Two eyelashes chilling on a cheek.

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"Rosie my dear, where are you?" Matthew coughed and spluttered.
"I'm here." Said a familiar voice.

My only concern at this point was Taron.

"TARON!!!!" I screamed into the rubble. Where was Katelyn and her megaphone. I found her hand and yanked it out of it. Then I ran off. Then I went back and gave Katelyn a nudge.
"Oh hi bestie."

Yes, she was fine.
"Quit ya screaming ya lunatic! Wee Orsino has a headache!"
"Sorry." I wiped tear from my eye. Taron must be dead, again.

Then my phone pinged. It was a message from Taron that simply read: 🥕


He then surfaced from under some rubble and we canoodled for a bit as I was glad he wasn't dead.

Several days later me and Taron were in our swanky new house. 223b Baker Street. I was texting Katelyn who lived down the road in 220b with Seb. He had given up America, claiming his home was wherever Katelyn was. Groan inducing but convenient.

Jim and Arya had escaped, much to Mycroft's annoyance. Seb had broken his leg and Katelyn was nursing him apparently. By nursing I think she means something different but this book is PG. Finan the Agile had also made it out alive. (Discreet sigh of relief). And Tyrone was letting him live above the OG tea shack. And the film was getting mad good reviews. Especially Mrs Darcy.

All's well that ends well.

"Isn't it great not to be staying in that shitty little hotel anymore?" Taron said as he opened the curtains.
"Yes, but keep them shut." I ordered.
"Why?" He waggled his eyebrows.
"You know bright sunlight gives you headaches, and what do headaches do?"
"Make me faint." Mumbled Taron.
"We could go back to bed though." I said casually.
Taron ran over excitedly. He was looking pretty buff these days to be fair.

"Hello Seb, how are you?" I asked. I was in 221b. We lived either side and still liked to convene here.
"Good, what's chilling with you?"
"My autobiography is nearly ready to publish."
"Is there an audio edition?"
"That's what Taron asked." I sighed, then added. "Yes".
"Here you are." Matthew came in with a tray full of tea. He was wearing an apron that had one of them sexy man's chest on them. I think it was Mrs Hudson's.
He gave a mug to Rosie and stared at her intently. I knew he was devoted to her but this was becoming rather odd. "Here you go Rosie."
We all looked over, waiting for him to add "My dear" but it never came.
"Damn." Said Seb. Katelyn nipped him.
"Hmm this a bit sweet isn't it?" Rosie wrinkled her nose.
"Is it?" Said Matthew casually. "Sorry, forgot you didn't like sugar in it.
"Well you know now." Rosie smiled.
"I'm just going to go and get some biscuits." Matthew hurried off.
"Damn did he get a smack over the head in that explosion?" Said Seb.

Something seemed suss to me.

I went over to Katelyn and dragged her away from Seb.
"We're going outside." I announced.
"Oooo can I come?" Asked Rosie.
"No." I said.

"What is it bestie?" Asked Katelyn "My arm likes being in its socket." She rubbed it.
"What? Oh sorry, anyway. I just wanted to ask you away from everyone else." I stopped. How to ask this question.
"Are you gonna be making another film, because the tea van would benefit from being in another film set."
"I did have one in mind actually. It's medieval fantasy. Seb plays the sexy knight that slays all the baddies. And I was gonna ask Matthew if he would be a wizard."
"Anything for Taron?"
"An elf." She said.
Yes that made sense.
"Ok thanks." I said. She did a peace sign in return.

When I strode back up to 221b, only Rosie was in the kitchen.
"Hey there Buster." I shot her some finger guns.
"What?" Rosie looked puzzled.
"Buster Moon, you know?"
"Oh the Koala, yeah my favourite character." She laughed nervously.
"Yes. Need to go." I had to find Matthew immediately.

Taron and Tyrone were back at 223b. I ran in, looking for my phone.
"Oh hi, we were just having some tea." Said Taron.
"That's nice, have you seen my phone?" I asked.
"No. But don't worry carrot I'll give it a ring." Taron got out his own phone. The case was a picture of me on a orange background. My case was not of him.
"Why do ya call each other vegetables?" Puzzled Tyrone. "Ya don't see me going around giving people foodie names. I don't say 'Oh hi aubergine' when I see wee Orsino."

I was sure this wasn't true.

The ringing was muffled. I could tell it was coming from the sofa. I began to fling cushions frantically until I realised that the close to Tyrone I got, the louder the ringing was.
"Stand up." I sighed.
"No I think I'll embarrass you. I'm sat on something that feels a bit like it's a wee bit naughty."
"What?" I asked, exasperated.
"That's not a vibrator Uncle Tyrone, it's Mollie's phone."

Tyrone stood up. "Oh so it is." He picked it up and handed it to me. It was warm.

I dialled Matthew's number. It wasn't often that I spoke to him.
"Good day to you Mollie." He said over the line.
"Hi, what's chilling?" I asked casually.
"Just my trifle in the fridge. I'm really into baking these days." What did she see in him?
I was trying to be discreet about how I asked Matthew what I needed to know.
"How's your marriage?" I asked.
"Why?" I could tell he was narrowing his eyes.
" to be aware of things." I stuttered.
"Come down to the country estate. I believe we have a serious discussion to discuss."

I was there in about an hour. As I pulled up I noticed that there was a strange aura in the air. Even more suspicious.
"Over here." Matthew hissed from the stable.
"Hi." I said.
"Flaming Nora! Will you be discreet." He whispered aggressively.
"Sorry." I whispered.
"Come here." He beckoned me over and we stood on a bail, looking out of a high up window.
"She's there." He whispered. Rosie was walking up to the house.
"Yes I can see you know Matthew."
"Why are we spying?" I asked.
"Because that's not Rosie." He hissed.
"Ha, I knew it!" I exclaimed.
"Rosie likes her tea sweet, like her personality." He whispered. "That brute has taken her away."
I handed him a Bourbon biscuit.
"Very kind." He said, wiping away the tears.
"What do we do?" I asked.
"We catch out fake Rosie, but first we find the real one."

I loved a bit of drama.

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