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We arrived at the bean factory. Taron walked on infront of me.
"I'll make sure no one gets you Mollie." He said loudly.
"Shush ya big bafoon." Tyrone hit him with a shovel. Perhaps a little too hard as he was knocked to the floor. Unconscious.
"Ah whoops." Tyrone stepped over him.
I stopped and checked his pulse. He was probably fine so we left him on the floor.

The factory was dark and dingy. A bit like my life prospects.
"Rosie my dear, we should take this way." Their fingers found each others and my mind went to Richard Brooke.
"Come on we'll have to go together." I dragged Richard Madden down another path.
"I thought you hated me." Richard looked puzzled.
"I don't, you just annoy me greatly. And anyway, we need to let Tyrone and Greg go together."
"Me and Tyrone never split up." Richard snapped.
"Well you have now."


"What was that noise?" I grabbed Richard's shoulder but quickly released it.
"I'm not bloody psychic!" Richard rubbed his arm.
"Quickly ya wee scallywags." Tyrone hissed from down the corridor.

We all ran up a flight of stairs to where there was a bright light.
"You could say this is like S.P.A.M assemble." Greg chuckled. Tyrone was the only person to laugh.

We reached the top of the stairs and found Katelyn aggressively kicking someone whilst Tom untied Seb from a lime green chair. Katelyn grabbed the man she was beating by the hair and picked up a spoon. Then she found a can of baked beans and shovelled them onto it. She began to force the man to eat beans.
"I hope they taste like shit you shit." She kept screaming.

I was rather impressed by the speed she made him eat them.

After a while, Tom dragged her away. Seb stood up and cracked his knuckles. Don't know why that was necessary.
"It's ok Katelyn I'm fine." He said.
"What....um...I mean oh yeah. Thank God." Katelyn went and patted him in the shoulder.
"Well this is awkward." Richard smirked. I elbowed him in the ribs.
"Let's go." Said Greg.
"Not so fast." A shaky voice emerged from the shadows. It was a woman. She held a phone to her ear and had an explosive vest attached to her front.
"I've got a little game for you." The woman said, she looked rather nervous.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"I'm talking to you through a safe route."

I understood now, this woman was saying whatever the person on the other end of the line was telling her to say. This plot twist seemed familiar but I could not put my finger on why.

"Jim Moriarty." Greg whispered.
"Who?" Matthew ducked down to hear him. I swear he was around the height of a small skyscraper.

Like a spider, a figure dressed in black swooped down, brandishing a pair of scissors. They swiftly cut a red wire and left the way they came in.
"Fuck, no don't say that, look just tell them that they haven't heard the last of Jim Moriarty!" The woman stammered and fell to her knees.
"Someone get that woman a blanket!" A man ordered. I turned to see it was Mycroft Holmes.
"Mycroft." Greg's face lit up.
"Yes." I saw a flicker of a look when Mycroft looked at Greg. I don't know much about subtle looks but that one most definitely said something steamy. I could smell sexual tension from a mile away.
"How did you know that was going to happen?" Asked Greg.
"We had an anonymous tip off."
"From who?" Quizzed Tyrone.
"No Ty-" I began to explain but Mycroft cut in.
"We suspect it was Jim himself."
"What?!" Matthew looked flabbergasted.
"He sounds like a dick." Commented Rosie.
"If Jim wanted to kill you then you would all be dead by now. He just wanted to scare you." Mycroft swizzled his umbrella. I could tell Greg found that sizzling.
"Hot." Rosie said before clamping her hand over her mouth.
"What." Said Matthew.
"Um...Not, yes not good."
"Ineed my dear, simply awful of him." Matthew slung his arm around Rosie.
"Where is my little brother, we have a code indigo on our hands." Mycroft's brown burrowed further down his face.
"What's that?" Asked Tyrone fiddling with his hair.
"A shit ton of trouble for public safety." Greg slipped his hands in his pockets.
"Let's go home." I suggested.

As we were leaving I watched Mycroft slip a note to Greg. A small smile washed over his face briefly.

Couple goals, but what about Tyrone?

Of yeah and Taron was fine.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now