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I would like to apologise in advance for this awful chapter.

"Taron we should reconcile our love for one
another." I said lying next to him in bed.
"Hmmm." He said sleepily. "What did you say carrot? I didn't hear you."
"Never mind." I said quickly.
"Is there something wrong?" He sat up.
"No. Sleep." I turned over, misjudging where the pillow was and smacked my head off the bedside cabinet.
"Do you even love me Mollie?" Taron sounded tearful.
Nooooooo. He'd used my actual name and not referred to me as a vegetable! Something must be wrong.
"What kind of question is that?" I said also sitting up.
"A genuine one for my wife that hates me!"
"Poppycock!" I cried.
"Ok Matthew."
"What for?"
"Not showing my love for you. Do you want a biscuit?"
"Confectionery doesn't solve everything!" Taron swung out of bed.
"Not even a nice dark chocolate digestive?" I asked quietly.
"No." He sighed. "I love you Mollie but it's a very one sided love."
"No it's not!"
"It is! I know you're basically a mushroom and that's fine but you could just try to be a bit more you know, vocal in you're affection rather than trash talking me."
"Okie? Were you even listening to me?"
"Yes, I'm formulating a response." I put a finger to his lips so he'd stop spewing out the verbal diarrhoea.
"Would you like a tea whilst you think?" He said eventually.
"Yup." I nodded. "Please."

I knew exactly how to win Taron's affections. I walked over to the window. We were staying in a B and B whilst 223b was being renovated. Our room was quite high up. Taron was down in the kitchen. I did a high pitched scream and then jumped out of the window.

Taron's Jacket's POV.

Taron put me on. I was sooo glad that he had bought me. Out of all the other jackets out there he decided he wanted it be in close proximity to little old me. I was mostly definitely his favourite.
"Mollie? I heard a scream. Where are you?" We rushed into the room. Taron looked around but Mollie wasn't there. He thumbled around for his phone before ringing Seb.
"Hey bro, what's happening?" Seb said. His accent annoyed me greatly because it belonged to him.
"Um I don't really know why I'm ringing you. Have you seen Mollie. Or has Katelyn seen Mollie?"
"Sorry man, me and Katelyn are busy at the moment."
"Who's that?" A muffled voice said from the other line.
"It's Taron, I think Mollie's disappeared."
"What lol. She'll be looking for some Fanta lemon."
"Where?" Asked Taron hopefully.
"Anywhere." Replied Katelyn.
"I think Matthew still has some from his sales tactics." Said Seb.

Taron hung up and his busy fingers then rang Matthew.
"Ah, good day my dear Taron. As Sebastian would say 'how is it popping?'" Matthew chuckled to himself.
"Have you seen Mollie?"
"Who? Oh right. No sorry good sir."
"Has Rosie seen Mollie?" Taron sounded distressed.
"Um.....hang on." Matthew's end of the line made some shuffling noises as if he had put the phone down somewhere. "ROSIE MY DEAR?.......IS MOLLIE IN THE VICINITY?.......I SAID IS MOLLIE HERE?..........WHAT?........I CAN'T HEAR YO-...oh you're there. Have you seen Mollie?"
"Did you hear that Taron good man?"
"Yep." Taron was looking stressed.
"If you have lost her then why not get round to 221b?" Suggested Matthew.
"Thanks Matt." Said Taron.
"Any time my man. What are brothers for?"

I was really getting excited now. With that bitch Mollie out of the way then Taron would have more time for me. Mollie hates suede so she tells him not to wear me. The injustice! Well I hope she's been kidnapped by some violent thug and he rips her fingernails off or something. Meanwhile, Taron is as snug as a bug in me.

"Oh my god! Mollie hates this jacket. Better wear something else." Taron shrugged, yes SHRUGGED me off. I was mortally offended. She does not own him. I am a very sexy ass jacket. Who wouldn't want to wear me.

Orsino's POV

Taron arrived looking wild.
"HaveyouseenMollie?" He rushed in.
"Slow down laddie, where did ya last see her?" Tyrone grabbed Taron by the shoulders. He was so sexy when he was being compassionate. He was definitely my food of love.
"Well I heard her scream and then just Poof." He made poof gestures with his hands.
"I know exactly what's happened." Brandon appeared from the darkness.
"Do ya just lurk in tha shadows?" Tyrone sighed.
"I do when weird green people invade my house." Brandon raised his eyebrow.
"How do you know?" Taron looked like he was about to cry.
"Here mate, have a macaroon." I handed Taron one of my finest homemade macaroons.
"Wee Orsino is like a sexy Mary Berry." Tyrone slung an arm around me.
"I wouldn't go that far." I blushed but secretly loved the affection and hoped we ended up in bed together in the near future.
Then Taron burst into tears.
"Aww wee tinker. Don't worry he is actually quite a good cook."
"I-I'm sorry it's just.....M-Mollie used to do this when people were upset." Taron sobbed.
"Do you want to know what's happened?" Asked Brandon.
Taron nodded.
"She's dead." Brandon announced.
"What?" Taron looked shocked.
"Isn't it obvious?" He rolled his eyes. I wondered if I hit him with a macaroon he would show his true robotic self.
"The scream, the car covered in her blood. She's gone out the window."
"What car?" Shrieked Taron.
"You are so gormless Tarquin." Sighed Brandon.
"It's Taron." Snapped Tyrone.
"Just passing the message on."
"She can't be dead." Taron was suddenly angry. Would now be a better time to offer a macaroon?
"Come on wee Taron." Tyrone led him away.

We went to 223b.


The lights turned on. I heard footsteps and made the signal to everyone to jump up.
"SUPRISE!!!" We all cried.
Taron fainted.

When he came round I offered him some cake. He went to take it but I pulled it away.
"I'm sure you would prefer this." I then kissed him. We passionately snogged for a bit and then he pulled away.
"I thought you were dead!" He sounded shocked.
"No. Who told you that?"
"Oh well I'm not."
"But I heard you scream?" Taron looked confused.
"You were only meant to think I'd been kidnapped." I said.
"Oh. That's still a bit dodge carrot."
"Yeah I see that now."
"I was so upset when you were dead." Taron said.
"I felt the same when you were dead."
"So I suppose we're evens stevens now." Taron winked.
"Have you got something in your eye?"
"I'm sorry Taron. I will try to show you how much I love you more often."
"Thanks. To be honest I quite like it when you're a total bitch to me. Got any biscuits?"

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now