Chapter 38

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Jin POV:

"Hey! It's not my fault you snore!"

"Yeah but you didn't have to kick me off the bed!"

"That was an accident! I promise!"

The conversation between Jungkook and Namjoon made me laugh as I listened to them arguing over what happened the previous night. Apparently, Jungkook had woken up when he hit the floor. He insists Namjoon pushed him off, but Namjoon denied it, saying he didn't mean it. I hated to admit that he was right, but it had happened to me on more than one occasion. I loved my wolf mate, but he was not the calmest sleeper. He flopped around like a fish out of water, tangling blankets and knocking pillows on the floor.

It had been almost a week since our three youngest mates had moved in and things couldn't have been better. The first night, Jungkook had asked me to stay with him. He had been intending for us to sleep only, but it had ended up with us making out in the bed, my hand on his cock, my lips on his neck. It had been too long since we had any time together like this and the feeling of being with him again was amazing. Although we were both ready to take that next step, we had held off on it, at least for now.

Every night since then the sleeping arrangements would change. I knew Jimin had ended up in Y/N's bed while Taehyung was with Yoongi. Then it was Hoseok and Yoongi with Y/N, while I spent the night with Namjoon, leaving the three youngest ones together. There was always a mate in someone else's bed, either for cuddles and soft kisses or full blown fucking sessions where you could hear the soft sounds and the scents filled the air. I had been a part of those sessions myself and it made me happier to know that I was bringing that type of pleasure to my mates.

From the looks he would give her, I knew Jungkook was ready to bring his relationship with Y/n to the next level, but he wasn't sure how, wasn't sure if she was ready for him. When he left, he had taken a piece of her heart with him and I was worried that she was still afraid, afraid that he would suddenly change his mind, unexpectedly leave her again. However, if it happened again, I knew she would never recover from it. It would destroy her permanently and no matter how much love we gave her, it would never be enough to fill the gaps left in her heart.

After dinner, we moved into the living room for a movie and I grinned to myself as I watched my three youngest mates good-naturedly shove each other to get to Y/N's side. Jungkook won out and the other two sat on the floor, pouts on their faces. Hoseok moved to sit near Jimin, making the rabbit laugh while Yoongi pulled Taehyung up to sit by him. Jungkook snuggled in close to Y/N's side and the look of bliss on his face as she stroked his hair made my heart flutter in happiness for them both. This was what they both need, what they both wanted.

As the movie played in the background, I watched my mates. Jimin had fallen asleep with his head in Hoseok's lap. Yoongi was also asleep, his head on Taehyung's shoulder, while Namjoon snuggled into my side. Jungkook had his arms wrapped around Y/N's waist, holding her tightly. The sight of my mates relaxing in each other's holds sent a wave of peace crashing over me, a sentiment of love that made me feel so happy to be here with them all, made me feel so lucky that things were finally working out the way they were supposed to.

When the movie ended, Y/N gently nudged Jungkook's shoulder. "Come on Kookie. Go get some sleep."

Jungkook hesitated and I could see he wanted to take the next step with her, to move on with her, but was nervous to ask, nervous of potentially being rejected. "Can... can I sleep with you tonight?"

Y/N's eyes softened at his quiet question and she nodded her head. "Of course."

Standing up, Jungkook reached out a hand and pulled her to her feet. "Okay." Looking behind him, Jungkook caught my eye and I could see he was looking for me to help him, to help him bridge the gap.

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