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I had pondered over the note all night. Tossing and turning like a sausage in a kebab shop. Could it really be from Taron? I mean that is why I was there. I had no time for these tricky thoughts today though, today we began filming.

I made my way over to Tyrone's tea trailer and nearly collapsed in disbelief. What strong and sexy welsh accent was gracing my ears with its presence? I immediately thought of my saviour Taron. Perhaps this was linked to the note.

No to my utter dismay and disappointment it wasn't.
It was Tyrone.

I inwardly rolled my eyes before remembering I wanted him to see my annoyance so did it outwardly. Twice.
"Is there something wrong with your face pet?" Said Tyrone in his Welsh accent which was crap by the way.
"No, it's fine thanks." I snarled before storming off into the distance.

I found Brandon over by the set. He appeared to be dusting.
"I didn't know you were a cleaner Brandon."
"Because I'm not." He said in a matter of fact way.
"Well what are you doing then?" I was confused.
He sighed, I feared everyone would begin doing this again.
"You have so many questions don't you." And with that he flounced off, his coat billowing behind him.

Some people are so cranky.

Shooting was about to begin. We now had a total of three extras. I was unsure where the others had come from.
"Over here sexy.....I-I mean Sebastian." Katelyn blushed at her mistake. 

A tall, dark haired man in a cowboy hat walked over to where we stood. He was no Taron Egerton but I had to admit his face held some appeal in the attraction department. Katelyn stared adoringly.
"Are you ill?" I asked.
"What no, stop speaking he's coming over."
"Hi there, you must be the director." He held out his hand in greeting.
Katelyn stared at his hand as if it was some kind of alien.
"Um- yes but you can call me Katelyn if you like."
Sebastian dropped his vacant hand and instead opted for a grin.
"Ok Katelyn." He shot some finger guns and walked off.
"Yes, I think I am sick." Said Katelyn.

I watched as the first scene played out before my very eyes. It would have been exciting if they didn't have to redo it several times. There were props everywhere. Just like my grief for Taron was everywhere. He would have loved this. I could just imagine him in a racy cowboy attire, showing off his moves.

I snapped out of my seductive daydream when I heard the loud neigh of a horse, a real one.
"Sorry I didn't see you there." Said a voice deeper than my internal depression.
The man with the voice leapt from his horse and went to help up Rosie who must have been near at the time.
"My names Matthew Macfadyen but you can just call me Matthew."
I had to say he was rather good looking aswell.

But no one was Taron Egerton.

"Do you know what, I think we'll just take a break." Katelyn huffed as she slapped her clipboard down.
"Where is that green man and his coffee!"
"So since I've nearly maimed you with a horse, fancy a tea." Matthew wiggled his eyebrows at Rosie.
Awestruck she nodded and they walked off in the direction of the exit.

Tyrone hand been circulating with cups of tea all morning, but I was surprised to find that his trailer had no customers now. Curiously I followed most of the others who walked right past it. Perhaps the accent was putting people off.

Around the corner was a another tea shop. How strange, it wasn't there yesterday as far as I could recall. I skipped inquisitively towards it and read the sign.

Uhtred's Tea shop.

Perhaps it wasn't as catchy as Tyrone's although it was busy. I caught up with Richard, who I felt less of a urge to pummel into the ground.

"So, who's Uhtred?" I asked.
"Apparently it's a family name. He does look a bit...odd though."
"What's Tyrone going to say." A smirk spread across my face.
"Well here he is now. Don't do anything nasty babe."
"Im gonna rip his wee danish head clean off!" Tyrone seemed to have dropped the Welsh accent again.

A frown appeared on Richard's face. I was about to quiz him when a chair appeared through the window.
"It is tea." An accent that must have been from around the danish area shouted.
"I can see that ya wee scoundrel, but what is it doing on ma turf?"
"You are not the only tea establishment in town Tyrone." Uhtred said as he  yanked a sword out from behind his back. He pointed it in Tyrone's direction.
"There's no need to get aggressive ya wee tinker." Tyrone looked worried.
"DesTEAny is all and you should respect that."
"Fine, I'll go but ya haven't heard the last of Tyrone!"
"One day I will reclaim Bebbanburgh and you can have Dallas back."

Tyrone stormed off.

I sighed, Taron should have been here to witness this drama. Or should I say tea.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now