The Apprentices

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(Notice that this chapter actually has relevance to the story.)

"I can't wait to meet Lord Sugar again!" Said Rosie excitedly as we got ready in the big house.
"I haven't seen him since I got absolutely trollied at the party after the wedding." Katelyn smiled at the memory.
"I can't believe it's been 6 hours since I last saw Taron." I sighed. I imagined him having a bros party in the other room.

"Not there I'm ticklish!!" I heard Taron squeal form the other room.

The phone rang and I sprinted to answer it. To my dismay Orsino was running aswell. I hit him with a pineapple that lay on the staircase and quickly made it the rest of the way and picked up the phone.
"Hello, Sugar residence, Apprentice speaking." I said joyfully. I heard the person on the other end of the phone sigh.
"Get ready, Lord Sugar would like you to go to Bebenburgh castle. The cars leave in 20 minutes."

Naturally I did what all the other candidates did. I screamed and ran upstairs.
"Guys! We're going to Bebenburgh!!!" I shouted.
"Where tha bloody hell is that." Tyrone appeared at the doorway in his boxers. They were green (obviously) and had a Dorito pattern on them.

We filed into the taxis. In mind was of course my other teammates: Rosie, Katelyn and Tyrone. Orsino had gone with the others to try and get in on there bromance. They were tight so it would be hard. In fact they were probably tighter than my attitude towards money.

We parked up and walked into an office. I observed that we had got to Northumberland quite quickly. But then I realised that we were still in London.
"I would like you to organise an exclusive, family fun day out at Bebenburgh castle. Half of you will be on ticket sales, and half on organising events. Then all of you will lead your groups around the castle."

Then we had to discuss. It was a good job I had taken Katelyn's megaphone out of her bag before we set off.
"Ok, so personally I would like to put myself forward as project manager." Said Rosie excitedly.
"Aye and so would I, as tha only real business person in tha room." Tyrone straightened his suit. Which was hot pink.
"Let's put it to a vote." Said Rosie, glaring at him.
"Hands up for me." Said Tyrone cockily.
The room was very still. I heard Tim smirk in the corner.
"And for me." Said Rosie smiling.
Katelyn and I both rose our hands.
"Excellent." Said Rosie.
Tyrone sat and sulked.
"So I think I'll have Mollie and Katelyn on the activities team. Katelyn you can be sub-team leader."
"Thank you." Katelyn smiled.
What was wrong with me as sub-team leader?
"So you an me are on sales Tyrone." Rosie patted him on the shoulder and walked away.

Orsino's POV.

I felt I had a lot to prove today. We were sat discussing our team.
"I would like to put myself forward for project manager." Said Taron eagerly.
"Ok." I nodded.
"Really? Don't you think you are lacking the skills old pal?" Matthew said sympathetically.
"Wh-what do you mean?" Taron looked offended.
"Well you are not the brightest star in the sky." Matthew said. "No offence intended."
"I'm still offended."
"Look Taron, what Matt means to say is that your calling is being an actor. I'm a businessman so it should be me." Seb pulled Taron into a bro hug.
"Most certainly not! It should be I who leads us to glory. I have more competency than both of you put together." Matthew stood up, his hand was flexing.

They argued for several minutes until Karen had to intervene.
"I will disqualify you." She warned.
"Fine." Sighed Matthew. "If it makes you happy Sebastian, YOU can be the PM. But don't come running to me when it gets too hot in the kitchen."
"What kitchen?" Asked Seb.
"The metaphorical kitchen of your failure."
"You can be sub team leader with this clown, Orsino." He pointed to Matthew.


Me and Katelyn had arrived at Bebenburgh.
"So bestie, let's go and smash it." Katelyn produced her megaphone from the backseat of the taxi. When did she get that?
"COME ON TIM." She shouted through it.

"So these are our options." I said, looking at the fancy folders.
"What should we do?" I asked.
"I don't know what do you think?" Replied Katelyn.
"I don't know what do you think?"
"I don't know, that's why I asked you." Katelyn rooted around for her coffee.
"Let's do the skydiving." I said.
"Omg yes and then we can do the medical massage by a Viking!"

This business stuff was easy.

Seagulls POV.

There was two people on the street. When swirling for a while I found that they were called Rosie and Tyrone. They were selling tickets. I was distracted for a while by someone carrying some tantalisingly tangy chips. But then I saw some major shit was going down so I swooped in.

"Don't ya tell me how to sell wee pieces of paper!" Hissed Tyrone. "I'm a successful businessman!"
"Well why are you here then?" Said Rosie. "Why does a big businessman need Lord Sugar's help?"
"Just sell ya tickets." Spat Tyrone.

"Hi excuse me, fancy a nice day out at an exclusive castle?" Rosie was waving tickets in someone's face.
"No thanks." They said.
"Only £345 if you buy now." She added.
"Not interested."
"Ok, best I can offer: £300."

"Rosie, tha others are ringing." Tyrone held up a phone.
Rosie picked up the phone and put it on speaker.
"Hi." She said.
"Hi." Came a reply.
"What have you chosen?" Rosie looked excited.
"Right well we have chosen skydiving and the Viking massage." The voice sounded enthusiastic.
"Oh. Really." Rosie gave Tyrone a look that said: "what the actual fuck?"
"Aye tha's a wee bit odd." Said Tyrone politely. Confusing, he hadn't held back on the insults before.
"How many tickets have you sold?"
"Um......well the thing is we have's pretty quite today so-"
"HOW FUCKING MANY BESTIE?" Shouted a voice.
"7" Said Tyrone quickly.
The call ended abruptly.

Karen's POV

"Ok then Seb, what we picking?" Taron rubbed his hands excitedly. I rolled my eyes.
"I was thinking we could go for ye olde dodgeball." Suggested Seb.
"What's that?"
"Well it's like dodgeball but instead of balls they use heads..........Oh, not real heads. I mean I don't think there real."
"Can we do kinky karaoke aswell?" Taron asked hopefully. I wanted to yeet my clipboard at them right there and then. Surely, Seb would not think this was a good idea for a FAMILY day out!
"That's a great idea. Up top bro." Seb high fived Taron.

Sweet Jesus.

Seagulls POV (again)

Now there were two more idiots.

One was tall and had a billowing jacket on. He spoke like he was straight out of some wishy washy romance novel. I found out he was called Matthew.
The other was quite annoying. He talked about love non stop and told everyone it was his 40th birthday this year. He was kinda hot tho.

"Would you like a holiday?" Matthew got right up into someone's face.
"Come along man I do not have all day! Here, will a Fanta Lemon sweeten the deal?" He threw a bottle at them.
"Sure." They quivered.
"That'llbe£1,500pleasepayingbycard?" He was a blur of words. The person simply nodded.


Thus concluded day one :)

Taron and Me Book Twoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें