The Boardroom

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"What are you reading?" Seb asked Katelyn. We were sat outside the boardroom.
Katelyn chucked her phone under the seat with lightening speed, her face went the colour of a baboons but cheeks.
"Erm just going over what I'm going to say." Said Katelyn quickly. Seb sighed.
"Doll, you know I don't like you reading smut about me when we're together in public spaces." Seb whined.
"I know baby........but it's just so hot."
"Do you read this so called smut about me my dear?" Asked Matthew hopefully. Rosie placed a hand on Matthew's shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look.
"Sorry Matthew it doesn't exist." She said kindly.
"Oh." Matthew tightened his tie and cleared his throat.
"I don't read Taron smut." I announced.
"I do." Confessed Taron.
Silence descended.

"You can go through to the boardroom." Said the American lady who answers the weird flat phone.

"Good day to you Lord Sugar." Matthew extended his hand over the table.
"Where have they pulled you out from? The 15th century?" Lord Sugar laughed. As did Karen and Tim.
"Good one." Said Matthew through gritted teeth. Seb put his hand over Matthew's and squeezed it. I sometimes wondered if I would think it was them that were married if I were an outsider to the group.

No, I'd think it was a threesome.

"Right, so I've asked you to organise an exclusive day out at Bebenburgh castle. Let's start with the girls team." Said Lord Sugar.
"Well I put myself forward as PM." Said Rosie.
"I hear Tyrone wasn't happy about this." Said Lord Sugar.
"No, I bloody well wasn't. But as a successful business man, I let wee Rosie take tha reins. She needs tha practise." Tyrone flicked his green mane.
"Very gallant of you." Lord Sugar said sarcastically.
"Thanks." Tyrone obviously thought it was a compliment.
"Who was Sub team leader?" Asked Alan.
"Ooo that was me." Katelyn raised her hand.
"Woop!" Said Seb, blowing a kiss at Katelyn. Everyone turned to look at him and he sunk inwards, blushing.

"We chose the skydiving and the Viking massage." Said Katelyn.
"I'm told there was a bit of a mishap in the helicopter." Lord Sugar chuckled.
"That may have been me." I admitted. "Just a slight issue keeping my breakfast down.
"Slight? By the sounds of it poor Hegarty won't ever recover."
Everyone laughed except Taron who made a love heart with his hands. I stuck a thumbs up in return.

"Right, but you did jump out of plane." Lord Sugar looked at me encouragingly.
"Of course Lord Sugar." I sat up straight.
"Ummm, I think you fell out of that plane." Corrected Tim.
"I might have done." I said to the table. Lord Sugar smirked.

"Now, the boys team." Lord Sugar looked at them expectingly.
"I was the project manager Lord Sugar." Said Seb.
"Right and who was your sub team leader?"
"That was me." Said Orsino.
"Although, I do believe it was Matthew that got most of the sales."
"Well Lord Sugar, some people are just gifted like that." Matthew said confidently.
"Right. And what activities did you choose."
"The kinky karaoke and.......Taron what was the other one?" Seb looked deep in concentration.
"Oh Um............well it was you know........" Taron blushed.
"This clearly went well didn't it." Lord Sugar sighed.
"DODGEBALL." Taron looked triumphant. He and Seb then did a fist bump.
"I wouldn't celebrate." Said Karen, glaring at them.
"Why?" Asked Lord Sugar.
"Well Lord Sugar, they had no customers at Bebenburgh, because everyone they sold tickets to asked for a refund." Karen suppressed a smile.

Next to me Rosie and Katelyn burst into fits of laughter. I joined them.

"Did the girls make a profit?" Asked Lord Sugar.
"Yes, they made a profit of £24.67." Said Tim.
"Well then ladies, and Tyrone. I'm sending you on a luxury fencing course as your reward."
"Than you Lord Sugar." We all said as we left.

The Camera's POV:

I was filming the failures at the losers cafe. I was so glad the DILFS had lost so I could stare at them some more.
"Don't worry T dog, it's not our fault." Seb patted an upset looking Taron on the back.
"Oh and I suppose it's my fault." Snapped Matthew.
"If the boot fits." Snarled Seb.
"Don't you dare quote Toy Story at me sir!" Matthew stood up. Spicy. I hoped they would have a fist fight, I would definitely zoom in on that.
"Let's all just take a chill pill, all we need is love." Said Orsino.
"Shut up!" Called both Matthew and Seb.

In my private interview with Seb, he dished the dirt.
"It's all down to Matthew." He huffed. I zoomed in on his angelic smile. His teeth glistened like a puddle. "He was the one that couldn't sell them tickets."

Then I did a private interview with Matthew.
"Seb is the cause of our downfall. He was the Project manager and he failed to manage."
Yes, I did zoom in on the hand flex ;)

Then it was time to go into the boardroom. It was hotting up. Ooo I love being a camera!
"Right, so you failed this task, miserably. I'm in two minds about just sacking the lot of you." Lord Sugar looked angry. "I'll start with you Seb, as project manager, what the bloody hell were you doing?"
"Well Lord Sugar, I think me and Taron worked really well together. If we'd had the chance then we could could have made an absolute fortune." Seb's eyes twinkled.
"I must beg to differ. Your instructions were poor were they not Orsino?" Matthew barked.
"Um....well yeah I suppose." Orsino blushed.
"You don't look sure." Said Lord Sugar.
"Well we were only selling tickets."
"So it's Matthew's fault?"
"Probably." Orsino squeaked.
"Blasphemy!!" Called Matthew.
"Cut it out man!" Shouted Seb. "You're just so dramatic."
"Me dramatic? At least I didn't look like a diseased squirrel in any of my films."
"You look like you're wearing a squirrel in your latest film!" Shouted Seb.
"Don't mock operation mincemeat. You're just jealous that you'll never work opposite Colin Firth." Matthew was ready for a fight. I focused my lenses on dadd-.......I mean Seb.
"Ok I think I've heard enough." Said Lord Sugar.

"As project manager, you can't forfeit responsibility for this." Lord Sugar sighed.
"Yes and I-" Seb was cut off by Alan.
"I said I didn't want to hear anymore. But Matthew, I can't get over how you tried to bribe people to buy them tickets. You are the reason the task failed." Lord Sugar was staring at Matthew. "So Matthew it is with regret that, you're fired." He pointed at him.
"Thanks for the opportunity Lord Sugar." Matthew sniffed as he got up.

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