Stay with me

31 4 6

Adam's: POV


December 25th 2018: New York

I found my husband in the bathroom and he was leaning over the toilet. "Are you okay?" I asked worried. He was vomiting and I held off his hair. "I think I've eaten something bad." replied Jack. "Are you sure?" I asked. He washed his face with cold water and took a deep breath. "Yes." he said. "Poor thing." I replied and kissed him.


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Then we went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I wrapped my arms around him and he smiled. "I'm so glad I found you." I said. "Oh Adam, you make me blush." he replied. "You're so cute when you do it." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Papa." replied Noah. "Hello buddy." he said and gave him a hug. "This will be the best Christmas ever." he said. "Yes it will." replied Jack and Noah smiled. "I'm so excited for the party and to meet aunt Emily and uncle Jack." said Max.


"Darling, are you coming?" I called, but got no answer back. I went upstairs and found him on the bedroom floor. "Jack." I said and shook him gently. He didn't answer or move. I picked up my phone and called for an ambulance. The ambulance arrived after a few minutes and they lay him on a stretcher and carried him out. I held his hand on the way to the hospital and tears were rolling down my cheek. "Stay with me." I said.

" I said

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"Papa will be okay, right?" asked Noah. "Yeah." I said. A nurse went up to us and she had a sad look on her face. "Is everything okay? how's Jack?" I asked. "We did everything we could, but it was too late." she said. "No, noooo." I screamed heartbreaking.

-End of the flashback-

R.I.P Jack🌹

I hope you liked the chapter


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