Was it a lizard? Can lizard's scream? I hope so.

It was Katelyn.

She was clinging to the side of a building, her fingers slipping in the edge. Ah.

Spam, I mean Seb was rushing towards her, but alas, he was at the bottom of the building. He was screaming something inaudible.

Then suddenly Katelyn slipped. In a flash I thought forward to her funeral, would she want a big party afterwards? Never mind, someone flew out of a window and caught her. They had swung out of sight by the time I looked again.

"Oh." Said Seb.

My spidey senses were tingling.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now