Chapter 39

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Namjoon POV:

"Joon? Can you take that customer while I finish this one's coffee?" I turned to see Taehyung standing at the coffeepot, cup in hand, pointing to the counter where a woman in a business suit stood.

"Sure." Giving his shoulder a squeeze as I moved past him, I made my way towards the register and greeted the person with a polite smile. "Hello and welcome. What can I get for you today?"

The woman in front of me studied the menu for a moment, her curly dog ears cocked in curiosity. "Oh my goodness. So many yummy looking choices." She looked up at the menu again and sighed in what sounded resigned, as though she wasn't sure if she was ready. "May I please have a vanilla latte and a chocolate chip muffin?"

"Sure. The muffins are really good. Owen, the owner, makes them fresh everyday." The woman grinned at my words and I put in the order then turned to make her coffee, watching as Taehyung passed along the coffee to his customer before turning and giving me a grin, waiting while I took care of my customer.

After she left, Taehyung moved to my side, placing a hand on my shoulder. There was something in his voice that sounded unsure and I had a feeling right away what it was about. "So things seem to be going good, right? With... with all of us?" His smile was hesitant, nervous and I wanted nothing more than to reassure him, comfort him and tell him everything was okay. That we were all going to be okay.

"Yeah Tae. It's going really good." I wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "It's good to finally have everyone together, to all be under the same roof." After the three youngest mates moved in, our lives seemed to suddenly fall into place. The relationship between Y/N and Jimin flourished, along with the one between her and Taehyung. Her bond with Jungkook was repaired and I had never seen them happier. Even the bond with Jimin and Yoongi was getting better. I could still see Yoongi was uneasy sometimes with Jimin, but it was not nearly as bad as it was just a couple of weeks ago. Part of me wondered if they would ever be close like the rest of us. Trying to push the thought aside, I focused on the mate in front of me.

"Joon? Do... do you think that Y/N is happy? I mean, she seems like it, but is... is she really happy that we are all there together? Do you ever think it's too much for her? She is human, the only female and has seven hybrid mates." My heart broke for my nervous mate and I wished there was some way I could soothe his worries, but I knew that it wouldn't completely fade until their bond grew stronger, something that I hoped would happen soon.

Although I hated that he felt insecure, I could also understand why Taehyung was nervous. There were so many instances of humans turning away their hybrid mates, rejecting the bond and pushing them away as though they meant nothing. When you have a human mate this is always a risk, always a chance of it happening. Seeing the hurt in Y/N's eyes when Jungkook left and the sweet smile when they moved in was enough to reassure me that she didn't feel the way others did about their hybrid mates. There were some things I didn't know about my human mate, but I knew enough about her to know that when she says she loves you, she means it. When she hugs you, it's real. And when she holds you in her arms, it feels like heaven on earth.

"Honestly Tae? I had the same worries for a while, the same fear that she would wake up one day, look over at me, at us and decide that this is too much for her, that having so many hybrid mates was too much." Taehyung's eyes turned sad at my words and I shook my head in a hurry. "No. Don't get me wrong. I used to have those worries, but when... when Y/N hugs me and tells me she loves me, all those worries disappear. It's clear she loves us and means it when she says it."

"Joon's right kid." Taehyung and I both turned to see Owen standing behind us. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but Joon's right. I've spent time talking to Y/N and there's not a doubt in my mind that she loves you, all of you. She's genuinely one of the most kindhearted people I have ever met in my life. She's real and you don't get very many people like that anymore."

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