Raindrips be falling on my head.

4 2 14

"I've got a surprise for you carrot." Taron sounded excited.
"What is it?" I asked, trying to pick a bit of fluff off of his jumper.
"I'm taking you to the zoo!"
"Wow! Thanks.......why?"
"I need to do some research on the habitual characteristics of a gorilla for Sing 3." Taron sounded excited. His puppy dog eyes melted my heart. He never got this excited for roles where he actually had to be on camera.
"Will this be like when we went to that pawn shop for your role in cock but we got the spelling mixed up and ended up selling your hat to that sexy man in the black suit?" I asked.
Taron pondered for a minute, as if reminiscing on the memory.
"No, but that was a good day. And the news gets even better."
"Gotcha!" I had yanked the big fluff ball off of Taron's arm.
"Ah! Thanks that was so annoying." Taron smiled gratefully.
"What's your news?"
"Oh yeah, I've got you and the gang a role in Sing 3."
I was in shock. Who was this guardian angle that sat before me? Taron was my absolute saviour. I looked upon his soft check bones and suddenly felt like an animal. A respectful animal. I pounced on him, kissing his face multiple times while screaming:

"It was my pleasure." He smiled as I eventually untangled myself from him.
"So what's my character!" I asked eagerly.
"Yes well, I pulled a few strings with the production and team and you are......Doris the Donkey!!"
I sat for a minute mulling it over. Then I felt a rage of excitement.

We announced our news to the others in Tyrone's tea shack.
"Good lord how marvellous!" Matthew clapped his hands together in excitement. "Finally a stimulating role I can really get my teeth into."
"What about Railed by the Cowboy?" Asked Katelyn, raising her eyebrow at Matthew.
"I was such a side character." Matthew seemed upset. "Sebastian was allowed to whip out his....his um.....you know what.....all the time whilst I had ugly sideburns and one sex scene." Matthew was red in the face. Katelyn went to reply but he carried on. "What is wrong with having a slightly past his prime man doing a bit of the old hoicky poicky. Hollywood has wronged me!" Matthew stamped his foot.
"You had a cool horse though." Observed Katelyn.

"Anyway, better tell you all your characters." Taron was very excited, I encouragingly handed him a custard cream.
"Rosie, you are Barbara, Buster's sister." He handed her a script.
"Nice, does she get any DILF's?" Rosie looked hopeful.
"It's a kids film." Taron blushed.
"Never mind." Rosie sighed.
"Katelyn, your role is Claire Calloway. She is a tap dancer so do you have any experience?" Taron looked expectant.
"Um.....bestie I think we have our wires crossed. Isn't this an animated film?"
"Yeah, what's the confusion?" Taron looked puzzled. "Anyway, Matthew you are Malcolm the Monkey. Do you think you can do like a posh accent?" Everyone laughed as Taron said this.
"What's the joke?" Matthew turned to Rosie.
"Ah come on wee Matthew, ya like a wee fancy pants Lord from like that big house tha the queen lives in." Tyrone smirked.
"Buckingham Palace?" He said snappily.
"Aye, ya even know what it's called." Tyrone laughed.

"What about me?" Seb looked hopeful.
"Of course." Taron ran over to him. "As my best friend, you have the starring role."
"Thanks man." Seb wiped a tear from his eye.
"Im sorry what?" Matthew looked wounded. "Am I just a side character in our friendship?"
"Oh no no, Matthew you're my best friend in other ways." Said Taron quickly.
"No worries Taron. If young Sebastian is really your favourite then that's fine. Even if he does have about as much personality as a spoon." Matthew scoffed.
"Woah ouch." Seb stood up. "Wanna say that again?"
"You. Are. Boring." Matthew also stood up, he was several centimetres taller than Seb.
"That's enough lads." Taron looked nervous.
"Ahhh let them brawl, it'll be funny." Tyrone smirked.
"I won't fight you Seb." Matthew looked pained.
"Really, that'll make whooping yo ass so much easier." Said Seb, before he smacked Matthew in the face.
"Oi!" Screamed Rosie, just as Katelyn shouted: "Get him bestie!"
Taron took Katelyn's megaphone from the table as Matthew got Seb in a headlock.
"STOP OR NO ONE GETS A ROLE!!" He screamed.

In an instant, Matthew dropped Seb. He then helped him up grudgingly.
"Let's have a constructive conversation about this." Taron said calmly.

We all sat around the table.
"Matthew are you sorry for being mean to Seb?" Asked Taron. Matthew gave a long sigh.
"Yes, terribly sorry my good sir." He mumbled.
"And Seb, are you sorry for hitting Matthew?"
"No why should I-" He stopped speaking when Katelyn kicked him under the table. "Yes Matthew I am very sorry." He sulked.
"Does not change the fact you two have a much stronger bromance." Matthew said.
"No Matthew! Seb may be my fun friend, but your my cool friend." Taron smiled.
"Really." Said Matthew.
"Yeah man, you're a pain in my ass but I love you bro." Seb added.

The three stood up and body slammed into each other before embracing in a group hug. They then did their handshake that involved throwing Taron in the air, he landed in the splits, Seb and Matthew held each leg.

"So what is my role?" Asked Seb excitedly.
"Oh yeah, you're Wiffy the Walrus. You're special trait is dancing with hula hoops." Taron said, dismantling himself from the others.
"Your foot is lodged in my pelvis." Matthew said, with a bright red face.
"That's awesome man! Not the pelvis thing. I'm gonna be a dope walrus. Katelyn, doll they're making me a walrus!" Seb ran over to her.
"In a minute babe, I have paid a whole ticket to read this chapter." She gestured for him to step away.
"I preferred when you read smut." He muttered.

"Aye well, I hope ya have a cracking time!" Tyrone said, though I could see his sadness.
"Aren't you coming?..........Terrance the tiger." Taron smiled.
"Ah laddie ya have made ma day. Ya wee firecrisp!" He picked Taron and whirled him around.
"Is it not a firecracker." Matthew looked puzzled.
"Whatevs." Said Tyrone.

At the zoo we were on a mission. They didn't have any donkeys, but Taron said we could go to Blackpool to have a look.
"Rosie my dear, do you see that fine ape over there?" Matthew observed.
"Aye tha is no way to talk about wee Seb." Tyrone chuckled. Seb through a peanut at him.
"Let's go to the aquatic section to see the Walrus's." Suggested Katelyn.

"Oh my god guys! It's like Harry Potter. Who's gonna talk to the sea snake?" Taron said excitedly.
"Taron man, I think that's an eel." Seb patted him on the shoulder.
"Oh." I'll just go and find them Gorillas." Taron walked off all embarrassed. I went to follow him to see if he wanted a biscuit when I heard a loud crashing sound.

Tyrone had fallen in the alligator enclosure. Lol.

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