The truth

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Adam's: POV

Me, Max and Noah were in a grocery store to buy food. She played with her teddy bear while I checked the list. Noah texted someone on his phone. "Do you want to eat pancakes or waffles for dessert?" I asked. "Waffles." said both Max and Noah. "Good choice." I replied with a smile on my face. The radio talked about a girl and Noah's face turned pale when he heard her name.

"The body of missing Vera Pevensie was found yesterday. She disappeared without a trace last year after a quarrel with her mother." said the newscaster.

I looked at Noah and he had tears in his eyes. "Noah." I said gently. "She can't be dead, I played with her yesterday." he replied. "I think it was her ghost." I said. "Noooo." he screamed. I hugged him and he cried. "I'm so sorry." I said. "Krampus will have to pay for this." replied Noah coldly.


Noah's: POV

I walked to the cemetery and I was holding a red rose in my hand. I went to Vera's headstone and lay down the rose.

Vera Maria PevensieOctober 31th, 2009December 22th, 2018

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Vera Maria Pevensie
October 31th, 2009
December 22th, 2018

"I'm sorry to hear." said a woman. "She's in a better place now." I replied. "I've a rose too." said Maria. "Thank you." I replied. I lay her rose next to mine.

"I'm sorry for everything that has happened." she said . "It wasn't your fault." I replied. "Krampus is a horrible monster." she said and I nodded my head. "Promise me you'll break the curse that lies over this town." said Maria. "I promise, no more children will fall victim to him." I replied. "Thank you Noah." said Maria.

Noah is ready to destory Krampus once and for all

I hope you liked the chapter


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