Bum crisps or crispy bums.

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Katelyn was ringing so I answered the phone.
"Ahhhhhhhhhh." Was the first thing she said.
I pulled the phone away from my ear and gave it a run in a bid to regain some noise coming into it.
"Are you finished?" I asked cautiously.
"Ye bestie, but guess what?"
"You're pregnant." I said, this seemed pretty plausible.
"Haha no not yet."


"What then?" I was eyeing up Taron who was making a cup of tea.
"We've got the go ahead to start shooting again. Texas here we come. Wooooo yummy." I could tell she was dancing at the other end of the phone.
"That's great! But I thought I was fired."
"Oh you are but I thought you were bringing the tea trailer."
"Hopefully." I imagined them all leaving me behind whilst they went to make their fancy smancy film.
"Ok well bye bestie."
She hung up.

"What do ya want ya wee tinker." Tyrone looked at me quizzingly.
"You know that trailer you've got." I said casually.
"Can I run it in Texas?" I used my best puppy dog eyes.
"No." Tyrone got up and went to the loo.

Greg walked in. I saw my chance and decided to take it.
"Hi Greg." I smiled sweetly.
"What." He eyed me up suspiciously and sipped his coffee.
"You seen much of Tyrone recently?" The toilet flushed.
"Yes UNFORTUNATELY." He shouted in the direction of the bathroom.
"Listen Greg." I pulled him nearer to me. "I need to tell you something."
"What!" He seemed alarmed by our closeness.
"Mycroft Holmes is in love with you." I got a mouthful of coffee spat in my face.
"Eh, what are you talking about." Greg was bewildered.
"Trust me. I know infatuation when I see it." I raised my eyebrows and rolled my eyes.
"What are you two wee hooligans talking about?" Tyrone was stood in the doorway.
"Nothing." I said at the same time as Greg said: "Coffee."
"Official police business about coffee." Greg coughed.
"I don't believe youse for a wee split second." Tyrone flicked his hair and folded his arms. I could se eGreg was practically drooling.
"And what has it got to do with you?" Greg put his cross face on. He looked like a stroppy puppy. It was Tyrone's turn to drool.
"That's ma business partner you're talking to!"
"Oh is that what I am." I snarled at Tyrone.
"Aye sort of, so that's why it's ma business ya jumped up twit." Tyrone spat at Greg.
"I don't have time for this, it's not even my division. I've got a hot date tonight that I don't wanna be late for." Greg smirked.
"Oh yeah, who with." Tyrone laughed.
"Mycroft Holmes." Stated Greg. I put my head in my hands. This was not part of my plan.
"Wh-what?" Tyrone was dumbfounded.
"Yep, we've been seeing each other for a while."
Greg strode out of the room.
"Wee bastard." Snarled Tyrone.

"I have a problem." I had gone to visit Rosie and Matthew at there country estate. We were stood outside the stables.
"What's the problem?" Rosie was brushing Mrs Darcy's long mane.
"I've convinced Greg that Mycroft is in love with him." I said it in a rush.
Matthew spat out his tea as Rosie laughed.
"Good heavens!" He exclaimed.
"Why did you do that?" Rosie asked.
"Well I needed a job in Texas and Tyrone wasn't gonna let me have the tea trailer so I thought if I could get Greg and Tyrone back together he wouldn't be as grumpy and he would change his mind."
"But how does Mycroft fit into it." Rosie smirked.
"He was the first name that popped into my head, I just wanted Greg to say he was off the market so Tyrone would fight for him." I sighed. "He wasn't supposed to say he was going on a date with him."
"What a conundrum." Matthew said this more to Mrs Darcy than to me.

What a conundrum indeed.

We were chatting about Matthew's swans when a motorbike pulled up. A sexy looking man got off it and smoothed back his hair. He smelt like pickles and Gucci.
"Hi there, I'm here about the position of head stables man?" I could tell he was chewing gum.
"Indeed, me and my wife have not yet filled that position. Any experience in that field? Pun intended." Matthew laughed at his own joke.
At least someone did.
"Yeah yeah, I've been around horses all my life." The man smiled.
"What's your name?" Rosie asked.
"Brooke, Richard Brooke."
"You're hired." Rosie said quickly.
"Shouldn't we discuss this further my dear?" Matthew murmured in Rosie's ear.
"No need, he's perfect for the job isn't he?" Rosie smiled innocently at Matthew who looked uneasy.
"Look I don't wanna cause any trouble." Richard smiled and blushed.
"Oh you're not. Come back tomorrow and we can discuss the details." Rosie extended her hand to him.
"Thank you so much." Richard winked at Rosie when Matthew's head was turned.

I noticed.

After Richard had gone, an awkwardness descended on us. Rosie turned to Mrs Darcy and began to talk to her about the weather. I tied my laces.
"Well my dear, best be off to tend to the swans." Matthew swiftly walked away.


Mycroft's P.O.V:
I was on my way to Scotland Yard. An ominous note was left on my desk. I don't do notes as a rule, but this one drew me in.

Come to Scotland Yard, got something you've been looking for. Won't disappoint.

This must have been the key evidence that we needed to finally bust the infamous Jim Moriarty. Even my little brother couldn't pin him down. I could just picture the look on his face when he finds out that I took down his archnemisis.

I arrived to find an odd looking girl stood outside. She looked familiar. When she saw me she began to frantically wave. Oh god, I averted my eyes and tried to walk briskly past her, but she got infront and stopped me.
"Mycroft, thank god I caught you, has Lestrade got in touch with you?" Mollie, that was her name.
"No Mollie, no he hasn't, now if you will excuse me I have something actually important to do." I brushed past her, barely suppressing a chuckle. What would I want with Greg Lestrade.

"Hello I'm here on official business." I said to the receptionist. She looked rather alluring, all the qualities I needed in women who work for me. Not that I found them alluring, but dunderheads like John Watson did.
"Ah Mycroft Holmes." Greg Lestrade appeared shooting finger guns at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Ah D.I Lestrade, nice to see you."
"Is it?" He waggled his eyebrows at me.
"Um...quite." What a strange man. Quite attractive though-, stop it Mycroft. I turned back to the receptionist.
"Yes I was told to come here." I smiled at her.
"Don't worry Cassandra, I'll see to this." Greg winked at me and ushered me upstairs. I do not take kindly to being ushered.

We went into his office. The decor was rather good for a man of his status. I particularly liked the wall hanging that read: God Bless this division.
"Listen Greg, I really must be getting on so-" Before I could finish my sentence, Greg planted a kiss on my lips. He tasted like coffee, alluring.
"Gosh well that was-" As I was speaking it hit me. "It was you that sent that note wasn't it Greg."
"Do you know, you're one of the only people that gets my name right every time." Greg smiled at me and somehow, I didn't feel the urge to roll my eyes, I felt rather warm and fuzzy.

I must be ill.

I left Scotland Yard in the early hours of the morning. It was only when I got home that I noticed I had put my shirt back on inside out.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now