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Today was my birthday. I rose early and made my way to the bar. I was too disappointed to put into words when I was told it was not open, but when I got back to my room I remembered I had left a bottle of vodka under my pillow. I sighed with relief.

It was empty.

I woke again later on to find it was light outside. The smell of sausage rolls wafted through the room. I sat up and found Taron was still asleep.

In the bathroom there was a note attached to the mirror. Check the Bath xxxxx
I pulled back the curtain to find a huge heap of wrapped up boxes. They were all the same size apart from one at the top. Naturally, I went for that one first. It was smaller than the others.

Beneath the smooth yet crisp wrapping paper was a box, I opened it to find the most seductive yet classy watch I had ever seen. The strap was orange, the colour of lust, and the hands were a sparkling silver. The clock face was of course a picture of Taron's face. Thank God he had not used a picture of both of us. There was a note left in the box with it. Hope you enjoy my face every time you look at this watch.

I most definitely would.

The other boxes all contained boxes of Yorkshire Tea. He knew me so well. I crawled back into bed to find him still asleep.
"Wakey wakey, lazy." I poked him in the back.
"Ha, I fooled you." Taron sprang out of bed fully clothed holding another present.
"Wow, great acting skills." I simpered.
"Yup, here you are carrot face, your final gift from me." He winked.

I tore the wrapping paper off to find a box containing some roller skates. Yeah, I wasn't a fan of this present. I smiled at him and gave a thumbs up.
"I knew you'd like them!" His face lit up.
"Not as good as the watch thought huh?" He waggled his eyebrows.
"This watch is perfection. And it's my favourite picture of you." We fist bumped.

"Happy birthday lassie." Tyrone handed me a green present.
"Thanks." I smiled. Tyrone had been staying on the sofa at 221b whilst he recovered.
"It's just a wee something, ya have been like a semi grateful niece to me." Tyrone wiped the tears from his eyes. He had been very emotional since the incident with Greg.
"I'm sure he'll come round Uncle Tyrone." Taron patted him on the back.
"Aye I hope, I mean we're not together!" He looked suspicious.
"A little something from us too." Rosie passed me a present. I opened the card from her, Matthew and Mrs Darcy. Vouchers for Greggs fell out.
"Wow! Thanks guys."
"Your welcome." Rosie said.
"Yes the pleasure was all ours." Matthew bowed.
"You can have free Spam for a week." Katelyn smiled.
"Great." I did another thumbs up.
"And this is from me and Sherlock." John passed me a card.
"Sherlock." John looked confused.
"Who's that?"
"Him." John pointed at Brandon who was at the Kitchen table prodding an elbow.
"Oh. Him."

I was rolling down the street. Stupid roller skates, I had spent most of my time flat on my arse.
"Whoa there." I had rode into some strong muscular arms.
"Ah, sorry, I'm not used to these." I tried to step back but ended up falling backwards.
The strong arms caught me again. I looked up to see the face of their owner. He was beautiful. Certified sex on legs in my eyes. This man was like the daddy of all gods.
"Yeah you're not kidding." He chuckled.
"Mollie, nice to meet you." I held out a hand.
"Finan, nice to meet you to." The daddy took my hand. I need to stop calling this man daddy.
"Well I best get home." I skidded uneasily into the road.
"Let me walk you there." He held out his arm to me.
"Oh it's fine."
"Really, no offence but you're a health hazard on those things." Finan smiled.
"Ok." I let him lead me back to the pavement.
"So where we going?"
"Um...just down here I think." I had forgotten where that little hotel was.
"Ok then."

"What's your last name?" I quizzed him.
"The agile." He winked.

Oh no.

Taron and Me Book Twoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें