Fresh, (like Taron's hair)

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It was a year later.

The film had been put on hold for a year. Seen as though Sebastian Spam was Lord Sugar's new business partner, he didn't have time to be the lead role in Katelyn's new film. She refused to cast anyone else.

Taron and Matthew were practising their kissing scene, occasionally Taron would have to stretch further onto his tiptoes, or Matthew would bend further down. As I said before, the film was still on hold, but they felt the need to keep practicing their kissing so it was cool when we finally resumed.

I was sat reading one of my favourite fanfics. It was called Back to Him, by RosieJ05 It was a riveting read that had me positively shooketh with each new chapter. I glanced over to Brandon, he was aiming his gun at the wall, squinting to get a good shot. I watched as he quickly pulled the trigger.

"ARGHH YA WEE HOOLIGAN, I AM HIT, LOOK AT ALK THIS WEE BIT OF BLOOD, GOD ALMIGHTY HELP ME!!!!!" Tyrone screamed. He had stood up just as Brandon pulled the trigger.
"Mind my carpet love." Said Mrs Hudson, stepping around him as he crumpled to the floor.
"Uncle Tyrone!" Taron ran over and caught him in his muscular, stretchy arms.
"Ah, laddie, don't ya worry about ya wee silly uncle." Tyrone winced in pain.
"Good heavens, I must ring for an ambulance." Matthew looked around desperately for a phone. Rosie was dialling 999. "Ah, top banana Rosie my dear." Her wedding ring flashed as she put the phone to her ear.

I looked over at Brandon again, he was staring down at Tyrone on the floor, the gun was still in his hand. Then all at once he snapped into action. He yanked his scarf form his neck in a very sexy manner I must say, before racing over to where Tyrone lay. Taron was sobbing over his body, blood oozed out from around his had which was pressed on the wound.
"Get up!" Said Tyrone.
"I won't let you anywhere near him!" Snarled Taron.
"Fine let him die!"
Taron reluctantly put him down and came over to me. I was ready with custard creams and an affectionate pat on the shoulder. We rubbed noses and chomped on biscuits as we watched the scene infront of us unfold.

Brandon pressed his scarf on Tyrone's wound. Hard.
"Crikey Mikey, tha was like a wee thunderstorm!" Tyrone giggled. He was losing blood fast.
"John where are you??" Shouted Brandon. His voice sounded shaky.
"Oh here take this." Katelyn passed him her megaphone. "You can use it bestie."
"JAWNNNNN." He yelped.

Then footsteps came up the stairs. John shot in like a possessed hedgehog.
"Oh god!" He exclaimed, leaping to attend to Tyrone.
"This man is dying, has anyone called an ambulance?"
"Yes." I said, I felt I hadn't spoken in a while.

John desperately slapped Tyrone's face and then checked his pulse.
"I'm gonna start CPR. Mrs Hudson, bring tea."

Tyrone lay in a critical state on the floor.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now