True Love is Not True Unless it's True

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Today was my birthday. My first without Taron. Even though we never had a birthday together I could practically feel his presence in the universe. Now he was vanquished.

I sat alone in Uhtred's cafe. Alone was how I liked to be in my depression. I looked across the room at Rosie and Matthew. They were having an animated conversation about the final scene in Pride and Prejudice.
"Why did it end in such a brisk and abrupt manner!" Spat Rosie.
Matthew sighed.
"It's the art of cinema, you just have to go with it." Matthew had a sensual look on his face.
"Perhaps we could re-enact it one day." Matthew winked as he said it.
I watched as Rosie internally died.

At the other side of the room was Katelyn and Sebastian. I could not tell if they were discussing the film or his abs but all the same he had rolled his shirt up and exposed a lot of skin.
"Um...yes very good." Katelyn blushed like a pizza.
"You don't think there too sporty for a western?" He was pointing at his six pack.
"Perfection." Katelyn seemed to be staring into his soul.
"Perhaps I could take you for coffee later." Sebastian had now dropped his t shirt down and leant across the table.
"Um we're drinking coffee now." Katelyn laughed.
Sebastian blushed and rubbed his neck in what seemed to be a seductively shy way.
"Perhaps something else, something a little more atmospheric?" He grabbed Katelyn's hand.
It was then that Katelyn fell off her chair.

"True love is not true unless it's true." The irritatingly familiar Scottish accent croaked from across the table. I rolled my eyes and looked up.
Tyrone sat opposite me in a balaclava. It was green and said I ❤️ Ireland on the front.
"Why are you here?" I sighed.
"I've gotta get a real feel for this wee scallywaggers monstrosity."
"It's not the only reason though is it." I felt like a psychologist.
"How did ya guess, your like a wee wizard."
"Um I'm not sure perhaps you ate quavers last night."
"Sigh, it's obviously that ridiculous attire coupled with the fact he's been dressing like your supposedly dead lover for weeks."
Brandon had crept up behind us. I hated it when he did that.
"How dare ye!" Tyrone sizzled with rage.
"Oh come off it, your so obvious." Brandon had a sharp tone.
"Yeah Tyrone how could you desecrate Taron's memory." I don't know what desecrate means but I had a feeling it meant Tyrone was totally out of order dressing like my entire world.
"It was Richard! He thought it would look nice, he really cares about me ya know." Tyrone had begun to cry and I felt bad. I went over and gave him a high five.
"Thank you for your affection but I don't deserve it. Oh and happy birthday here's your present." Tyrone thrust an envelope at me.
I opened it to find a voucher for two free cups of tea at Tyrone's tasty tea shack.
"Thank you this is wonderful." I didn't mean it, why only two cups.
"Come on then." Brandon flounced off.
"Where's he going."
"Away, let's follow." I couldn't cope with being alone with Tyrone.

And so I went on another adventure. Without Taron.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now