Damn Son.

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"This is exciting." Tyrone was chomping on celery.
"What." Katelyn flung a coaster at him.
"Well now that we have to go and save wee Seb, we'll have to reform S.P.A.M." Tyrone clapped excitedly.
"What's that." Rosie looked puzzled.
"It's a collective of secret spies." I was glad it wasn't me that was confused for a change.
"And I've just recruited the rest of ya wee hoodlams too." Tyrone was giddy with excitement.
"What does it stand for?"
"Special people achieving magic." Matthew stroked her shoulder with those beefy fingers.
"That's a shit name." Katelyn necked her coffee.
"Shut ya pie hole." Tyrone snapped. "Oh I'm sorry Katelyn that was snippy of me, it's just the stress."
"No I'm sorry Tyrone I'm just in desperate need of a break from all this shit you know."  Someone put a comforting hand on Katelyn's shoulder.

It was Tom Holland.

"He's pretty fit isn't he?" Taron whispered in my ear.
"I suppose so." I was envisioning Finan the Agile and Taron fighting over me. That would be hot.
"Oh hi." Katelyn turned to look at Tom.
"I saw what happened." Tom smiled at her sympathetically. "I was on top of a building so I swung down and followed the van. They're heading for an abandoned baked bean factory."
Katelyn threw her arms around Tom.
"Thanks so much bestie." She blushed and rubbed her neck.
"Aye well, let's head on down." Tyrone shoved a balaclava on his head. It was orange and sparkly.

Taron and Me Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now