You'll be okay, sweetie

26 4 14

Adam's: POV

The electricity went off and it became dark in the whole house. "I can't see anything." said Oliver. "Here." I replied and handed him a flashlight. "Thanks." he said. "We should go and find the others." I replied and he nodded.

We called our children names. Jack, John, Vanessa and Katherine came. Emily and her kids came too. Kim and Noah came as well.

"Where's Max." asked Oliver. "I have a feeling she's outside." I said. "Let's go." he replied and we ran out. "Look." I said and shone on the snow. "Is that blood?" asked Emily and her face turned pale. "I think it is." said John. A thousand thoughts ran through my head. "Something must've scared her." said Jack. I started to panic. "We have to find her and fast." replied Kim. We looked for her and called her name.


After a while we came to a frozen lake. I saw a small child lying on the ice. I went up to the child and saw that it was Max. I picked her up and she was so cold. I took off my jacket and put it around her. I got blood on my hands. She was bleeding from a wound on her stomach.

"She's not breathing." I said panicked. Kim picked up her phone and called 911. John and Emily tried to stop the blood flow. Max's face turned pale. "Please, don't die in my arms. Please live for me." I said and placed a kiss on her cold forehead. "The ambulance is on its way." I said. "You'll be okay, sweetie." replied Oliver. "We love you so much." I whispered. The ambulance arrived and we followed her to the hospital. It breaks my heart to see my little girl hurt.

 It breaks my heart to see my little girl hurt

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I feel for them so much

I hope you liked the chapter


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